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Posts posted by neepheid

  1. 22 hours ago, TheStarsmith said:

    Hi all, quick update.


    I was still interested in the bass and tried to renegotiate the price down using this thread as a basis for it. Unfortunately it seems it wasn't something they were prepared to do and they will be sending my deposit back. I've since found a numbers matching '73 Bass in original case for £1000 less so "every cloud."


    Thanks for everyone's advice.


    I'll be putting my NS-2 up for sale soon. 






    Sounds like the standard response to rationally pointing out that someone has overpriced an item, unfortunately.

  2. On 23/07/2024 at 21:10, paddy109 said:

    Roundwounds, no silk and gold/brass coloured ends?



    You've got little chance with that broad a description - I've just taken a set that resemble that description off a £150 POS bass - you can bet the stock strings were some no-name bulk purchased nonsense.  They could be almost anything.  Sorry.

    • Thanks 1
  3. 2 minutes ago, Stub Mandrel said:


    Having been bullied myself, I understand, but we all have to be careful first reactions don't just pass on the pain. I sometimes post before I think.


    I appreciate that.  Sometimes a thread on here will take on something of an authoritarian tone - you know, the finger wagging "you're doing it wrong" kind of tone and it really winds me up.  People expressing opinions as fact, pretty standard.  I'll try harder to let it wash over me in future - there probably are more important hills to die on.

    • Like 1
  4. 33 minutes ago, Stub Mandrel said:


    Hang on... he's talking about bands dragging out the end of the night.


    If you're booked for a three hour gig, you probably start earlier and are likely to be playing a venue that has a high turnover of punters. That's a different animal.


    Perhaps you might want to think about why you took his comment as a personal slight, rather than just someone else's experience.


    I was bullied at school, and despite coming along in leaps and bounds in the intervening years, there will always be times where I read something and take it that way.


    Is that explanation sufficient for you?

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, eude said:

    Here's a couple of AC Guitars Salace SC E Types...




    That Alan's a clever bugger - look, they fit together perfectly! :D


    • Like 3
    • Haha 2
  6. 1 minute ago, lemmywinks said:

    Hipshot Supertone 3 point and Babicz FCH-3 are the drop in 3 point replacements. I think the Hipshot comes with screws for Epi and Gibson threads.


    The original 3 point bridges aint great, never been "spaff £150+ to upgrade them" bad for me though. Definitely a market there for some AliExpress £60 clones.


    Appreciated (and I'm with you on the 3 point bridge not bothersome enough to spend that kind of money on a replacement), but this is not about the 3 point bridge though.  This is about repurposing a Hipshot 2 point replacement as a replacement for the two part bridge on an Epiphone VP T-bird.

  7. I don't really have one.  I like trying different things.  I've got a few "keepers" - as in the ones I would prioritise in a house fire...


    G&L L-1000

    Yamaha BB1200

    Epiphone Jack Casady Signature (20th Anniversary)


    But I'll keep trying things that look interesting to me, as and when I see them.

    • Like 3
  8. It's not meant to be a drop in replacement for an Epi anything - it's a direct replacement for the Gibson 2 point bridge thus:




    I have seen it used on Epiphones, but it takes work to make it work properly.


    The holes in the base of the bridge are recessed because on some models, the threaded inserts sit proud of the surface of the bass.

    When fitted correctly, the bridge should be sitting flush on the deck, so tail lift shouldn't be possible.

  9. 3 minutes ago, T-Bay said:

    If it works for you mate, keep going and it obviously is. I am in awe of a three hour set myself, I was always knackered after a couple of hours but our lead guitarist/ singer has gone pro and is regularly doing 2-3 hour acoustic solo sets now. Amazes me how he does it.


    It's all I've ever known!  Seeing as I seem to be in the minority here, I can't deny I'm a little jealous of the extra free time and earlier finishes that some of you enjoy!

  10. 1 minute ago, T-Bay said:

    Tim likes to have a definite break down of black and white numbers/ things that work for him and keep him happy and many of us confused. Don’t stress it, took me a while to work it out. I don’t think he means offence by it.


    I merely quoted Tim because he made an assumption about what I do and I was correcting that.  The rest of it was general exasperation at the finger wagging and "you're doing it wrong" tone that was starting to develop, not at Tim specifically.

  11. 21 minutes ago, TimR said:


    I think most of these posters are talking about pub gigs. 


    45-60 mins a set. 2 sets. 


    If you're doing a function 3 hours is usual. 2x45 + 60. With 15min breaks. 


    If you're playing well, you need a break or your singers voice will be shot. 



