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Everything posted by Bilbo

  1. Darryl Jones' bass part for the tune 'Protocol' from the 1986 John Scofield album, 'Still Warm'. The part is only two bars long and repeats throughout. Easy win! Protocol – John Scofield – Bilbo's Bass Bites (bilbosbassbites.co.uk)
  2. Yes - this one was transcribed solely for the purpose of putting something on the website that began with X. Geddy Lee's bass part for the tune 'Xanadu' from the 1977 Rush album, 'A Farewell To Kings'. Note: the recording plays slightly sharp - legend has it that the tubular bells that the band used on the track were out of tune so the band tunes sharp to compensate. Whatever the truth of it, it is challenging little read and will test your concentration. https://bilbosbassbites.co.uk/xanadu-rush/
  3. Can anyone point me in the right direction for the above? Or confirm whether 'ordinary' sets will work on an acoustic bass guitar (for the record, I have used the same electric bass guitar strings sincs 1986. Acoustic strings are a new area for me).
  4. Long Time Coming - Tim Ainslie and the Vibes
  5. The website just clocked 50.000 hits.
  6. From the 1984 John Scofield album, 'Electric OUtlet', this is Sco's bass part to the tune 'Filibuster'. It is essentially only two bars long and moves about with the chords, changes keys and then changes back. There is a section where he doubles the guitar part and others where he pedals the part for a bit longer that normal but, otherwise, once you have the first two bars down, it's pretty simple from there on https://bilbosbassbites.co.uk/filibuster-john-scofield/
  7. Another Dave Holland solo, this one from the 2001 album, 'Bill Frissel w. Elvin Jones and Dave Holland'. The tune is 'Moon River'. https://bilbosbassbites.co.uk/moon-river-bill-frissel-with-elvin-jones-and-dave-holland/
  8. OMG! What is he doing! A GUITAR transcription on BASSCHAT!! THis is a head chart for the Philip Catherine tune 'Homecomings' from the 1977 acoustic duo album 'Twin House' which features Catherine alongside Larry Coryell. I have said elsewhere on here that I am working on my treble clef/guitar reading and this felt like something that I could put down. There are additional challenges with gutiar parts, where notes ring on in chordal arpeggios and this requires a different approach. I also struggle to stay in course when writing in treble clef as I keep reverting to bass so by Ds turn into Bs and my Gs to Es. Dont worry, though. There are no plans to start a Bilbo's Guitar Bites website. Homecomings – Larry Coryell & Philip Catherine – Bilbo's Bass Bites (bilbosbassbites.co.uk)
  9. One of my own - the bass part for the old Jazz standard 'Witchcraft'. I recorded this the first year after I got the double bass (on loan from the legendary Jake Newman) and I transcribed it as a basic, quarternote walking line with almost no rhythmic inflections outside of the solo - just doom, doom, doom, doom,,, and off into the sunset. https://bilbosbassbites.co.uk/witchcraft-simon-brown-trio/
  10. It's guilty pleasures, isn't it 😃 I loves me a Bossa, I do.
  11. From the 2010 Godsticks allbum, 'Sprial Vendetta', this is the Bryan Beller bass part for the tune.'Norman'. SOme great opportunities to screw around in 7:4. Monster bass part throughout. https://bilbosbassbites.co.uk/norman-godsticks/
  12. There is a bluesy Rock guitar sound I have always loved and, in my mind, it comes out of Clem Clempson. It never sounds 'good enough' to me if it doesn't sound like that. There are other great sounds, Holdsworth, Metheny, Scofield etc that come to mind but the CC sound is home for me and the one I try to get when recording myself. I dislike strummy guitar players, electric strumming particularly. Seems juvenile to me. Like the player hasn't got to grips with the instrument yet.
  13. I got to do a cover track with Prog band Also Eden - their bass player couldn't record virtually during the lock down so I got the call. It has just been posted on Facebook so I guess I can put it on here. I am thrilled with it. This is Also Eden's version of Peter Gabriel 's song' Here Comes The Flood' https://www.dropbox.com/s/xvsqwy7vcgh7w0d/Also Eden - Here Comes The Flood.mp3?dl=0
  14. Goldie McKee man & his Rhythm Boys exploding bass - YouTube
  15. Swing so hard the bass explodes. Mar23,twenty14 #socialmusictour - YouTube
  16. Thanks, Chris. It never occurred to me to see whether you or anyone else had done this. I will look yours over when I get a chance. I am amazed at how rarely we 'double up'. Many thanks for the link.
  17. I am not entirely convinced of the accuracy of this one so would welcome any feedback. Jaco's bass part of the live version of 'The Dry Cleaner From Des Moines' from the 1980 Joni Mitchell album 'Shadows and Light'. https://bilbosbassbites.co.uk/the-dry-cleaner-from-des-moines-joni-mitchell/
  18. The discussions are fun but unresolvable. I love Al DiMeola, Ralph Towner, John Abercrombie, Pat Metheny, John Scofield, Stephanie Jones, some of the new guys are monsters. Are they the best? I don't think there is such a thing. Who speaks to you? That's the only question.
  19. Glad it is of use to you, wrinklers. 😊
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