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Everything posted by MythSte

  1. i got my first custom yesterday! Wonderful wonderful feeling.
  2. are you entertaining trades dear sir?
  3. [quote name='simon1964' post='70720' date='Oct 7 2007, 06:16 PM']That's what my wife keeps telling me........[/quote] you bought her before you raised her? tough break man...
  4. that serves me right dosnt it! spend so long taking arty farty pictures with "but what are the basschatters going to think?!" running through my head i go and forget to take a bog standard front and back one! i have a rediculously sloppy wooten-esque version of aeroplane with various configs i'll host somewhere (any ideas?) Thanks for all the comments and bits so far, im totally chuffed
  5. [quote name='simon1964' post='70135' date='Oct 5 2007, 08:15 PM']I'm not sure I really want to part with this, but I need to raise funds for a Stingray which I've just bought.[/quote] Lolz, Raise funds first sir, then buy!
  6. and one of the headstock i couldnt fit on!
  7. So i drove (or was driven by mummy! she deserves the credit!) to Nottingham to meet Bob and pickup my summers worth of earnings! First things first, anyone whos contemplating a bass from Bob, You can be sure he'll do everything you need and more. Been a totally wonderful chap to work with , and although my visit was short, the kettle was on, and his cat was keeping my girlfriend company! (lets be honest, what kind of girl wants to sit watching whilst to blokes talk about what gauge strings they use...) Also, There was a surprise on the bass when i got there, As many of you know the band (Myth of Unity) are doing pretty well at the moment, And he's named this bass "Mule of Unity" - brought a smile to my face! Anyway, you've waited long enough, here are the pics (apolgies - im no photographer!) So! how does she sound?! Well, Luckily enough i was at the studio last night so i got chance to put her through my NC810. And boy does she sing! The humbucker, Originally out of a Modulous Flea bass sounds exactly how a big fat humbucker should, totally noiseless, Does that musicman punch very VERY well. The wenge neck really brings out the mids however, which i think evens it up across the scale compared to your standard MM. The J is so growly, very akin to a warwickin fact. again, very middy, but not at all harsh. Interesting bits and bobs, -Bridge. Ive never actually seena bridge like this before! Very interesting design indeed, i personally would have it just for the looks! -Reverse "strat" style socket. This is actually to keep my lead out of the way (believe it or not) i can loop it through my strap and still have enough tension to stop it coming out, but not be worried about it getting in the way. -Nut. Made of wenge! Personally i think it looks fantastic, And one would think it makes a fair contribution to the tone, However i am a touch skeptical weather it will stand the test of time. Overall i couldnt be happier with this bass. Shes a beat to play, fast as you like. Total props to Bob, and id be surprised if he couldnt double his prices judging by the work done on this.
  8. im taking some pictures as we speak
  9. im off to pick her up in ten minutes! ARHGGHGGG! lots of juicy pics when she gets back!
  10. the Corts going on Tuesday; Trade my ibanez? or make me a sensible offer? Would be fair interested in a P bass of sorts, go on [size=5][b]try me[/b][/size] =)
  11. Its obviously because they want to move production to vietnam.... :ph34r:
  12. im quite a fan of the old slapping business now (although thats not to say i'm any good!) I find different basses react differently to various amounts of aggression, For example my EDA905 takes some real heavy hitting before i get i real nice tone from it, but my Cort requires the lightest touch. so thats something else to consider
  13. For deep thump i'd go with the aguilar Im not too clued up here, so if i have things completly the wrong way round or something feel free to correct me someone! but i believe the Aguilar naturally lacks low end, But to my ears at volume the low mids MORE than cover that audible region and you get more punch and less mud. And when i heard someone playing a P through one, phwoar.
  14. tbh i thought it was a pretty reasonable price, and if i was in the market for something like this id have had it. anyway, each to there own eh?
  15. [quote name='bassmandan' post='67064' date='Sep 28 2007, 07:24 PM']alright alright!.... but I just couldn't resist. Sorry everybody, 'twas mean, I concede..... I'm not really [i]that[/i] old, and I'm certainly not grumpy, but I have this very week been accused of being a "self-important douchenozzle" on another forum; so maybe I should think a little more before I type, er..... and not post drunk! in all sincerity: welcome aboard Emmanuel, I hope your time here is a happy one! - Dan[/quote] Haha! Douchenozzle! Is that not like showerhead in french? i have to call someone that at work tomorrow. genious! And yeah, welcome to the original guy
  16. MythSte


    just listening to your myspace man! love it! I may well come to DV8, thats the old mill innit?
  17. Had some interest in the Cort but nothing in concrete yet, Come on, you've never heard a bass bark like this ibanez, i promise!
  18. ive never had a battery die on me yet and both my basses are active, i just change them sort of every 6 months or so/when i remember,purely for peace of mind.
  19. Ooo, ill do this tonight when i get back from the studio, ive recently written a riff for one of our new songs that i simply love!
  20. seeing as you like the ibanez, yould you like to trade my EDA905 and some cash your way?
  21. Pick her up on the 6th i believe! Canny wait!
  22. I've got a couple of Vonnegut Books i'd be only to pleased for everyone to read! Breakfast of champions (Only read once you've read other vonnegut!) Slaughterhouse 5 Cats cradle Sirens of Titan yeah, let me know =)
  23. [quote name='BassManKev' post='64809' date='Sep 24 2007, 02:46 PM'] iv no idea of whether the price is accurate or not, im jus lookin at my bank statement![/quote] lol! Alas! Its been a long day thus far! Shes well worth it, Like i said, not the easiest bass to play, but un put-down able once you hear the things that 'bucker can do with the piezo.
  24. thats what i paid for it not long ago, do you think im being unfair? Pm me
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