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Everything posted by untune

  1. It sounds to me like an artifact that could be caused by dithering. Does it sound like this in the mix BEFORE you exported the mixed down track (as an mp3 I assume)? Also, what settings are you using to transfer from tape to digital? I'd say use 48kHz/24bit at least, to be on the safe side
  2. Thanks for the comments everyone, much appreciated As for the tone, I think it's on the single coil setting for this one, courtesy of a custom pickup and a PIO cap I bought from a fellow basschatter
  3. Hi folks, Almost posted this last night, watched it again and realised how crap it was and chickened out... but where does that get you? So I decided to post it up. This is the first thing I've ever recorded myself playing on video and naturally, something I can play (almost) flawlessly on my own isn't so easy when people are either watching me or I'm aware I'm being recorded... anyways, I did this in one take and noticed lots of glaring mistakes and timing problems on repeated watching back, but that's how you improve I suppose This is Wednesday, the 'Telemaster' bass I built last year, the thread is probably dead and buried somewhere by now! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YA2iAOqmTiQ Comments and crits welcome!
  4. I'm thinking that too, though it's been so long since I looked into the subject I can't remember the specifics of the Gibson spacing - I think it's 55mm at the bridge? There were some quite cheap high mass options on ebay that had narrower spacings that might fit the bill. Yes that's right, Alan Entwistle designed - although I seem to remember hearing these were made in Korea. They don't seem to be available anymore either. It looks to me like they come from the same factory as 'Hutchins' instruments, I seem to remember them doing some strikingly similar models a while ago.
  5. Hi all, Thought I'd see if there was any interest in this again as finances are looking bleak and I'm struggling to find a job. Had some interest in it not too long ago but they never got back to me, so thought I'd put it out there and see if anyone else fancied it. I got this a couple of years back but it's only been out of the case a handful of times. It's a butterscotch Telecaster style body (basswood if I remember correctly), with EB-3 style Entwistle pickups and a neck that's closer to precision than jazz. The inherent problem with it is that the Fender-style high mass bridge has the strings spaced at 19mm or 20mm, whereas the pickups are made to a Gibson spec which uses a narrower spacing. As a result, the A and D alignment is fine, but the E and G (much more at the bridge than the neck) are not directly over the pole pieces resulting in them sounding slightly quieter. To fix this it's a case of either swapping for a Gibson-spec bridge or swapping the pickups. A bridge with adjustable saddles would probably sort the problem - looking at ebay there are also a lot more bridge options with different spacings than when I last checked, making me think perhaps there's a cheap solution there. However, I have neither the desire nor the money to invest in this any more than I have done. I do, however, have a '51 Fender precision pickup that I purchased from the Bass Doc on here and a bridge jazz pickup (untested - came from an 80s luthier-built bass AFAIK) that I was going to sort the problem out with, but tbh I'd rather have it out of my way. I'd be willing to put those with it for a bit extra if anyone wanted to take the surgery on as a project. Needs a set of strings now (or a flatwound G) as the one that was on it snapped a couple of weeks ago when I was swapping it onto another bass to test it with a flatwound. I'm annoyed enough at the fact that those strings cost 25 quid and didn't even get played. I've attached one pic, as I couldn't find the others and don't feel upto taking any more at the moment. Will do more if anyone requests them. Tweed style hardcase, which has never left the room, is included. Looking for about [b]£160 + postage[/b] but I'm aware the likelihood of this selling is beyond slim. Would be willing to trade - want a black jazz or the parts to build one, plus offers of whatever you might have going will be considered - drop me a PM. Cheers
  6. Cheers mate! I've been playing it lots and it's settled quite nicely, though the action is too high further up the neck and I don't like playing with the truss rod... The pickup sounds VEEERY similar to [url="http://www.slinkp.com/bass/samples/mike_watt_engine_room_intro.mp3"]this recording[/url] from Mike Watt's 'Contemplating the Engine Room' played on a 60's Thunderbird II - perhaps not quite EXACTLY the same but with volume on 8, tone on 8 and the humbucker switch on - a stright DI box recording is so close you can barely tell the difference. Furthermore, I've realised that I'd really like a jazz aswell, but I can't afford one
  7. My mate was apparently asked this by two very strange 'fans' after a gig once...
  8. Really chuckled at the screwdrivers rammed through the headstock haha, great little build, nice one! Just goes to show that you can make use of pretty much anything to make something useful! Reminds me I've got some wood (nice wood aswell!) from a year or so ago for building a neck for a cigar box bass, I've still not gotten round to that. Perhaps that's a project to reawaken!
