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Everything posted by rmshaw37

  1. [quote name='Ian Savage' post='913121' date='Aug 2 2010, 07:46 PM']You want a dedicated bass one really, otherwise the frequency of the sweep's too far out of the range of your fundamental notes. A guitar wah on distorted bass can sound pretty cool, but for general bass use you want a 'proper' one.[/quote] agreed! however if you do decide you want a guitar wah, you can do worse than the morley wah/volume/distortion, in fact i have one for sale if you wanna PM me! lol just took receipt of the crybaby bass wah and FWIW its spot on - the morley does a mean cliff burton alike though just to add, on a jazz the difference is less noticeable, precision is VERY noticeable
  2. right i'll get on with the making of the first sheet, i'll pm those interested when its knocked up. i have a squire affinity jazz pickguard for shape, will that be the same shape on other jazzes? or would i need to get a template off each?
  3. [quote name='cetera' post='906896' date='Jul 27 2010, 11:49 AM']I've yet to come across anything similar feel-wise to the Punisher. Though looks-wise the Schecter Devil bass is pretty similar but has humbucking pickups.... [url="http://www.drumza.com/images/SchecterDV4DevilBass.jpg"]http://www.drumza.com/images/SchecterDV4DevilBass.jpg[/url] Btw, if you ever want/need to sell your Punisher on... let me know! [/quote] sorry bud, not a chance - fits me perfectly, definately the easiest bass i've ever had to play live plus the emg p is ace! taken the tone control out of mine and moved the jack socket in its place, also upgraded the wiring. went to see kiss on tour and noticed the j pup is pretty much screwed right down out the way! just curious if the spector necks are similar? or what it might be modelled on. amazing collection btw......... the mrs doesn't agree i need to try and rival it! [attachment=55182:cool_rob.jpg]
  4. hi there, i'm a carbon fibre and composites laminator, and so know the best stuff when i see it! my question to you lot is.......... would any of you want a carbon firbe pickguard/ cavity cover/ or what? anything is possible, just the flat bits cut the costs DRAMATICALLY let me know your opinion and also if you want anything knocking up! (bear in mind that REAL carbon doesn't just come in black) just delving into it atm but i'd assume prices would be around £40 for a jazz size and £50 for p style! genuine carbon fibre remember lol cheers all!
  5. gonna have a root through my gear for moving on! this is a cracking idea!
  6. best of luck bud......... this is a terrific sounding cab! my personal favourite - good bit of articulation around 2k get those offers in!
  7. i'm so pleased i've found you! IS there another bass like the punisher - or even similar? i'm in love with mine for all occasions, but obviously it doesnt look the part in all occasions! cheers bud
  8. the reviews are correct! it is amazing i just don't get on with the neck in a live situation!
  9. [quote name='casapete' post='904579' date='Jul 25 2010, 10:41 AM']Hope you dont mind me mentioning that if this is the SVT Classic all valve head for sale, the 'svt3' in the title will be putting off buyers ( who may be thinking its the cheaper SVT3 Pro head.) Cheers.[/quote] agreed, the title needs changing cause i just sold my svt3 for £400 and confused how you would get £750!
  10. bugger, i wish i'd have been included in the kramer auction!
  11. i know EXACTLY what you mean! i have never been able to get anywhere near my tone with ashdown stuff! i live overdrive too (just a touch, to flavour) i use ampeg 15's but i would really like to get down to bass direct to try the 12's its dear stuff there though! note:- when i say dear, i mean quality of course!
  12. rmshaw37


    i have a vintage 4 dude, its awesome - see what you mean about the neck dive, but pretty decent useable sounds for a variety of gigs!
  13. last drop before the ebay starting price £1500 - thats got to tempt a few offers! that is £2k less than the new price!
  14. bugger, this is exactly what i was looking for 2 weeks ago! but have since built similar with the money i was gonna spend on it! have a bump though! ps - any pics of the back, is it jack or speakon input? where/are there any ports?
