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Gareth Hughes

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Everything posted by Gareth Hughes

  1. Is it just me or are all the links (except the contact and Youtube ones) not working on the Cordes-Lambert site? And +1 for 'how do these bow?'
  2. Hey Mendozza - Thanks for this - looks like a lot of great recordings to check out. And welcome to the site!!
  3. Well folks - now that we have our own for sale section, I thought I'd let you know that I have something up there for sale. Blatant marketing? Yes it is Here's the link: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=122706"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=122706[/url] Cheers, gareth
  4. Hey Folks - Up for sale is my K&K Double Bass Max pickup and Dual Channel Pro St Preamp, plus a few associated goodies. The Double Bass Max is not to be confused with the Double Big Twin by K&K. This Double Bass Max pickup is a custom order from K&K with each pickup able to run independently from each other, or together without any phasing problems. Here's some info from Bob Gollihur's website: [i]The Bass Max is my most popular pickup, and rightfully so. It sounds great, with a full range response and is especially good for situations where you'd need to temporarily mount or switch the pickup between basses (a 30 second job). 
Compared to the Double Big Twin, the Bass Max is very clean, with the string sounds not quite as "defined" -- and that's not a bad thing, but a different one -- it is still crystal clear, just not as 'stringy.' This pickup also has the same warmth, and that is generally unusual for piezos. It also has a smoother arco response than the DBT -- more bridge than string sound, since there is more wood between it and where the strings meet the bridge. Electric bassists could draw the comparison of a bridge pickup as opposed one placed at a midpoint (not the neck position). However, unlike some other pickups, it is not muddy or dark, and produces plenty of highs -- you can get some hand, string, and slapping sounds, too, unless you eq them out.[/i] And here's some info about the preamp: [i]Dual Channel Pro features the same specs as the Dual Channel PRO Preamp, but features a stereo input and specialized dual outputs. As with the standard Dual Channel PRO preamp, you can use the input for two piezo pickups, mics, or magnetic pickups; however, it has a single, stereo (TRS) ¼" input jack. Like the other, it features external volume controls for each channel, along with individual internal treble, midrange, bass, and gain trim controls for each channel for fine-tuning. Another difference is in the unique output jack options: the main output alone delivers the blended signal - but if you also plug into the second ¼" output, it automatically re-routes each input individually to those two individual outputs, so you can send each pickup to separate amps (or board channels).Extremely compact, approx. 4 3/8 x 3 3/8 x 1.5 inches. 

K&K Sound preamps are full-range, and suitable for use with any pickup. Due to their 1 megohm input impedance, they are ideal for piezo-based and magnetic pickups. Yup, I've been known to use my Pure Preamp with my old '71 Fender Precision fretless bass, for that "active" sound without making nasty new holes in that sweet old bass.[/i] Also included in the sale is a power supply made specifically for the preamp. More info: [i]We've had many requests for AC adaptors for the 9 volt battery K&K preamps, and are very happy to announce that K&K Sound has begun producing one. Using an off-the-shelf AC adaptor can be problematic as few have sufficient noise filtering, so you can end up introducing 60hz hum and other noises into the signal.

This new unit delivers 10.5-12 volts, which can enhance the headroom, clarity, and noise levels according to K&K Sound Systems. [/i] And finally -CABLES!! Included is a 15ft TRS cable, a Planet Waves splitter cable (if you wanted to send each pickup to two different sources) and a combiner cable so that you can send two different instruments into the preamp. To buy new cost $393 including shipping plus import duty (the adapater cables are freebies). Converted to Sterling that's £245 plus import duty, bringing it to nearly £300. BUT - I'm selling the lot for £150 plus £10 posted within the UK. Here's the new costs: Pickup $180 Preamp $124 Power Supply $32 TRS Cable $22 (The red tape around the pickup is only there to identify which side of the pickup is which) [attachment=71900:Pickup_3.jpg] [attachment=71901:Preamp.jpg] [attachment=71902:TRS_Cable.jpg] [attachment=71903:Adapter_Cables.jpg]
  5. Bump for a great amp. The Markbass heads are deceptively loud. I moved from an Epifani UL902C - 900W into 4ohms, to a Markbass LMK and was skeptical that it's 500W into 4ohms would work for me. Bizarrely I'm running the Markbass at far lower volume settings than I did the Epifani. For volume comparisons - one band I play with is a seven piece wedding band, with two LOUD horns blasting - and the Markbass NEVER fails to keep up, and that with a long way to go before full, or even half, volume.
  6. +1 for getting a teacher. I'm taking lessons after playing upright for about 12 years and I'm wishing I had taken them 12 years ago. Bad habits can be un-learned tho, so there is hope The powerballs are a mini gyroscope - there is a smaller weighted ball inside the ball you are holding which moves in the opposite direction from the way you move the ball. Ever see those giant contraptions that astronauts use for training, where they spin them around inside a huge circular frame? With the powerball, the more force you use to move it, the stringer the resistance. It's resistance training , basically. I was a little skeptical of them too. A friend of mine bought one for me after listening to my complaints about playing upright. Gave it to me before a gig. Using it for five minutes before doing the gig felt like I had been warming up on the upright for the last half hour. So for me, I was able to hit the ground running and have my hands feel in peak performance. I was a converted skeptic after that. I'm sure they don't exercise the exact muscles we use for upright - they were developed for computer users with RSI - but they exercise enough of the muscles I use to make it a sound investment. Also have a very busy keyboard player friend swear by them too.