  9. [quote name='henry norton' post='1331749' date='Aug 8 2011, 09:58 AM']Looks brilliant. I've just been reading about Fender Japan's new Pawn Shop guitars, which mixes classic necks and bodies with alternative hardware and one model is a Mustang with Fender wide range humbuckers [url="http://www.fender.com/en-GB/products/pawnshop/models.php?prodNo=0266400"]Here[/url] . It reminds me somewhat of your Telemaster and also reminded me of another chrome bass humbucker should you dare to take a router to your masterpiece again [url="http://cgi.ebay.com/BRAND-NEW-Genuine-Fender-Telecaster-Tele-Bass-Pickup-/200636024332?pt=Guitar_Accessories&hash=item2eb6d6c60c#ht_2234wt_1037"]Fender Wide Range Telebass Humbucker[/url]. In fact, your bass looks so cool I might just have to build one for myself....[/quote] Sorry mate I didn't comment on the rest of the stuff you said! I've seen those Mustangs yeah - they're the only ones I like from that Pawn Shop range! And as for the Telebass humbucker, I've heard they're quite muddy? I'm happy with the tone I've got anyway, it can cover a nice wide range with P-bass style smooth/thickness (something I requested when it was wound) with lots of clarity if you open the tone up. I think this was due to the thickness of wire Allan at Catswhisker used to wind it. The coil tap gives it that thinner, jazz style sound at a slight cost of volume, as you'd expect - but it's nice to have that little bit more variety on a single pickup. Plus of course, when you start to mess with EQ the possibilities open up even more. The tech I showed it to told me flat out he hated the scratchplate which made me laugh (he said it looked like an 'afterthought') but then it's a fairly extreme design! I think I actually spent about a month drawing up designs for a single pickup Jazz and just threw this idea together on the night before I sent the picture off to show the luthier. I decided if I wanted a jazz, or a precision, I can buy a Squier, or find parts on eBay. Considering they're the most common designs avalable I'd have no trouble finding all the bits I'd need - so if I'm going to have a body made from scratch, why not try something outlandish? But yeah if you do your own build let me know My original design was in a taxi cab yellow, I also did a design in a cobalt blue with a pickguard that curved like a telecaster on the left side rather than being pointed like a Jazzmaster/Jag. Keep us posted if you do!
  10. Thankyou very much, kind sirs!
  11. Been trying to figure the bass tone out on this one
  12. Cheers for the comments guys! Got it strung up now, practically finished - apart from the pickup ring which can be done anytime. You can't really tell she's a burn victim unless you look closely Either way I'm still going to do it, but it's nice to be able to play something that six months ago was just something I knocked up in Photoshop. Surprisingly it's nicely balanced with no neckdive or similar issues. Does need a set up, frets buzz above the 12th if the saddles go any lower, so might need a bit of adjustment with the truss rod. Other than that, no buzz or anything, quite impressed with the neck (Mighty Mite Jazz). Pickup is a custom Catswhisker coil tapped humbucker (alnico 5) wired to a switch for series HB and SC. It's got a nice character, deep and thick when rolled off but still with an element of clarity, and when open it's got plenty of top end without being too 'zingy'. Be interesting to hear how it changes as the strings settle in and dull down a bit. Also using a PIO tone cap I got from nick I think? Overall I'm really pleased with how everything turned out despite how long it took! Would just like to say thanks to all the folks on here who have offered help, advice and recommendations
  13. No worries mate - I'm really pleased with mine, Allan is a lovely guy and we emailed back and forth a good few times with the options before we settled on everything. Went through the magnet/wire choices and he suggested the best construction for the sound I described. He got it pretty much bang on!
  14. It might be a bit late but Catswhisker made me a custom humbucker at a great price - well worth checking out at least.
  15. It's been a while! Final furlong now! After the burning incident... speaking to my uncle's mate (luthier) tomorrow, hopefully getting a setup, string tree fitted, and having a word to see if he might have a solution for the pickup ring problem!
  16. @Wazoo - Hehe yeah I know, the pickguard is designed to cutoff a la a telecaster (you can just about see the bottom edge in the photo) @StingrayPete - Never seen that Fablon, sounds like a good idea! Nice cheap temporary solution... It'd let me get the dimensions bob on, then it could just be handed over like you say and used as a template at a later date to have a proper one fabricated... anywhere in particular that carries that stuff or is it an ebay job? Cheers for the suggestion!
  17. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='1321847' date='Jul 30 2011, 11:52 PM']It may... but you're kind of out of options. Who painted it?[/quote] Yeah true... it was painted by the luthier who made the body, up in Carlisle I'm still going to get a chrome surround made eventually, if I can find a way! It'll fit nicely with the control plate and the bridge
  18. Haha yeah, not doing a bad job of making a relic of it before it's even been strung up.... Didn't think of the touch up route, will it matter that it's finished with nitro?
  19. Hi all, Not been around these parts in a while! My project bass (STILL unfinished due to a variety of circumstances) is, I believe, cursed, and tonight the unthinkable happened. Whilst me and my dad were working on it (first time I've managed to get help with it in over a month), soldering an earth wire to the pickup cavity shielding, the soldering iron got a bit too close to the edge of the cavity and toasted the finish. My dad takes the blame for not paying attention but either way it's irrelevant - typically, the finish is (was) white and so although it could of been much worse, it's still noticeable. All may not be lost as I did originally plan to surround the pickup with a chrome ring similar to those you would find on a Thunderbird. However, I never managed to locate anyone who would make these - can anyone help? This bass has been six months in the making and has just been problem after problem, I'm just dying to play it without something else going wrong, and I'm at my wits end now with it. Bearing in mind that being a recent graduate with seemingly zero prospects of a job and rapidly diminishing funds, I'd like to try and get fixed sooner rather than later... Cheers
  20. That would be brilliant mate Cheers, I'll give it a go tomorrow or Sunday it might be looking like, Monday if my other bits don't show up tomorrow!
  21. I just remembered I've got an old bass I've not touched for ages sat in a hardcase in the corner that also has a neckplate/bolt on design. Measured it up and it's the neckplate that's wrong as the screws appear to be identical... I'm currently pondering whether to destring/butcher it and keep that tucked away until I can replace it...
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