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Everything posted by Grangur

  1. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1376434724' post='2174074'] if you were going to try and age a bass you think you would realise that the wood isn't going to discolour that much... if it's on the inside of a neck pocket! [/quote] I think the pic you're referring to is not showing the pocket, but the bottom of the neck.. but I may be wrong.
  2. 2 things struck me as odd before he placed the order. 1 - If the reduction in the price because of the condition was in the 100s of $. Why didn't he correct it if it was as easy as "buffing it up"? 2 - No returns. I like to think I'd have smelled it before paying. But the heart can play tricks on a player who's in love.
  3. I only hope it [b][i]was[/i][/b] his plan, not one pushed on him by the bank and the economy. Good luck to him
  4. Does it crackle without anything plugged in? Not even a lead? I'd investigate the input socket if you can do so without invalidating the warranty. Talk to Krueger and see what they say. Just one small reason why buying from a local store is a good idea. A local store values your trade more, so will do more to help you.
  5. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1375954827' post='2167774'] ...The Vox Amplug is another option, not the greatest in sound quality but has the advantage of running off a single AA battery and plugging straight into your bass, so you can rehearse anywhere in the house or garden without having to worry about cables. [size=4][/quote][/size][size=3] +1[/size] [size=4]I've got a Vox: amPlug Bass. It has an aux in socket and 2 output levels.[/size]
  6. I bought a Zoom B3 from Steve. Very honest in his description, good unit, in good condition. He takes care of his gear. He's honest and all round a good guy. Many thanks, Steve Cheers Rich
  7. I for one am already careful about where I buy a Fender. There's SO many bitsa basses out there now sold a Fender where all that's genuinely Fender is the neck, or worse still, nothing at all except the spelling of the name on the headstock. I got caught out on a bitsa fake. I sold it as a fake and the guy who bought it complained the headstock faking wasn't done well. His view was a bass IS what's on the headstock. If it says Fender it IS a Fender. I cannot get to see that view myself.
  8. [quote name='dlloyd' timestamp='1375798445' post='2165758'] If anyone wanted to know what checking was, here's a good example of heavy checking: [/quote] That looks like it was made before electricity was invented.
  9. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1375789692' post='2165564'] Slightly off-topic... So what's worse: Fake ageing on a new instrument, or a refinish on one that is old and worn to make it look new again? [/quote] When I was a kid my Dad always nagged me to polish my shoes and my Mum nagged me not to drag them as I walked. Nobody taught me to scuff the toes and scrape round the heels just in case I might catch on a kerb etc. So from the cradle, relic-ing my gear isn't what I was brought up to do. I can understand Jaco having a relic instrument, he played well and well and he looked a mess. So we can imagine him playing that bass morning, noon and night. I play crap. So me having a relic bass would look like I got it at a boot sale and I don't give a sh1t. That's just not me.
  10. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1375788019' post='2165528'] You should sell yourself to the venue or promoter in such a way that accentuates the things that will make your band attractive to them while playing down those things that might put them off. If the venues you are approaching don't want blues bands then simply don't mention the blues word. Since you mainly play classic rock it will hardly come as a surprise to either the audience or the venue if you are also playing a handful of blues numbers as well. If your guitarist continues to sell your band in a way that is preventing you from getting gigs maybe it's time to get someone with a bit more marketing savvy to approach the venues. Alternatively you could always send another member of the band back to the venue a week or so later this time describing your band just as "Classic Rock" and ask for a gig. [/quote] +1 When selling yourself to a venue, or in selling anything I would suggest you should avoid committimg to a pigeon hole until you have the facts about his needs. So your first stage is to ask questions and deflect the genre question with a question; "we have a wide repetoir. We've been playing for x years. What sort of band are you looking for? " Don't assume that because they play rock all week that they dont want a funk/jazz/blues/RnR night.
  11. It's imperative to stick your little finger out like that. Not doing so can cause untold spinal damage later in life. If you have problems with this I can, however, provide counselling and therapy services for a mere £125.00. Inc vat.
  12. Hey Simon, here's another vid with some ideas. I'm pleased I got to rescue the Fender Jazz from you before you went off the rails. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=o0i-Yz4Cm4A
  13. Hi Kemper, 51's a great age to start. All the best players start at 51. Funnily enough I [size=4]got started at that same age. [/size] [size=4](Damn I wish I'd started earlier!)[/size] [size=4]Enjoy BC[/size]
  14. LOL Yes, but it bumped your listing. So Shut up too
  15. Hey! I've been looking out for % string one too!
  16. OMG, you'll be at it all month with a sander if you're stripping back to the wood. Otherwise you'd do well with a heat gun or blow lamp. Where are you located? Maybe another BC member near you has one.
  17. I'm sure you've already heard the words "the value of your bass is the amount someone is prepared to pay for it". It's a fact, but when you're in your situation you want to know what price to pitch it at. Selling anything is all in the description and in the perceived value in the eye of your customer. How good can you make this bass look? If you recon it's going to sell for rock-bottom money no matter what you say to make it look good to the buyer, then consider putting the old pups back if you still have them and sell the Duncans separately.
  18. OK, this isn't something weird for you to buy. It's a link to a site that helps you find gear close to your location, so you can get bargains where folk wont ship, for example. [url="http://www.moneysavingexpert.com/shopping/local-ebay-deals/"]http://www.moneysavingexpert.com/shopping/local-ebay-deals/[/url] Enjoy Cheers Rich
  19. I don't think the guy really knows what it is or what to do to fix it up. If you get it, be prepared for having to actually replace the pots. If they really could be sorted with a "WD40" spray he'd have done it. That said, use switch-cleaner not WD-40, but you know that already. I've got a 100W Bass Cube. It's a bit "bright" for my liking, but it does the job and it's solid.
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  21. [quote name='shizznit' timestamp='1375446561' post='2161491'] Wow! Thanks for the info Tom! Not sure if you we're intending to fish for respect or simply wanting to set the record straight, but from one working pro to another, you need a website! Nice to meet you Tom [size=4][/quote] +1[/size] [size=4]Welcome Tom. Its good to have you here.[/size] {[i]Tannoy annoncement: Will the duty bass player come to the checkout, Someone wants to talk about bass[/i]!}
  22. It's got to be almost unplayable. Your arms would catch on all the jagged parts. Take a look at his other items. i like this one [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/BIG-BUTT-00-4-BASS-/121140744563?pt=Gitarren&hash=item1c348d1173"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/BIG-BUTT-00-4-BASS-/121140744563?pt=Gitarren&hash=item1c348d1173[/url]
  23. I can't say I know a lot about big amps/speakers etc, but I got some distortion on my combo at home. I solved it by getting into the speaker cone and gently cleaning all round the cone with a vacuum cleaner. Distortion can be caused by anything that stops the cone from sliding in and out from between the magnets - like dust etc. Besides, if all you've really done with your speakers of late is not out of the ordinary - no damp, physical damage, significant blasting at high volume, etc. What, other than dirt can have caused the damage?
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  25. [quote name='Lord Sausage' timestamp='1375300968' post='2159561'] Sound, i will be buying Fender pots. What about the wire that goes thru the body to the bridge, can that be the same type as what you wire up the pots with? [/quote] Yes. I tend to use a stranded cable rather than a single core, as the stranded cables are more flexible. Other than that it doesn't matter too much.
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