  7. Folks - Here's some of my books that I'm selling, with links beside to give more detailed info. All of the books are in near new condition - with little more than a few pages flicked through. All prices include postage. [attachment=71808:6_String.jpg]6 String Bassics - David C Gross [b]£7[/b] [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/6-String-Bassics-Builders-David-Gross/dp/0793583713/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1297370144&sr=8-1"]http://www.amazon.co.uk/6-String-Bassics-B...0144&sr=8-1[/url] [attachment=71809:Bach.jpg]J.S. Bach for Electric Bass - Bob Galloway, PH.D[b] £7[/b] [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/J-S-Bach-Electric-Bass-Instruction/dp/1423499549/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1297370204&sr=1-1"]http://www.amazon.co.uk/J-S-Bach-Electric-...0204&sr=1-1[/url] [attachment=71810:Chuck_2.jpg]The Complete Electric Bass Player Book 2: Playing Concepts & Dexterity - Chuck Rainey [b]£8[/b] [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Complete-Electric-Bass-Player-Dexterity/dp/0825624266/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1297370241&sr=1-1"]http://www.amazon.co.uk/Complete-Electric-...0241&sr=1-1[/url] [attachment=71811:Chuck_4.jpg]The Complete Electric Bass Player Book 4: Slapping Techniques - Chuck Rainey [b]£8[/b] [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Slapping-Techniques-Complete-Electric-Player/dp/0825624282/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1297370280&sr=1-2"]http://www.amazon.co.uk/Slapping-Technique...0280&sr=1-2[/url] [attachment=71812:Effects.jpg]Stompbox - Art Thompson [b]£15[/b] [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Stompbox-History-Guitar-Flangers-Phasers/dp/0879304790/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1297370354&sr=1-2"]http://www.amazon.co.uk/Stompbox-History-G...0354&sr=1-2[/url] [attachment=71813:Elements.jpg]Essential Elements for Double Bass, Vol 1-3 [b]£15 for all three[/b] [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Essential-Technique-Double-Elements-String/dp/0634069322/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1297370404&sr=1-5"]http://www.amazon.co.uk/Essential-Techniqu...0404&sr=1-5[/url] [attachment=71814:Guitar.jpg]The Guitar Handbook - Ralph Denyer[b] £10[/b] [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Guitar-Handbook-Ralph-Denyer/dp/033032750X/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1297370452&sr=1-1"]http://www.amazon.co.uk/Guitar-Handbook-Ra...0452&sr=1-1[/url] [attachment=71815:Hellborg.jpg]Chord Bassics - Jonas Hellborg [b]£3[/b] [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Chord-Bassics-Compact-Reference-Library/dp/0825610583/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1297370480&sr=1-1"]http://www.amazon.co.uk/Chord-Bassics-Comp...0480&sr=1-1[/url] [attachment=71816:Ken_Smith.jpg]The Beat Goes On - Ken Smith [b]£11[/b] [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Music-Minus-One-Bass-Beat/dp/1596156287/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1297370517&sr=1-1-fkmr0"]http://www.amazon.co.uk/Music-Minus-One-Ba...mp;sr=1-1-fkmr0[/url] [attachment=71817:Laird.jpg]Improvising Jazz Bass - Rick Laird[b] £6[/b] [attachment=71818:Mingus.jpg]Mingus - More Than A Play-Along TREBLE CLEF VERSION [b]£15[/b] [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Charles-Mingus-More-Than-a-Play-Along/dp/0634001531/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1297370591&sr=1-2"]http://www.amazon.co.uk/Charles-Mingus-Mor...0591&sr=1-2[/url] [attachment=71819:Ron.jpg]The Ron Carter Collection - Ron Carter [b]£12[/b] [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Ron-Carter-Collection/dp/0793557496/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1297370636&sr=1-1"]http://www.amazon.co.uk/Ron-Carter-Collect...0636&sr=1-1[/url] [attachment=71820:Standards.jpg]Bass Standards - Various [b]£7[/b] [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Bass-Standards-Classic-Jazz-Masters/dp/0634000357/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1297370689&sr=1-1"]http://www.amazon.co.uk/Bass-Standards-Cla...0689&sr=1-1[/url] [attachment=71821:Waits.jpg]Tom Waits - Beautiful Maladies [b]£15[/b] [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Tom-Waits-Beautiful-Maladies/dp/082561581X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1297370717&sr=1-1"]http://www.amazon.co.uk/Tom-Waits-Beautifu...0717&sr=1-1[/url]
  8. Yep - the Powerball is a great tool for getting the blood flowing to all the parts you need. (Steady on lads, I'm talking double bass here ) As Bilbo suggested - keeping your wrist straight, no matter where your hand is on the neck, is very important in delivering the correct pressure from your shoulder right down to your fingertips. I used to hold/position my bass in all sorts of different ways, trying to get comfortable - mostly based on pictures of other players. Then I finally settled on using the straight wrist to determine where my bass should stand. As a result, for me to maintain a straight wrist throughout the length of the neck, I have to position the tuning pegs way behind my head, so that I can't actually see the first few notes I'm fingering. I also find that I lean into the bass a lot more than I used to. One thing to consider is your body size and shape. I used to go crazy trying to emulate stances from folks like Ron Carter or Rufus Reid - and then I realised: Ron Carter is over 6 foot tall, with arms and fingers to match. I'm 5ft 9, with short arms and stubby fingers to match (No Middle Earth jokes) - so there's no wayI'm going to hold my 3/4 size bass comfortably in the same fashion that Ron holds his 3/4 size bass. Food for thought. And remember- IF IT HURTS, STOP!!!!!!!!
