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TheGreek last won the day on April 5

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About TheGreek

  • Birthday 28/12/1962

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    Hatfield, Herts..

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  1. Just started a new course of antidepressants...

    I couldn't function with the previous ones - these supposedly have fewer side effects but the list is far from short...including a deterioration for the first 5 days!! Minimum course is 6 months.

    The thought of this is making me depressed.


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. prowla


      I've been waking up after less sleep of late; I think it's probably down to inaction during lockdown.

      Hope the new pills work!

    3. Soledad


      Hi Mick, just seen this post. Sorry to hear of your troubles - I reckon the general state of the world at this time is getting everyone down to varying degrees. Hope the meds work, but take some small comfort in knowing you're not entirely alone - as Captain Tom says "Tomorrow will be a better day."

    4. Jus Lukin

      Jus Lukin

      It seems to be quite an inexact science, always an element of 'suck it and see' involved. I have noticed improvements in a change of meds, but never felt fully sorted. In fact I need to call the Dr. today- I had to stop therapy because my home situation was so bad for a couple of years that they couldn't tell what was what. The dust hadn't settled on that mess before the world got so weird no-one can tell what's what! Still, one must to do whatever one can.

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