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Everything posted by MythSte

  1. hey there, Still going? Are you traveling up north anytime soon?
  2. I know this is going to be pretty vague, and i apologise if its an unanswerable question! But id guess with the Piezo you could get a really REALLY punchy sound? or am i just being steriotypical? I could do with something that just has nothing but punch as im playing a lot of drum and bass. Thanks! Ste
  3. Fully understand what a lot of you are saying. and thanks for your input so far! What i didnt make clear though, is that we do have a band van. But it would just be a bonus if i had the option to move my amp around on my own should i need too.
  4. Well actually! now you come to mention it, we did get a 2x15 PA cab in the back of our guitarists corsa once. But im sure it was shallower and not as wide. and some rather interesting angles where required.
  5. Im coming up to my 17th, and with luck, i should be driving soon. And thus comes my first issue. I have an NC810. I have a budget of about 800 quid. insurance is a BIG issue. ill be working weekends due to college, so about 120 quid a month absaloute tops. and yeah! So far, i think a Ford Escort Estate would do the trick. but ideally id like something a touch smaller. What have you managed to squeeze a big amp into?! thanks guys! Ste
  6. He's just up the road from me. Well, aboyut half an hour bus ride, im interested!
  7. more progress! Argh, its hurting now!
  8. ee eck, If this is stil here in about two weeks can i have first dibs?! This would be my perfect introduction to 5 strings!
  9. i might install a light in my 810 just for kicks actually. Think it would look quite cool in a ported cab like mine. haha.
  10. if they do end up going to the tip, ill pay for postage. i plan to sort a project bass next year and these would do fine. I dont mean to be cheeky but i couldnt justify paying for them at the moment, but id hate to see them thrown away!
  11. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='47035' date='Aug 17 2007, 11:06 PM']Not being funny - and I've said before the you can slap in a precision - but why?[/quote] Sorry, i dont think i understand what your getting at? If you mean why would anyone want to slap on a precision then i see your point of view, but i think its an essential part of a bass really. and even if you dont use it very often its nice to know you have the option too. again, for that kind of money.
  12. [quote name='mhuk' post='46962' date='Aug 17 2007, 07:21 PM']Was it un-slappable because it was old or because the action was too low?[/quote] The action wasnt too bad, but it just wouldnt work? I dont know, i could slap the A easy enough, but popping and the E required real concentration and power.
  13. ill higher that, ill take it with whatever you want to let it go with! Free!
  14. nono, im aware of the period not being the cream of the crop, but those prices? and cold and dead eh? i have a plan... hehe, beauts! the lot of em!
  15. i know what your saying man! But you gotta remember, people are happily shelling out 3 times as much for these things! I Really do see the appeal, but its worth thinking twice.
  16. Well, I walked into a small time local music shop. And on the wall he had hanging up a really nicely mojo'd 77 Presicion, so naturally i and him got speaking. The 77 was up at a grand. and next to it was a CAR mexiacan precision (i know, i thought these were all japanese too, but the headstock deffinatly said mexican) So, i pulled down the '77 and started to tinkle around. The first thing i noticed was that this thing was bloody heavy! but also, this thing was a nightmare to play! I mean, i know setups are essential, but you would have thought that it would have had at least one setup in its 40 year life! It was completly un-slappable, and any chord i tried to play just came out with a sound that my ears plain didnt like. The bassist/owner agreed. Then i pulled the Mexi down and started plonking, and the first thing i noticed was how bright the tone knob would let this go compared to the '77. (both had new roto rounds on) alas, i thought i was in for a twangy time, but on pulling the tone knob down it got just as deep and thumpy as the '77. Whats going on?! Chordal pieces chimed out, and slap pinged just how i like it. whats going on?! The only thing the 77' had in its favour was the fact that the neck was slightly faster (i think the edges on it were a bit rounder, although i didnt check, thats just from memory) so which would i have? Well, the '77 of course, it was sunburst and worn away in places. That makes a good bass, right?
  17. 16 years old, and completly going where the music takes me. im playing music that requires throwing yourself around on stage a bit, whilst throwing shapes with some dock off riffage. But when it comes to it, when the groove takes shape, im a pocket dweller who plays far to many octave fills.
  18. [quote name='overwater#1' post='45418' date='Aug 14 2007, 07:07 PM']Where at man? I need to get a job, but too late now for hols, and im out Tuesday till Friday between 6pm and 1am, and Saturday all day.. Earning a little bit from that. Starting to do more and more pit work in the shows now though, not bad pay once I get a few.[/quote] just a nice little cafe in st annes. Im on four quid an hour so its not exactly magic. But it keeps me bass stuff rolling! I got in well before my GCSE's for a job, And then just dazzled them with wit and charm. aha. Couple of guys my age are actually starting to do tele sales i couldnt even imagine!
  19. The opening bid dosnt mean much these days! except perhaps a real need for it to go. ill bet itll go up.
  20. im currently working 6 days a week 10 till half 5 or seven weather depending - to fuel my next gas attack!
  21. yaehh, He's been great so far, Sending me loads of pictures of mockups etc to see what would work best. totally sound guy. As for the upside down strat input idea, Im forever forgetting to loop my lead through my strap with concequences! So this way its near impossible for me not too! Im aware it wont have the same tension if it where the other way, but i think itll do the job just fine. Cant wait to get my mits on her!
  22. Excited much! looking good eh?
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