  9. Check out Stevie Glasgow's site for more AJ grooves than are humanly possible to digest. [url="http://www.stevieglasgow.com/transcriptions_e.html"]http://www.stevieglasgow.com/transcriptions_e.html[/url] And thanks for posting 'Glamour Profession' gajdosmirci - much appreciated.
  10. You won't be dissappointed - the BassIQ is a good pedal indeed. I'm just gassing for a Proton - I think. Thanks for the link but I still have my Q-Tron - it might well be the oldest bit of kit I have, which is saying a lot for me
  11. Yup - and here's what I said earlier: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?s=&showtopic=115791&view=findpost&p=1067708"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?s=&sho...t&p=1067708[/url] And if I'd known about Tom's shop in Galway before I ordered my bass from Ken Smith I could have saved myself a lot of hassle (not from Ken but at customs).
  12. I have one of these that I don't use: [url="http://www.gollihurmusic.com/product/1412-DOUBLE_BASS_BOW_BY_GLASSER_FIBERGLAS_HORSE_HAIR.html"]http://www.gollihurmusic.com/product/1412-...HORSE_HAIR.html[/url] I wouldn't call it quality tho. PM if you're interested.
  13. They do have a volume boost when engaged - BUT they can be modded to solve that. Bigwan here added a volume control on mine to turn down the output of the effect and it's so the dogs danglies now. So much so that I just sold my EBS BassIQ (even tho it's more versatile and half the size) and I'm debating about whether or not to get a 3 Leaf Audio Proton. Yes, the Mini Q-Tron is fairly limited in what it can do, but what it does it does damn well, IMO. The Micro Q-Tron is The Ramones of envelope filters.
  14. Good luck with this - just found this thread now and really digging everything that's going on. Eagerly awaiting results!!!!
  15. I had a Sansamp Programmable Bass DI but sold it after a while - I could never get comfortable with how it affects the mid's. That's just me tho - I'm not comfortable with programmable stuff and stored settings, etc. It may well be perfect for you. If it's a variation on your clean tone, the Boss GEB-7 pedal is a great solution - it's just simple and easy to get a good, usable sound. For overdrive - I found the CatalinBread SFT amazing for tonal variety. I'm also playing through a Markbass head, an LMK.
  16. Not sure - haven't seen them myself. BUT, FWIW - comparing the bypassed tone on my EBS BassIQ with true bypass, and the bypassed tone on this Octabass - I couldn't hear any difference.
  17. Hey Folks - Moving on my EBS Octabass pedal that I got from Buckethead last year. It's a Black Label, pre-True Bypass model. Here's a link to his post for some good pics: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=95059&hl=ebs+octabass"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...hl=ebs+octabass[/url] Pedal is in same condition, rarely been used since I got it. Looking for £65 posted or trade for a preamp kind of pedal. Cheers, g
  18. Completely agree. I couldn't bear the thought of selling basses that I'd played for years and loved, some that I'd even selected the wood for, a fretted and fretless pair made from the same neck blanks, etc. Each one of those basses I sold I have not missed for a second. Every time sentimentality stops me from moving something on, I remind myself 'What about that bass, and that cab, and that.....' And yes, I think we're genetically horders. Maybe we should all put 'Bass Player' on our medical cards so some plucky young research student can combine autopsy data at a later date?
  19. Tom does great work for sure. I played a £300 Thomann bass that he set up. Put my £3500 bass from Ken Smith to shame. I recorded an album with it and wished I could have held onto it myself. Great having him within a few hours drive. And sure any excuse to go to Galway is a good one Oh - and good luck with the new bass. I can just imagine the GAS brewing.
  20. Would you have any weights for the mahogany bodies?
  21. [quote name='skankdelvar' post='1112318' date='Feb 2 2011, 01:14 PM']O Rly? Sounds like a perfect contributor for one of those BC 'Kill people who hurt animals' threads. Sign him up, Ped [/quote] Yep , same guy. Hey, I didn't say I agreed with everything the guy stands for Actually, after his views on bass and music in general, Mike and I go our separate ways.
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