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Everything posted by DaveB

  1. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='962444' date='Sep 20 2010, 05:27 PM']Ive not heard a good live version of Sweet child, not even when i saw GnR years ago at Donington.[/quote] haha yeah, i saw them at wembley a few years ago (well saw axl rose anyway) and it was awful. Mind you i think they are awful now anyway
  2. [quote name='the_skezz' post='958095' date='Sep 16 2010, 10:25 AM']As Arsenic said, Sweet Child o Mine - well overplayed, but never played well...[/quote] Couldn't have put it better. It's always the guitarist begging to play it. Does my head in out over played it is, there are other good guns and roses songs. It's like hearing Mr Big on the radio, you can bet it's gonna be "to be with you" etc, playing "daddy brother lover little boy" is so much more satisfying live as you don't feel too cheesy (nobody look to the left of this post haha). The big one for guitarists as well is teen spirit. The only version i will let go is my old guitar tutors jazz version which was amazing
  3. I'd go for a peavey rig mate.. That's what I used for ages before I recently upgraded. You should quite easily be able to pick up a head and cab for well under your £400, i've seen loads on here for sale. At least buying separates over a combo you can upgrade the head and cab as and when you can if you want to. Good idea getting your own rig though, i've got to the point of not lending my gear to people who don't bother to bring their own now as it annoys me too much.
  4. I didn't try out the rocker but I can vouch for the standard tube model being very very good. The tube800 was only £50 more than the tube500, so for £700 thought it was a total bargin
  5. I purchased mine from Fretz in Hemel Hempstead. Speak to Barry he'll sort you out a good price. Most internet sites struggled to come near what I got mine for
  6. Try a Markbass tube. I just got the tube800 and am very pleased with the huge range of sounds from it, the tube in the pre amp is adjustable and can become very warm. TC electronics do a very good compressor peddle to add.
  7. Wow that was a pretty epic read. I'm fairly new to this forum, hope it remains this entertaining. I can see the troll in question is currently reading the thread, dude you need to chill out and walk away now rather than make yourself look any more foolish. I've never played an Ampeg so can't really comment on them but having the attitude of look how good my rig and basses are so you must all bow down is so stuck up. I'm picking up my new Markbass 4x10 tomorrow and markbass tube800 head next week. OK it's got one tiny tube in which I like for warmth of sound when I played it. Having to lug my current very heavy peavey rig around twice or more a week i'm looking forward to these modern lightweight cabs. Even if I had a roadie carting it all around for me i'd go on what sounds best to me, be it tube or ss or hybrid. Alot of pro players use ss.
  8. [quote name='tjm' post='942929' date='Sep 2 2010, 02:50 AM']What is the average rate for bass lessons?[/quote] I teach privately and at a music school. At the music school the rate is set at £16.75 per half hour (of which I pay £3.75 back to them in rent), I just charge £16.50 as the 25p is hassle for change. Privately I charge £15 per half hour for change sake. I would by no mean class myself as a world class player, of which I would expect to pay more for. Seems to be the going rate round here. What annoys me more than anything is when I see adverts for guitar teachers etc at £10 an hour. If your good enough to teach, then charge the going rate and don't be a dick under cutting everyone else by such a massive amount. Lessons aren't cheap but I know I wouldn't be half the player I am with out them. I would agree mostly with what you say Doddy but I think you do have to remember there will be two types of players you will have come to you. Those who like us want to learn and study as much as possible, and those who just want to come along and learn their favourite songs. For example one girl I teach loves green day so we tend to just work through her favourite songs etc looking at new techniques as they arise, I do make sure she understands at least the basic theory of what we are learning but she is quite happy coming every week just to do that. Another student I have actually wants to sap every ounce of knowledge from me I can, requests homework etc.
  9. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='942299' date='Sep 1 2010, 04:13 PM']I've seen the guitar teacher thing a lot, where he supplements his income by teaching bass as well.[/quote] I'm a teacher so I wonder how you'll all take my input here. Bass is my instrument, I picked it up a long time before guitar and had lessons off a teacher who taught bass on the side if you will. The basics of bass playing he taught me very well, I only really learned about "proper" bass playing when I reached music college. I have always and do play bass in my band. Now i'm a teacher, it's abit of a sad state. I don't have any bass students any more (had literally one but she had to stop coming due to the distance she was travelling), all my students are guitarists. Kind of a good job I learned guitar as well about 2 or 3 years after bass. In the town I live in there is one guy who just advertises just teaching bass, I simply cannot afford to do this as it is limiting my client base. I would love to just teach bass but there simply isn't the demand for it. I think everyone here has covered points well as to why that may be. I feel people feel abit negative towards player like Flea, why if he is encouraging people to pick the instrument up? Something which really annoys me though is these guitar hero games. I had a kid come to me telling me how good he was at the game etc and wanted to learn real guitar. Unfortunately because we weren't playing slayer or studio, sorry, dragon force by lesson 4 he stopped coming....tosser.
  10. [quote name='Telebass' post='941445' date='Aug 31 2010, 09:34 PM']<anti-jinxing spell>My CMD121H has been fine for 4 years. The LMK/II/III don't have Class D stages, they are SS analogue amps with switched-mode power supplies. I have my suspicions about them with regards to impedance, they don't seem to like any messing on that front. My DI seems to be fine, or not, depending on the soundman...[/quote] I'm picking a brand new tube800 up next week from the shop, it says the amp is digital over the analogue tube500 model so will that avoid said issue?
