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Everything posted by spacecowboy

  1. Thanks for that! Yeah I've never played it "classical" style but sitting on a knee in "normal' position it's fine and I'm doing the same on my new build currently, I love that it's clean and tidy round the back!
  2. Great work! My next job is fretting my new build too! Very neat fret ends! Need to get myself a tang nipper, actually I'll go do that now! Looking very nice!
  3. This seems to be where I left it, so almost done, but I'm all about my new build currently, hopefully can share soon! Got the fingerboard gluing to the neck now!
  4. Thank you mate. The new build is coming along really nicely, don't want to jinx it just yet, but the body is almost all done and I'll be looking to cut and shape the neck this week, so depending on how well that comes out I'll get something posted up
  5. Hey! No not on this bass... I am however working on a new bass design and new build, it has no diary just yet, but I will post something at some point, I just didn't want to put energy in a diary that ended up like this one i'm very bad for changing my mind all the time, this one might be finished at a later date, but the new build is going very nicely so far! fingers crossed!
  6. Yeah I used magnets in my last build and they work brilliantly, I just really fancied using some brass screws on this one I'm rarely ever back in to the cavity to fiddle so the time it takes to unscrew the 3 screws isn't so bad
  7. Oh I also got a new router... turns out my little palm router I was using was absolute JUNK, even with it's larger plunge base attachment. I bought a Bosch router during an amazon sale and it is a million times better, so all the routing on the body has gone without a single problem! Maybe I don't hate routers after all!
  8. So a decent amount of time has passed since my last update, let's blame, work, life and Covid! So while I kinda liked the build up to a point I didn't like it enough to not just ditch it and start again... I know, It's just me, it's how I am, If I'm not happy I start again. So I had this timber, luckily quite a bit of it was off cuts or pieces I had around so it wasn't an expensive restart. I absolutely love the figuring on this Wenge block I had, but I want this bass to be more understated than that, so I used the more straight grain. A lot simpler in it's appearance. I got the wood for the neck planed up and checked the fit, it's my fave looking lamination of Wenge and Ovangkol. Originally in this photo I have used Ovangkol as the sandwich between the two wenge wings, this was then removed and I replaced it with Swamp Ash. This piece of Purpleheart I machined for the pickup cover was absolutely lovely, but again far too flashy for this build so it was benched for another build at a later time. I placed these inlays to indicate the centre of the pickups underneath, i'll do this on the final pickup cover I make too. So this is the bass with the swamp ash sandwich, and you can see on this picture the pickup cover is WAY OTT! This is also the hardware I have pulled together for the build, I got some lovely old brass Schaller tuners and I managed to get a period matching Schaller bridge and Schaller strap locks! I have gold knobs that'll sit on an old very cool EMG BTC circuit with EMG J5 pickups. I will be using brass fret wire and using brass for the fret markers. I will also be using string trees due to no angle on the headstock. Just don't look at the floor Testing the hardware on the body, really love the look of the gold / brass hardware. Brass frets and inlays installed on the fingerboard, might not do top dots... might do them too... I know I should get a brass nut however the Warwick one (which is pretty much the only nut I really like) is too much money right now so this black one will do, I'm planning two string trees, think the B string is going to rip the top string tree out though... might need to test that. I'm taking some inspiration from Ritter on the placement of the jack on this bass and it will be mounted to the back of the control plate. Spot the 10 bolt holes too! Got some lovely brass inserts for the brass screws that'll hold the neck in place. It's almost done from a building point of view, just the new pickup cover to machine and then final sanding and finishing, will be using Tung Oil and Wax again as the wenge loves that! This is the block I'm using for the pickup cover, I had two pieces of Wenge i profiled down and glued them up, will just route the insides out of this and then it'll need profiling and then sanding! Cheers everyone.
  9. I've never looked twice at a Status before... but this one is absolutely lovely!
  10. That's really really nicely done! Great work!! 👌
  11. Awesome work Haz, sounds great, big and fat!
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