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Posts posted by joeystrange

  1. 11 hours ago, CamdenRob said:

    A lot of the specialist music gear policies only appeared to cover my gear whilst I was actually playing it... not when in a back stage room unattended etc.

    I use Allianz, partly for this reason. My gear is covered against theft and accidental damage at home, on stage, in the dressing room and in an unattended vehicle... pretty much anywhere. All worldwide too.

    Like seemingly everyone else I’ve thankfully never had to make a claim so I can’t comment on that. The price is reasonable though.

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, T-Bay said:

    Much as I loved Nirvana’s first two albums and some other early stuff released later on I never once saw Kurt Cobain look like he was really enjoying himself. 

    Well... He was a heroin addict.

    Also, their third album is incredible IMO.

    • Like 1
  3. I watched a bit of Foo Fighters too. One song to be precise.

    I used to love them but I find their 20 minute jams in the middle of every song to be VERY boring.

    IMO they’ve become very self-indulgent and are more concerned with entertaining themselves than entertaining their fans. I don’t have a problem with that. They’ve got to the point in their career where they can do literally anything they want and people will all it up, so why not? It’s just of no interest to me.

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  4. 5 hours ago, Lozz196 said:

    As you`ve said that you`re not keen on chubber-necks, check out the new Player Precisions, much slimmer depth necks on these. I`ve just scored one, bought it primarily as my bass for flying with (so as no damage to expensive, no longer produced range of US ones that I like), but have been so knocked out with how good it is and how comfortable it is to play I`ve given myself a real question by buying this bass. As in, do I just move on my more expensive US ones and buy another Player? Gonna use it for the next month exclusively to make my decision, as gigging/rehearsing rather than using at home is the leader on my basses, that`s how I find out what suits, but whatever conclusion I come to I`d recommend taking a look at this range.

    Assuming that you’re using it on Saturday I’ll keep a close ear on how it sounds.

  5. Summer 2001, I was 14. My dad borrowed a late ‘80s Vox Custom from the guitarist in his band then bought it from him for £100 a few months later when he realised I was serious about wanting to play.

    It was a natural finish, 24-fret through neck thing that weighed roughly the same as a double-decker bus. I eventually sold it here a few years ago.

    The amp I had at the same time was a Peavey guitar amp that my dad borrowed from one of his apprentices. I wasn’t allowed to turn it up past 2 in case anything blew up! After a while I got a real bass amp, a Peavey TNT 115 combo.

    After a year or so of playing I went to see my dad’s band and his bass player let me have a go on his Precision (early ‘70s, sunburst, tort, rosewood... beautiful bass!) and said “Once you play a Precision you’ll never want to play anything else.”

    He was right!

  6. Where’s a good place to buy a knob for a Precision?

    Specifically I’m looking for a flat top, knurled chrome knob to fit a 6mm split shaft. They seem to be hard to track down and the only place I can find that has them in stock is a US site but they’ll charge almost £10 delivery for a £3 part which seems daft.

    Allparts have them on their site but no stock.

    Any info would be appreciated!

  7. I remember Steve Hodson off of Oceansize talking about how he found a “really old, way older than me” (at a guess maybe ‘70s) Gibson Grabber in a skip and was able to buy it for £200.

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  8. Just remember that not one person watching you play cares whether or not you play it exactly like the original and most of them probably can’t even tell the difference.

    There’s s difference between playing it differently and playing it wrong. As long as you’re not playing it wrong (or so different that it drastically changes the song - assuming that isn’t the intention) then it doesn’t really matter.

    To add to that you tend to find that most people will play a song slightly different to the way they recorded it as subtleties evolve over time.

  9. I’m not fussy. Taped to a monitor is preferable, especially if using a thin half A4 sizes set list so that it doesn’t cover the speaker, but anywhere on the floor (near the monitors, in front of amps, off to the side - taped or not) on the drum riser, stuck to a bass bin/FOH speaker/mixing desk/wall/other thing that’s somewhat viewable is also fine.

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