  11. Thanks for all the suggestions guys. Gonna try and ground the bass better, might try normal strings again. It's only gotta last long enough till I have enough money for a warwick.
  12. Yes thats right, they are now coated DR strings on the bass. The bass has been tried through a few amps and does the same thing.
  13. HI hope you got my PM, I will take this off your hands. Consider sold. Cheers
  14. is this the 8ohm version (cant see pictures, using my mobile to view this)? If so is it possible to hold till end of tomorrow, i just need to make sure i can get the money togeather.
  15. Cheers, i'll phone my dad and ask him as he's a sparky. When i put my finger on one of the pickup poles then another on the bridge the sound goes.
  16. Sorry i didn't describe the buzzing. It's a grounding buzz sound from the pickups
  17. Hey guys and girls. I've got a yamaha rbx375 bass which suddenly one day died and i got no sound from it. I went back into the shop i bought it from and they sent it back to yamaha and it's come back playing again. When i plugged it in the first time to properly play i noticed a loud buzzing over the pickups. I sent it back again and it's just come back into the shop and the guy called to say yamaha have tested it and found it to be my strings (the shop owner was as baffled as me). It came with d'addarios on and when they needed changing i but DR's on, firstly because i have found them to last longer and secondly they were then red strings to match the red bass Is this anything anyones come across before or are yamaha fobbing me off? The guy in the shop has the same bass as mine on the self and tested it said his one is silent and mine is horrifically loud. The only thing is, I can't for the life of me ever recall hearing the sound buzzing when i put the new strings on, they had been on for a good few weeks and have had lots of playing. I only have a peavey amp and cab but i would have noticed.
  18. I'm in a heavy rock/ metal band and am about to upgrade my rig. I wanted something that will do that very well and also be versatile enough for other types of music. I've settled on the Markbass Tube 800 head with 104HF cab. Worth a look, I don't have the same budget as you but it's still an incredibly beefy yet crystal sound. I've had the good fortune to use it live already (borrowed from another band playing) and it was perfect for me.
  19. This has been a great read. After i've got my markbass rig i'm on the hunt for a decent 5 string and have been looking at the Warwick thumb (bolt on, i'm not that rich lol) in a 5 string. I can't understand why the second hand prices are as low as your all saying. Is it just purely because of fashion trends they are cheap? I dont mind saving for a new one as i'm gonna keep it for a long time so depresiation doesn't bother me, is it not worth buying these new now then? Cheers,
  20. Does anyone know how i'd find out what mine is? I have a sennheiser g2 ew100, I bought it new a few years back. I want to sell it because it's been used for about 2 hours in all that time but am i going to have trouble selling it now? sennheiser website seems to be very confusing with the info given. Sorry to thread high jack.
  21. [quote name='farmer61' post='919784' date='Aug 9 2010, 04:30 PM']Welcome onboard, this place will not help your bank balance at all tbh. Try and stay clear from the For Sale section!!![/quote] haha before I even registered i was looking in there. I'm a memeber on www.skylineowners.com as well. Trust me is doesn't get any worse than that, want to spend £6500 there eek
  22. Hey all. Was recommended by Andy from New Device to come sign up on here. Never even knew about the site but it all seems very cool. Bit about myself, I've been playing bass for about 12 years now. I teach Bass and Guitar for a living. Although I play both guitar and bass i'm a bass player at heart and have always played bass in various bands over the years. I'm currently playing bass in a hard rock/ metal band called Arcane [url="http://www.myspace.com/arcanerockband"]http://www.myspace.com/arcanerockband[/url] I'm in the process of putting together a functions band at the moment as well. Gearwise I don't own anything flash or expensive but it's all in the prosess of being upgraded. For those that are interested Basses: Yamaha RBX375 Peavey some rubbish 5 string neck through jobby i was forced to have (long story) 2 x Ibanez basses (Ibanez roadstar II from 80's which is awesome and an edc700) basses i no longer use which are fender squire p bass (first bass which has a special place in my heart), stienberger spirit V, 8 string by some budget company (tuned EBEADGBE) and is too heavy to use and sounds weak Amps: Peavey max450 head Peavey TVX4x10 cab Guitars: Ibanez RG1570 (swirled by herc fede and has lace sensor pickups) Fender Strat (various Seymore Duncan pickups) Ibanez made from various RG parts with maple neck and Lace Alumitone pickups (just waiting on swirl body back from herc fede again lol) Amp: Mesa Boogie F50 I'm about to change my bass amp as the Peavey simply doesnt' cut it for me anymore. Had a good look round and settled on the Markbass Tube800. Was sickening because I almost had enough money and most my students went on holiday so i'm back to square one due to so many bills . Then I'll get the front ported 4x10 matching cab. I've been looking at new basses as well for somepoint and the Fender Jazz and Warwicks look, sound and play really nice. Has to be a 5 string for my band though. Would love a Warwick Infinity NT but can't see that happening anytime soon. Anyhow i'll stop rambling and start reading and, if i can think of anything sensible to add, start posting Cheers, Dave
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