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Posts posted by LiamPodmore

  1. [quote name='Chrismanbass' timestamp='1362351004' post='1998902']
    Thats Phil Simmonds he went to Tech Music School

    however i would say that he's the exception rather than the rule for us that study bass at uni
    from what i understand phil got that gig by being a phenomenal player and networking relentlessly
    the whole time he was at uni

    one thing i would say is that studying bass at somewhere like ICMP is not tantamount to a career in music,
    you will encounter many people who are there for entirely the wrong reasons and in some situations saying that
    you have studied at these places will actually hinder you getting gigs

    On the other hand studying bass is an incredible experience you will learn so much and become a much better player
    for it i'm in my final year of a music degree (not at ICMP but a competing school) and i don't regret a second of it

    of course i'm not trying to put you off just sharing some of my experience as a student in london

    if you'd like to chat sometime about it liam your more than welcome to PM me

    I understand all of this from looking at it these past few months. Phil is an exceptional player, he has to be to land a gig that good. Hard work is essential to really make what is a fairly specific course worth it and get what everyone hopes to achieve out of it. Even if a career in music is impossible for me, the experience and the gains to my musical abilities will be more than worth it, and will be put to good use either way. Thanks for the PM offer, I'll probably make use of that, and likewise, if there's anything else you think I should know, I'm more than happy to listen to someone with experience of what I want to do.


  2. [quote name='stoker' timestamp='1362350567' post='1998890']
    I'll let you know how it works when I try it. Although, noob question I know, not sure if I should take the batteries out or not when I use it.

    I do with all of mine. Make sure you keep the battery in your gig bag though, just in case you ever need it. There's about 5 floating around my various cases and bags.


  3. I'm planning on heading to ICMP to study bass next year, with a friend who's doing songwriting. Whether it will lead to anything, who knows, but if it doesn't, I'm fairly well qualified in IT for my age so I have other less interesting avenues. I know there's a guy on here who went to uni doing bass and plays for Jessie J at the moment.


  4. Most stuff can be adapted to be done by a 3 piece with not that much effort. Some guys i know managed to do Walk by Foo Fighters (3 guitar parts at least) with a single guitar. It's easy to fill out that empty space where they rhythm guitar would normally be with a tonal tweak or two as well, but i'm guessing you'll already know that one.


  5. [quote name='Lord Sausage' timestamp='1361547819' post='1987374']
    I wanna do a crazy musical 3 guitar jazz fusion/heavy Rock experimental thing. But can't find a drummer in the leigh/wigan, gtr manchester area!

    There's never any good musicians around Wigan/Leigh/Bolton that aren't already in bands and don't want to be in another one, which is why i'm only doing acoustic stuff at the moment.


  6. [quote name='BigBeatNut' timestamp='1361821019' post='1991521']
    Have you got the Pure Octave already and if so how do you find it ? I pretty much ruled it out for my tiny board, because of the warbley demos I heard (plus more reports of same).

    I haven't yet, but i plan on getting one to give it a go. Though i'm not entirely sure whether it's even worth getting an octave at all yet.


  7. Mini poll/vote thingy

    1: Line6 Relay G50 - TC E Polytune Mini - Tech 21 VT Bass - Mooer Pure Octave, all on a Pedaltrain Nano


    2: Line6 Relay G50 - TC E Polytune Mini - Tech 21 VT Bass with a Mooer Pure Octave in the effects loop, all on a Pedaltrain Mini

    It's mainly a debate of do i need 6 presets or not, and where else could i use that extra £100+ that i'd save by not getting the deluxe.


  8. [quote name='Acebassmusic' timestamp='1361788567' post='1990676']
    As others have said, a good set up can change an OK bass into a good bass - both playability and sound. No point in fighting your bass, you might as well make learning etc as easy as possible. Heres a link for instructions on how to do a set up.....


    Theres no marketing gumph associated with this download so you dont recieve lots of mails afterwards. I've always done my own set-ups for years and I found the book well worth every penny it didnt cost :)

    If you're ever near Aberdeen I might be able to help.

    I use this as well. It's been a massive help to me. Haven't purchased the book but i use an online PDF version (Which i've just remembered is saved in the bookmarks on my old PC that's now died, best dig it out).


  9. When A Little Bit Outlaw come back together again in summer, i'll have that as well as being the lead guitarist for my friends acoustic stuff (Who's actually supported my main band) and on bass when she finally gets a full band together for it. In my eyes, the more gigging i can do, the better, as i'm always feeling best when i'm onstage.


  10. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1361287901' post='1983951']
    I like that number, but Never Get His Turn is my favourite :)

    It bored the hell out of me until i added that section. Never Get His Turn is one of our favourites as well, especially after we completely re-wrote it and added some uhh... interesting features (A big dubstep style breakdown which allows me to use excessive amounts of fuzz combined with an envelope filter and a wah). Always goes down a treat live.


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