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Jazz bass controls..help.


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Hi.... recently finished a jazz bass kit... the volume controls seem to work strangely... the bridge volume seems to work like a blend knob...volume increases as its turned off... and canā€™t seem to get the bridge pickup on its own.. Ā have i messed up or is that how a jazz works?(Iā€™m a guitar player) tks appreciate it.

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Sounds like you either genuinelyĀ doĀ have a blend knob, or you've wired it in reverse.

If it's a regular volume knob, switch the wire on the left tab to the one on the right (or vice versa) so it exactly matches the neck volume knob.

If it is a blend knob, both pickups should go to the blend knob first, and from there on to the master volume. But you would probably have noticed, because a blend knob is a lot bigger (taller) because it is essentially two potentiometers stacked on top of eachother, on one axis.Ā 

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