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Joining another band


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The band i'm in now plays twice a month and practises once a week. it's the guitar players band, he's been playing years and is on his third marriage and he's happy doing that. he has just cancelled a gig because there was noone there the last time we did it. it is a bit of poor place to play and i was'nt completely unhappy about the cancellation but it was better than sitting at home. he's my brother in laws brother and he understands that i want to play a bit more. the drummer and singer are other bands so i'm not the only one that wants to get out more. trouble is finding a band. getting a place practise. learning new numbers, it seems a right pain, but if that what it take i will just have pull my finger out. anyone else feel the need to play more than they do now?

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Yup, been looking for a function band for a while now, as it seems like they're the only ones out gigging in decent venues regularly.

'Tis a pain though, especially when they send you a massive setlist of stuff you've never played before.

I just spent a solid two weeks of evenings woodshedding 30 Blues Brothers songs, only to get to the rehearsal to find a completely shambolic setup that I wouldn't have joined if they'd begged me (they didn't!).

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I can see where your man's coming from - I don't think there's much point in playing pubs where they don't promote the night/no-one turns up. It's soul destroying. I'd rather go an rehearse and learn some new tunes for a better gig.

But if you are bored with the current band, you're doing the right thing by putting some feelers out early doors.

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[quote name='stingrayfan' post='256623' date='Aug 6 2008, 07:11 PM']I can see where your man's coming from - I don't think there's much point in playing pubs where they don't promote the night/no-one turns up. It's soul destroying. I'd rather go an rehearse and learn some new tunes for a better gig.

But if you are bored with the current band, you're doing the right thing by putting some feelers out early doors.[/quote]

Its not that i'm bored, we are really tight band and i enjoy playing with them. but twice a month is really not enouth.

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Almost like I wrote the first post myself about six months ago !!

I love playing in the soul/funk I have been in for the last three years band but no matter how hard I try we just seem to cap out at about 35/40 gigs a year. It was frustrating the hell out of me ( and a couple of the other members ) so eventually I joined another band ( totally different music ) to give me more playing and it is now quite nice to have two bands with totally different members, music, work ethos, rehearsals etc

Try it, I can definitely recommend it


PS Just starting to form a trio as well to fill in a few more gaps and once again keeping the music different

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I left a band a couple of months ago, best thing I ever did, it had just gone stale. Initially it had been a 3 piece and we had got quite tight. Then 2 new members joined, thats where it went pear shaped. People not learning songs and only being able to rehearse on one particular night because of other practices/gigs with other bands

I am now in 2 bands, one is an originals band who practice usually once a week some times less frequent due to some members work comitments but no gigs yet. Joined them strait after leaving the last band. I see them as more of a social gathering maybe gig once a month or so.

The other band is a blues band who want to try and gig every week doing some covers and some original numbers.

Providing nothing clashes I think it will work out, if it does however I would rather leave one than start letting people down.

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[quote name='beerdragon' post='256468' date='Aug 6 2008, 04:55 PM']...anyone else feel the need to play more than they do now?[/quote]
Yes, just done it - first get-together last night with drums & guit doing psych / rock / stoner stuff, hadn't played a song of more than 3 minutes since about 1991 - most enjoyable. After 25 years of playing with 2-guits, a 3-piece is a breath of fresh air.

The guitarist is an ex-bassist & good mate and has just given me his pre-EB 'Ray to service and take care of 'long-term' too - nice. Used a Hartke HA3500 & Transporter 4x10 in the rehearsal room though - not nice at all, I'll take the ABM combo next time.

Strangely enough, I preferred the 'Ray neck to me GL Jazz - it just felt better when I was giving it some. Heavy, slab sided and fat-necked - everything I hate but I loved it. Let's hope he doesn't take it back too soon. Or indeed ever.

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