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Some advice for head/cab


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Hey guys,

I'm sure a similar type of question has been asked before, but I didn't have much success with the search functionality on the forum, so if you don't mind I'm going to ask away :)

So first a little bit of a boring backstory so you can see where I'm at. Basically, I'm a guitarist by trade, but recently (January) I filled on on bass in a mates band and I've become permenant! Actually really enjoy delivering the basslines so I'm sticking with it.

I started out with an Orange Crush 30B practice combo which I really like the sound of (for practicing obviously) and hiring what I think is an Ampeg 450H hooked up to an 8x10 Ampeg cab from our reheasal studio (it sounds great, really like the tone).

Now I'm going to start gigging with these guys and obviously I'm not going to be able to do so with a 30 watt pratice amp. Consequently I'm in the market for a bass amp I can gig with.

What I would really like is an Ampeg SVT3-Pro, but it's a little bit pricey to be honest. For quite a bit less cash I've found the GK700RBII head and it looks like a good bet. I've heard that the low end GK stuff is a bit pants, does this head fall outside of this category? Would this be a good choice of head for general rock/pop-punky/metal (i don't slap/pop, but love the punky tone in bands like rancid, pennywise, blink etc) ? Or should I wait and try and pick up a used SVT3 or save the extra needed? Can you replicate an ampeg sound to a decent level without an ampeg?

The second quandry is which cab to hook the head up to. I would use GK cabs, but to be honest, I haven't really seen any bassists playing through them (except flea, but that's probably down to him getting them for nout).

I was thinking of a 4x10 Ampeg HE or 4x10 HLF (I just don't think my back/arms could cope with an 8x10) with a view to adding a 1x15 or another 4x10 (are 2 4x10's the same as a single 8x10?) at a later date. Does this sound like a good idea or should I stick with GK cabs (I hear you can only bi-amp the GK with GK cabs, though whether I'll ever need this or not I'm not sure).

Got a budget of about £1000 but would like to keep it below £900 if possible as I'd like to get a quarter pounder to chuck in the P-Bass from the same budget. Are these a worthwhile addition to a Standard MIM P?

I understand that I've actually asked about 10 questions in that post, so apologies for sounding like I'm asking you to do all the legwork for me! I'm just a bit lost and don't want to go spend a thousand quid, then have to sell and re-buy something else because I made the wrong choices.

Any advice appreciated.


Edited by lessthanphil
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[quote name='lessthanphil' post='207372' date='May 27 2008, 04:55 PM']Can you replicate an ampeg sound to a decvent level without an ampeg?[/quote]

Two possibilities: an Ampeg preamp (SVP-pro is the front end of the SVT) or a Pod. Neither sounds exactly like an all-valve SVT but both deliver some of its pleasing qualities and both, when matched with a solid state power amp, are a lot lighter and cheaper. The Pod is really versatile; the SVP is unfortunately discontinued (and well sought-after), and does a great job of making a filthy dirty noise (aka 'great bass sound').

hope this helps!

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Your budget does not really stretch to ampeg unfortunately. I have never seen a bad word said about GK gear on basschat and it delivers a lot of bang per buck. You do have to use GK amps and cabs together to use the bi-amp feature.

As for sound, dont forget that what you hear recorded or live from top acts usually has f*** all to do with the backline.

Edited by bass_ferret
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The GK700RB-II is an artist-series head, and it is part of their top range models. Ive heard nothing but good things, and im probably gonna get it in August along with a GK Neo 212 cab. Its small and light and loud enough for gigging. And you can always add another cab to make it a 4x12. The head and cab will probably come to about £900

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Thanks for the advice guys, really appreciated.

Having taken the above into account, I'm going to go take my bass up to Denmark street this weekend and see if I can find the two heads (SVT3 and the GK700RB). Will play them side by side and see what I make of them. If the ampeg is 100% more my cup of tea I'm sure I can persuade myself to spend the extra 300 or so quid and get the SVT3.

What I was really hoping for was someone to say, no, get the ampeg. Then I could justify the extra outlay to myself (and moreso the missus, big thumbprint here!)

Will see how it goes, but as said above, thus far I've heard nothing but good things about the GK head, so who knows it may well (I hope) suprise me considerably! I'll post back the outcome :)
Thanks again,

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[quote name='bass_ferret' post='207726' date='May 27 2008, 11:56 PM']Give Denmark St a miss and go to [url="http://www.thebassgallery.com/"]The Gallery[/url][/quote]

Looks good, though their prices look a little bit high...I'll see how they go on their 'matching'.

Thanks for the advice.

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the ampeg 4x10hlf is a 500w 4ohm cab so would be best on its own,if you added another 40hm cab your amp would need to go to 2ohm.(you probably now that anyway)you could go with the 4x10he + 1x15 to get a great sound and getting max power from your amp,that is if you love the ampeg sound!might be tempted to sell my nearly new 4x10he!

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