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Posts posted by joeystrange

  1. Our next show is now a festival at the beginning of August. I won’t be at all surprised if that gets cancelled.

    Next one after that is the beginning of September, same again with that one.

    In fact, I won’t be surprised if all of our shows for the rest of the year get cancelled.

    When we do get back to gigging I expect attendances to be down for a while as I can see a lot of people still not being comfortable with large gatherings.

    • Like 1
  2. 12 hours ago, krispn said:

    No the studio version. You’ve taken a shine to your new sound because it’s new and different. It’ll become the norm/mediocre in a week or two. The joy of ampeg tone on albums is that it always has that vibe but always mixed for the respective  albums. The Bronx, Jimmy Eat World, Hole etc etc all have that ampeg sound but it fits in with what they do when mixed to do so. 

    I agree, the tone on Celebrity Skin is immense! However I never paid it any attention until I saw Captain Marvel at the cinema. Hearing that song through the cinema surround sound during the end credits was something else!

    I’ve loved this tone since I first saw this video years ago.

    JMJ using a Yamaha BB424 and Aguilar rig (I think).

    • Like 2
  3. My dad was in a band and I’d always loved music. At 14 I decided I wanted to pick up an instrument. I wanted to play drums but my dad said I just wanted to do it to hide behind the drum kit (I was a shy kid) so to prove him wrong I decided I would play bass instead.

    Why bass? All of the guitarists I knew were pricks and I didn’t want to be a prick.

    So my dad borrowed (and later bought) a bass from the guitarist in his band and borrowed an old Peavey guitar amp from his apprentice.

    Here I am almost 20 years on.

    • Haha 1
  4. 8 hours ago, ambient said:

    What would happen if next week you come down with it, followed a week later by one of your band mates, who then gives it to an elderly relative?

    We rehearse at our drummer’s house. He lives with his mum, who is elderly. We won’t be rehearsing for a good while.

  5. Two shows at the end of the month were both postponed yesterday. Nothing now until the middle of May so hoping it will have calmed down by then and we can go ahead as planned.

    For me it’s a mild inconvenience but I know a lot of musicians who depend on touring for their main income. It’s them that I feel for. And the venues that may well not survive.

    • Like 1
  6. After seeing @TheRev’s post on the 2019 gigs thread about playing a decommissioned nuclear power plant I was wondering, where was the strangest place you played in 2019?

    Mine would have to be Z-Bau in Nuremberg. Nothing especially strange about the actual venue until we found out that in its original guise it was the barracks of the SS training facility, right next to the Nuremberg rally grounds.

    Wondering just what might have gone on in those bedrooms made sleeping there a bit difficult.

  7. I’ve always had high action, mostly due to being heavy-handed.

    I’ve tried playing with a lighter touch and with lighter picks but it just feels like I’m not really trying so it doesn’t last for long.

    I’ve also found that, probably for the above reason, I’ve never strived for the perfect setup - action, neck relief, pickup height etc. As long as there’s no fret buzz when I’m playing then that’s fine with me.

    • Like 4
  8. I’ve been gassing for a Darkglass Alpha Omega pedal after seeing the bass player from Danko Jones using one recently. Managed to pick one up last weekend so 2020 is currently looking clear.

    Although we all know it won’t stay that way.

  9. 6 hours ago, casapete said:

    Beat me to it! Love this tune, with a healthy load of Steve Van Zandt  & E Street Band input too.

    I never paid it much attention until the wife was watching Home Alone 2 a few years ago. I wasn’t really paying attention until I suddenly looked up and said “That’s Clarence playing sax!”

    I had no idea it was the E Street Band until then.

    • Like 2
  10. 1. Das Bett in Frankfurt, Germany opening for Electric 6 last month. Great venue, great crowd and my favourite show of the tour.

    2. Bank Holiday weekend punk festival at the Waterloo in Blackpool. Our new(ish) guitarist was hammered and was just a flipping mess. Starting songs at the wrong time, struggling to set up his gear, a cacophony of random noises that were supposed to be guitar solos.

    3. Danko Jones at Substage in Karlsruhe, Germany. We both had days off from our main tours (ours with Electric 6 and theirs with Volbeat) and ended up playing across the road from each other. They invited us over to hang out before the show then we watched their set abs headed back over the road to play our show.

    They gave our show a plug at the end of their set and a bunch of people came over to see us, which was cool.

    4. I went to see a band do an instore at Rough Trade in Nottingham recently to nine people. That wasn’t why it was bad, I just really don’t like them. My wife loves them, however, and wouldn’t have gone alone so I went with her. I did feel bad for them driving from Glasgow to play to that few people though.

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