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About taunton-hobbit

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    Wurzel country

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  1. Yeah, soz, but it was a quick quote grab ..... 😎
  2. That'll be Sex on Fire & Mustang Sally then ? 😎
  3. Is it just me or are music videos very slow to load on Basschat ATM ? 😎
  4. The mellotron, the B3 can be cut in half for transport (the guys in the shop used to do this), the mellotron ran on vertical tapes, so it had to be moved as one piece. Leslies were cumbersome bits of furniture but just heavy & biggish, not really a problem. 😎
  5. For the uninitiated - I worked part-time in a shop in North Harrow that specialised in things musical (esp organs) - they managed to borrow one from the Beeb (Paris studio?) because they were tied up with Jack Jacksons' sons (he was a big name with the Beeb)- I actually played with thing, and very strange it was - I think the Beeb had theirs converted for sound effects use .............. 😎
  6. How the heck did you gig with a Mellotron ? They are huge, heavy, temperamental things ............... 😎
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