    I am playing in pubs.  Will everyone please stop projecting their own experiences onto everyone like there's an effing rule book about this or something?

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  12. 6 minutes ago, gjones said:

    I used to be in a band where the front man was addicted to the love he got from an audience. He'd make the band go on for ever until the crowd got sick of us.


    I say, Keep em wanting more. Anything more than a one and a half hour set, or two 45 min sets, is indulgence on behalf of the band.


    Anything more than that and both the band and the audience start to get weary.


    I take exception to that.  Don't tar everyone with the same brush because you had a bad experience.  We play for 3 hours with a break because that's what we've been booked to do.  I find it pretty annoying for you to sit there and call it indulgence when it's bloody hard work, not only in the execution but also the preparation and thought put into set lists which flow and create momentum.  And if the audience is getting weary, then we're not doing our jobs correctly.  I'll have you know that we have people up on their feet at the very end of most of our shows.


    Your experience is your own, and you're entitled to your opinion, but don't go calling out other bands, especially since your criticism does not apply universally.  That's not cool.  Don't do that.

    • Like 2
  13. Last night Nine Lives played for the first time at The Tolbooth in Ellon.  It was an interesting setup in the conservatory needing some creative ways of getting electricity to the left hand side of the "stage" (ie. area of floor we occupy).  Nevertheless, we got set up and got going and after a bit of level tweaking had a great night.  Decent crowd, had some dancers up for a fair few songs - held them there for three with Shut Up And Dance -> Bad Moon Rising -> then an impromptu set list change to Waterloo.  Was pleased with the band doing that on the fly, especially as it wasn't me making the suggestion.


    We heard afterwards from the staff that even the shy folk up at the bar were singing along and enjoying it too - couldn't really see them as we were downstairs a bit.  Got some great feedback, most importantly from the lady who paid us, so hopefully this will lead to repeat bookings at this venue.  Very happy with how it went.


    Gear used - my G4M rat bass followed by the Sire D5 into the usual Markbass modular shenanigans.



    • Like 12
  14. 1 hour ago, Rich said:

    Thank you for the lecture and for pointing out my minor failings, when I have a spare moment (believe it or not, this isn't actually my day job) I'll go through and "moderate it impartially".

    Oh, and cheers for the suggestion that it's deliberate inequality rather than genuine error. Much appreciated.

    However, you've missed one important point regarding the deleting of posts:



    Just effin lock this thread already.  What a burlap sack full of bile it is.  I think I said something about picking scabs.

    • Like 2
  15. 4 minutes ago, Munurmunuh said:

    This thread encouraged to go and investigate the song. Oh dear. But I think I would like to hear it sung by a woman who had changed all the words, replacing the original meaning with a PJ Harvey- / Justine Frischmann-like contempt for inadequate masculinity.


    I'd be on board with this, in the interests of fairness if nothing else.

    • Like 1
  16. 8 minutes ago, casapete said:

    Blimey, respect for doing 2x90s then.  That’s a lot of playing and songs to get through.


    If I go to see a ‘name’ band gig, I’d probably be well chuffed if they did more than say

    1x90 min set plus encores, maybe 2 hrs if you’re lucky. Just hope they’re paying you

    well up there! 


    TBF we do take a break of 10-15 mins.  We usually make the first half slightly shorter than the second as a result, so it's more like 75-80mins then 90.


    Of course, this is cover band land.  With the originals band we're typically on a three band bill and play a single 45.  On the rare occasions we get to spread it out (like last Saturday when the support act bailed) we do something like 2x45.

  17. 6 minutes ago, casapete said:

    I think this topic has surfaced before not long ago, but anyway -


    Pub bands round here generally do 2x45 to 2x60 min sets. My old theatre band

    used to do 2x55/60 min sets with a 20 minute interval. We found this an optimum

    playing time, especially for older folk who’d had a couple of beers before 

    the show ( and the audience too!). I think doing 3 hours even with a break half way

    is usually too much for band and audience, unless you’re someone like Springsteen

    with a massive back catalogue and adoring fans who expect it. 
    Personally I prefer to do one long set, say 90 / 100 mins - it’s easier to develop a

    strong set with variety and pace that keeps the crowd more involved & engaged. 
    (The old saying ‘leave ‘em wanting more’ is very true IMO.)

    Also saves them wandering off after the bingo / meat raffle / happy hour etc…..😆


    That's nice, but in general we do what the venue asks us (and indeed pays us) to do.  Up our way, that's 3 hours.  The night often ends up being a game of two halves and we (well, I) talior the set accordingly - somewhat lighter stuff in the first half, getting heavier in the second.

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