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Alesis MidiVerb 3


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Anybody ever left one of these plugged in for a few days straight? My mate did to mine, and now I can't power it up.

first of all: 1) don't do this to yours

and B) anybody ever fixed one?

I've checked the usual suspects - visual damage to PCB tracks and components, but nothing so far. Mains supply is still delivering everything that it should, but most of the board isn't getting any juice. I [i]could[/i] go through each component with a meter to see where the current stops, but if anybody has any suggestions then you could save me a couple of hours probing (leave it!).

Any suggestions or concubines gratefully received.

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my midiverb three (which i loved to pieces) went to the big rack in the sky because of a power problem.

iirc the 9v AC supply is rectified after coming into the unit - maybe one of the caps or diodes has gone ?

sorry - i know you say you've checked the components, but this is where i'd start my peering.

g'luck !

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Yeah, tried the reset on power up thanks, but still nothing. Wasn't worried about losing presets as most of the parameters are automated through MIDI anyway. Not seen a battery, so I'm assuming one (or more) of the ICs is an EPROM - not sure if this would need a battery or not.

I reckon ahpook's right though - I'll be doing a one in, one out with the PSU corner of the board tonight. Caps and diodes, caps and diodes etc...


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