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Enfield Cannon - my new babe


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Fantastic. Been using Martin recently for general luthier work and really intrigued by their range. Think the seed might already be planted.

I asked on BC a while back if anyone owned an Enfield but didn't get much back. Keen to know how the 'all things to all man' pickups compare to P and J sounds. Can you squeeze that J scoop out of them?

Resisted trying one so far as I know what would happen :)

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Very nice! I reviewed a Lionheart bass last year and it got a thumbs up from the whole crew and the tech guy upstairs! Really comfy necks too. Very 'playable'. I'd like to get my hands on a cannon next!

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Here are my first thoughts taken from the Enfield - your thoughts thread.

Ive just taken delivery of one of their premium models. Its a custom shop Cannon 5 string and I have to say that regardless of the flak thats been aimed at the brand i'm confident when I say it's design is absolutely spot on. To be fair, the flak was based purely on aesthetics as nobody had seen one in the flesh or tried one out. The Super 8 pickup is a revelation, it throws out very high quality tones that are a strong representation, kinda what youd expect and want but with oodles of character that the bass has. Its has depth, warmth and feels alive. Its as far from clinical as you can get.
The impressive thing is that everything on this bass is built in house, Martin Simms got jigged up to make everything from the bridge to the knobs, he's even involved in designing the Hipshot machine heads.n Its all very chunky but nicely styled, the tolerances he's used are very tight in the extreme. The use of lights to identify your pickup selection is a new approach and turns out to very useful indeed, completely user friendly that makes mid song changes an instantaneous no fiddling affair, definately not a gimmick. Thankfully there is also no change of vol when switching which leaves you free to play rather than have to turn, look at your amp and wait for an open string note to get a free hand in order to make adjustments.
In comparison to other high end basses Ive owned it not only holds its own but feels very fresh and highly capable. The fact that it tips its hat at other english made basses aesthetically isnt something that worries me as the bass has its own visual identity which is also apparent in its feel, sound. I think the bass is fantastic, its very well thought out, made to perfection by craftsmen and very individual. These being the main reasons I was prepared to fork out the rather large pile of dosh needed to own this beauty.
I am really looking forward to working with this beast and putting the different settings to good use whilst finding uses for the more obscure pick up variations it offers. The fancy front and side fretboard lights are pretty good fun despite costing as much as a decent used Fender US Jazz, then again a bass like this is probably a once in a lifetime purchase. May as well push the boat out.
Good on ya Martin, i'm happy to fly the Enfield flag

Edited by CPBass
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