  15. i'm currently doing a bit of a search! i live in the same town as where newtone strings are, so trying those now (plus they did me a custom spec set - gigged ith them last night and am impressed so far - even going through trace stuff) for my money its ghs boomers till now - yes they do die, but much like the elites comment, they're still much more life in them than a wek old set of rotos never tried d'addarios or DR but they are on my list! also never tried flats, but i'm not convinced i want to go down that road anyway. the only strings i've tried and took off before i heard them were slinkys 40's! the string wasn't where i thought it would be cause all it was doing was flapping around!! so strings really are so much about personal choice!
  16. with the engineers of marshall guitar amps setting up their own company - blackstar,, i REALLY can't wait for their first bass rig! i too am an ampeg man, but if its good enough for lemmy........
  17. [quote name='BigRedX' post='896263' date='Jul 16 2010, 09:11 AM']One of the things I would like to do if I found myself with stupid amounts of disposable income to spend on musical instruments would be to have some of my favourite basses made in 5-string versions. So to start off: I'd like an Ovation Magnum 1, which is identical in every way to the original instrument except that it has 5 strings and a suitably wider neck and slightly modified headstock to accommodate the extra string.[/quote] may have to second that, just mine would be a 5 string gene simmons punisher! not to everyones tastes, but good god i love mine! [quote name='OldGit' post='896404' date='Jul 16 2010, 11:38 AM']I'm very happy with my gear but, dear Genie, may I have an endless supply of decent sized appreciative audiences, please.[/quote] damn good point! its coming slowly though!! lol
  18. hi there! i have an ampeg 410 hlf thats loking battered, and hence can't give it away! i've also been looking to try out a 210 to stick on top of my ampeg 115e to see what it sounds like! this lead me to think, bugger it, i'll build a couple, rob the speakers from the hlf, and i can always stick em back in if needed! anyways i was trying to decide how exactly to build it? almost went out and spent over £200 on the micro 210 svt thingy, looked into it cause i know it doesn't have a horn and i don't like the clickyness that a horn produces (personal preferance). so anyhoo, found out it was a sealed cab like the 810 (which i've always liked but just don't sound as ballsy as my single 15) and set out to make 2 2x10s, as i have 4 spare drivers, and add a port to the second one if required/ needs to be tested. £25 on wood (18mm birch marine ply) £30 on feet and connectors etc and a few hours learning housing joints with a router, and presto, bobs your uncle, fannys your aunt - 2 2x10 boxs! only had enough lining for one though. took about 6 hours all together (not including waiting overnight for glue to dry). tested it out in our little practice room sunday, and gigged it wednesday with one 2x10 and my 115 and something magical happened! i heard myself REALLY well all over the stage AND didn't get told to turn it down! result! now i just need to gig both 2x10s (once i get the lining for the second one) and see how it sounds, then as i know i like the 210 115 combination, i can start looking into possibly porting the second cab! (don't tell the mrs but i'ce always fancied trying a 112 too!!) ooh - and i know its not to do with where my cabs are height wise cause i've gigged the 115 at ear level and not heard myself this well! all in all, for someone who knows NOTHING about cab design and is pretty skint, to having a lovely rig for £20 a cab, i really am chuffed to bits! its not my ideal tone, that would be 2 of the 115s, but i can hear myself live now!
  19. £425 collected with 4 u case now! pics if needed, we all know how good they sound!
  20. [quote name='Doddy' post='896151' date='Jul 16 2010, 12:57 AM']Yes they were. David Nordschow designed the Goliath Cabs for SWR and later started 'Eden' with the intention of bettering what he did for them.[/quote] much the same situation wih marshall and blackstar amps - marshall was taken over by jim marshalls mrs, quality dropped, so off the engineers pop to set up blackstar! make your guitarist try one! lol
  21. for our band to get recognised, then the rest would look after itself
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