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Everything posted by robocorpse

  1. I had one of these years ago, it was a great guitar for the money, and 200 quid with the upgraded p/up is a steal.
  2. Hey! If "an aggressive crossover of Lizzy, AC/DC and Motorhead" floats your boat (and why not!), then come down and support a Basschatters band. Hope to see some of you there for a night of old school 80s British ROCK/NWOBHM, with Rogue Male, then the Metalworks band, then a Rock/Metal clubnight til the early hours! Print off the flyer below for 5.00 entry (and hand it in at the till so we get brownie points ) We're on at around 8pm, so please get there early. [url="http://tinyurl.com/26oyqpk"]Event page on Myspace[/url] [url="http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=113494958694305"]Event page on Facebook[/url] [url="http://www.myspace.com/roguemale1981"]Rogue Male Myspace page[/url]
  3. I used to use Dunlop nylon .73 for everything (guitar and bass, all styles) but I got hold of a LOAD of cheap 1mm normal type, and I am loving the bass attack, although I break about 4 per rehearsal/gig (which is why I used nylons in the first place) so until I run out of the cheapies, I am using those, but I'll probably try nylon 1mms now my thumb is getting used to the extra punishment that the hard picks give. I absolutely mash my picks (my angle of attack is about 30 degrees sideways) so I have to blow loads of pretty coloured dust off my bass after every session
  4. Hi all Great amp, great deal, great packing and fast despatch despite courier hiccup. I would have no hesitation in dealing with him again. Cheers! Pete Korpse
  5. Bump. Anyone? will trade for a nice wide leather strap, or a couple of sets of nickel 40-100s
  6. Every metal straplock I have owned (Schaller, Warwick, unbranded) has self destructed or come undone. I use either Grolsch washers, or those twisty Dunlop plastic ones, both are brilliant, Dunlop are slightly better on something like the Status where the strap button is on an odd angle. Grolsch are best on the Thunderbird, where the Dunlops won't fit behind the neck joint. Cheap and cheerful, and no moving parts to go wrong.
  7. Tim Smith from Cardiacs. Real, true, solid gold genius.
  8. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='813681' date='Apr 21 2010, 12:47 PM'][/quote] Gorgeous! That is pure sex, despite me not being a fan of white basses (or Precisions come to think of it!)
  9. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  10. I've had loads of bites but nothing firm yet. I am very reluctant to take offers on 950, but if its cash and no mucking about, then PM me something sensible.
  11. [quote name='chris_b' post='811594' date='Apr 19 2010, 05:42 PM']You should only be winding your strings around 3 times max anyway, so what are you going to pack into the 40 secs you save?[/quote] String changing under pressure during a 3 minute song when the guitarist wants his prize axe back makes 40 seconds saved a very important thing, and helps stop you getting fired.
  12. I used to have one that had a 6mm shaft on it so you could attach it to a drill. Extremely useful for quick string changes on the fly in between songs when I was tech-ing. Bass ones are just as useful as guitar ones, but a lot harder to find.
  13. [quote name='bassmachine2112' post='809780' date='Apr 17 2010, 07:44 PM']I got an epiphone fitted case for it for £69.99 .The guy in the shop said they don,t fit those cases so I insisted we try it out and would ya believe it it fitted like a glove with a few inches to spare at head end. It is a huge wardrobe of a case and awkward to fit in car for gigs but does it,s job.[/quote] Interesting, I was told the older Epi cases made for the bolt ons don't fit the Pros. They definitely don't fit the Tokais.
  14. Well, at the end of the day, I could continue to use my Marshall bass cabs for the metal looks (2x15 and 4x12 bass cabs) but I fancied 10s as I find the Marshall 2x15 a bit flabby, and I borrowed an 8x10 recently that sounded 100x better, so a pair of 4x10s seemed like an obvious, flexible answer that would handle any size venue by using 1 for smaller gigs and 2 for bigger stages to take advantage of the 4 ohms. I could just have one 4 ohm 4x10, but that would look crap against the 4 Marshall 4x12s my guitarists have (we believe in old school "wall of death" Metal backline) but I suppose if I had enough brute volume coming from one 4 ohm 4x10, I wouldn't be averse to cheating and using a dummy cab as well just for looks. If we ever hit it big enough to play sizeable venues and afford proper crew, then I'm buying/hiring SVT8x10s. I am not averse to trying the Barefaced cabs though, when I have the dosh ready, I will try some out. What cabs would you recommend for ACDC/Motorhead style Hard Rock with a Thunderbird?
  15. I find the more I play bass, the better I am at guitar when I jump back (been playing both equally long). Its like playing a couple of frames of snooker before a pool match, really sharpens you up and feels a lot easier on the smaller instrument.
  16. Shame their Thunderbird cases don't fit the Thunderbird pro. Gotta source a 3rd party case, which has put me off a bit.
  17. 6x10 a nice idea, but I want to do this as 2x 4x10s, so I need 8 ohm cabs.
  18. Heavy duty ABS gun case, perfect size to fit any Steinberger type headless/bodyless bass. It will take the mini V (XP) type as well, but not the bodied XM or Q series. It is used, and there is a small (repairable) crack in the base side. Foam is uncut, ready for you to chop any way you like. 20 quid plus postage. [attachment=47576:PICTA_5979.jpg] [attachment=47577:PICTA_5980.jpg] [attachment=47578:PICTA_5983.jpg]
  19. Have I missed something, or do Ampeg only do the HLF style wedgeback cabs with the recessed castors and full width grab handles in 4 ohm? All their 8 ohm cabs seem to be standard boxes with the more breakable bottom mounted castors. I only ask because my amps only go down to 4 ohm, and I want the flexibility of being able to gig with one or two cabs depending on venue (using one head so I get the full power output), so they'd have to be 8 ohms, otherwise I'd just go and buy a single 4 ohm 4x10, which would look crap against the pair of double Marshall stacks the guitarists are using. Not metal enough, haha!. I haven't got the medical insurance/roadie required for an 8x10, but I really like the HLF angled castor arrangement..
  20. [quote name='Bloodaxe' post='808432' date='Apr 16 2010, 02:14 PM']That's my local branch (Lewisham)! Dunno where they hide this stuff, all I ever see in there is tat. Pete.[/quote] Thats my local too. I thought it was common knowledge that all the "cream" that goes in there is scooped off by the staff, then goes onto the ebay pile, THEN it goes into the shop if it doesnt meet reserve. Thats why you always see the rubbish go straight onto the shop floor. They have a very tasty Yamaha BB in the window at the moment, but its 399. I have lucked out a couple of times (Epiphone custom shop dragon pearl Les Paul for 99 quid, sold it on ebay for 450, and a very tasty "unbranded valve amplifier" for 29.99 that was a McIntosh with the badge fallen off!!!) but usually they are very clued up, and they keep the nice stuff for themselves. Ebay/internet has killed Cash Converters as well as the normal small second hand shops, everythings percieved market value is a click away from the dumkopfs who think they are sitting on a mint.
  21. Hehe, know the feeling, the good old chain of sale events.
  22. [quote name='Delberthot' post='807284' date='Apr 15 2010, 04:10 PM']you really should but this one [/quote] Why this one in particular? PM already sent though.
  23. WD40 kills pots, and attracts 100x more dust than standard contact cleaner lubes. Avoid unless its an emergency, then use sparingly if you must.
  24. Lucky bugger, Ive been after a used SVT3 for a couple of months now and nothing has shown up.
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