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Everything posted by kyboo

  1. I just measured it on my bass and it is about 37.75" on A string.
  2. I can't press it either. When googling I found out that this problem has been with this model for a long time. A piece of rubber should do.
  3. This rather strange bass [url="http://www.kamilgreben.sk/nastroje_logicboardone.htm"]http://www.kamilgreb...gicboardone.htm[/url] can be seen in action here [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zcxQGw_Btk[/media] and here [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wA2NgwBsvLc[/media] I happen to be Slovakian and know where to get great pint of beer for less then a pound
  4. I am not sure what are differences among Spector models. I can only compare Spector NS 4H2 to Yamaha BB604 or Dean Vendetta. It has the chunkiest neck of them and feels hard and heavy. It dives and takes time to find your own way how to hang the bass, at least the bolt-on series dives from what I read on forums. However, once you get used to it or start liking it you realise they have their own character. Well, for that money they had better
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  6. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  7. Spoombung, amazing music. Have you got a CD I could buy?
  8. I just noticed that connected Wahoo to a PC shows how much filters open in realtime. That is really useful for setting sensitivity and understanding how filters work at first place.
  9. Thanks guys, that put me in the picture. [quote name='Len_derby' timestamp='1354364361' post='1885193'] If you decide to buy your own two big things need to be considered; storage and transport. For example, if you live in a small flat up a flight of steps and you don't have a car things can get a bit tedious. [/quote] Thanks, I didn't think about it and it is actually a valid point. I lived in 5 places in less then 3 years here in London, ranging from a really small ones to 'could have been worse'. Learning at home is not an issue as I use a multi-effect connected to active speakers. It works and sounds well.
  10. Apologies for rather silly question. I am learning to play bass mostly for fun and relax. I am not really serious about it at the moment. However, I am a bit tempted to try playing with someone else and I wonder 'how does it usually go'. I did google and understand big/small venues and amp power but I am curious what was your case, when did you get your first amp/cabinet.
  11. Bought a pedal, it was wrapped in a few layers. I almost swore just to get through to the pedal
  12. If you are like me, not reading manuals and wondering why is that damn thing noisy and distorts change pickups setting to active.
  13. Likewise. Just couldn't resist for the fact it has tube, AUX, EQ and DI. The rest is icing on the cake
  14. kyboo

    Software Effects

    I use aforementioned Studio Devil with cabinets from http://www.redwirez.com/ in Reaper DAW to learn playing a bass. Sound-wise it's quite good, though any reported latency over 6ms is noticeable. If latency is really a problem, you can try to use A/D which goes to the PC bus rather then connected through USB. It takes a bit of trial and error until you find what works for you though.
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  16. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  17. Gosh, how could I have missed this. Great package!
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