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Everything posted by Dolando

  1. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  2. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1395143173' post='2399067'] I'm going to look into possible solutions for this in both the current and next version of the software and hopefully I'll be able to figure out a way of a developer adding in the functionality that we need to be able to keep all parties happy. Or doing it myself if I have too! Someone (the name slips my mind, sorry) has come up with the idea of a "bump" button which is actually rather excellent and could solve more of our issues than you might expect. [/quote] That someone was me, its ok I won't hold it against you. I have absolutely no idea how you would even go about adding a bump button, or how difficult that is, but I think it would solve a lot of problems. To be honest, it would also make the topics a lot cleaner not having pages upon pages of bumps.
  3. This would cost about £230 not including shipping or import tax for this body. Great price for a top quality body! I have 2 Warmoth bodies and they are superb!
  4. So it is! I didn't even know that existed. I don't think it makes a difference, but yours would be perfect if you don't mind giving it a little measure. If its not too much trouble could you measure the top at the E string and bottomat the G string of the bridge pickup as well?
  5. Hello, I'll be building a bass with jazz bass pickups and would like to have pickup placement similar to the warwick thumb. So, could someone with a Thumb 4 string tell me the measurements of where the pickups are located measured from the 12th fret to the centre of each pickup? Thanks, Adam
  6. Lots to think about for the future, but I think i'm holding off on the bandsaw for a bit till I can afford the one I want, so for now I'm going to get a decent Makita or Bosch jigsaw to make my first few builds. Then use my router with bushings and a template bit to finish the shape off. So unless anyone has specific blades I should try, i'll have a go with a bosch T101D.
  7. I did think that might be an issue. That bandsaw has been sold now, but I think if I'm going to be spending that kind of money on one, then i might as well hold off for a bigger one. There always seems to be plenty going up on ebay etc. so will keep an eye out. But if the right jigsaw goes for the right price i'll probably get it to get me started and do what you said with the bushing. Are those the Axcaliber ones? I was tempted by one of those, but wasn't sure how good they would be for that price. Thanks.
  8. [quote name='Ou7shined' timestamp='1394531709' post='2392210'] Just about the best piece of advice a well known luthier (Hi Alan ) ever gave me was to not scrimp on tools. Always go for the best you can afford. You generally get what you pay for. If you plan on using using the jigsaw a fair bit after then I'd spend £100+ easy... but for occasional use a sub £100 or even second hand will be fine. Btw a cheap band saw correctly setup can work amazingly well (and quietly in comparison)... the problem for us though is finding one with a deep enough table to accept a guitar body comfortably. [/quote] Yea, thats what i've always been told. I'd want to get a good one as i'll probably do at least couple of bodies with it, and its a handy tool to have around the house. I'll keep an eye out for a bandsaw, but will probably get a jigsaw. Theres one of these being sold on ebay by axminster thats a returned item on for £170 delivered. Seems to get decent reviews, but as you say, the table isn't very big. http://www.axminster.co.uk/axminster-hobby-series-awhbs250n-bandsaw
  9. [quote name='Ou7shined' timestamp='1394527437' post='2392131'] Some good advice here but to be perfectly honest you'll be just fine with a jigsaw if that's what you feel comfortable with. They are ok for trimming a few rough cutouts that you finish off with a template and router. The first couple of bodies that I cut were done this way. It can seem to take for bloody ever though because of the density and thickness of the wood and if you start to rush the job then you will definitely begin to lose your vertical cut. Just remember to take your time and let the saw do the cutting, don't force it. [/quote] I'd feel comfortable with either to be honest, its just I could get a decent Jigsaw, but could only really afford a used Hobby bandsaw like an Axminster. So basically, with a jigsaw, 'slow and steady wins the race'. [quote name='skelf' timestamp='1394527802' post='2392135'] I did several bodies with a jigsaw and a not very good one at that. If you buy a good saw and take your time it should be no problem. [/quote] Yea, I've been looking at the Bosch GST 100, which seems to get good reviews etc. and they're not too expensive used.
  10. I don't think there is anyone with a bandsaw that I could ask. I haven't actually got a jigsaw yet, so am i better putting that money towards a table top hobby bandsaw? If I go the jigsaw route, the blades I'm looking at come in a pack of 5, so i would probably use a blade for each quarter of the body just to be sure its a sharp blade. The router bushing idea is a good idea, so would definitely cut 1/2" away to be sure. Theres room on the top right corner to do a couple of tests, which I will definitely be doing before tackling it. Thanks for the input guys.
  11. I found this, which seems it should do the job. http://www.boschtools.com/Products/Accessories/Pages/BoschAccessoryDetail.aspx?pid=T101D#benefits
  12. Yea, I plan on using the jigsaw to just cut the outline say 4mm from the line, then use a router with a template cutter to cut the final shape, then i'll be sanding etc after that.
  13. Hello, I have this body blank that I will be building soon. [URL=http://s917.photobucket.com/user/DolanCustomGuitars/media/Dolan%20Custom%20Guitars%20Build/BodyBlank_zps86f0e39b.jpg.html][IMG]http://i917.photobucket.com/albums/ad17/DolanCustomGuitars/Dolan%20Custom%20Guitars%20Build/BodyBlank_zps86f0e39b.jpg[/IMG][/URL] I don't have access to a bandsaw, so will be using a jigsaw with lots of relief cuts around the tight curves. I will probably be buying a bosch GST100 jigsaw, but I'm a little confused by what blade I should use to get the cleanest cut possible. Anyone have experience with a certain blade that I should use? Thanks, Adam
  14. The pau Ferro looked a little too close to the body colour and didn't quite look right, so was more looks than tone. I like the sound and feel of ebony as well.
  15. This is the neck being made for it by Alpher Instruments. it will have an ebony fingerboard.
  16. Bought a Neck from Alan. He's a Top guy, posted very quickly and kept me up to date with postage. Not only that, it was also packed to the nines.
  17. Thanks for the reply, I gave him a message, and he's cleared up a few things. Enjoy your bass!
  18. Thats a great build! Can I ask, what do you use to make your templates from? I'm starting a build soon, and want to make a master template to use more than once. I'd also love to know some more info on installing LED's! Am I asking you to reveal too many secrets on that one.
  19. [quote name='rk7' timestamp='1393748290' post='2383860'] No worries. Its a cool bass, that's the main thing. RK [/quote] It certainly is!
  20. [quote name='Andyjr1515' timestamp='1393706362' post='2383645'] Looks fantastic, Dolando [/quote] Thanks Andy, and thanks for sending that mahogany. Its really finished it off nicely. [quote name='rk7' timestamp='1393742797' post='2383839'] Very nice indeed! Great work with the truss rod cover. Its all in the details, and matching the shape with the headstock looks excellent! (perhaps the selector switch could be slightly recessed, to prevent it accidentally being switched by your 501 jeans pocket? I'm being picky here, btw) Fabulous bass though. Congratulations. Enjoy! RK [/quote] Yes you are! haha. Thanks though. Yea, i've thought about it, I might put another washer on the inside to pull it back a little, but I'd need bigger screws for that which I don't have. For now it doesn't bother me.
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