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Lord Sausage

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Everything posted by Lord Sausage

  1. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1470573209' post='3106783'] Has anyone said they didn't like it without listening to it though? That's what I struggle with when the monthly Jaco thread comes up, lol I listened to it and (for me) it sucks [/quote] No, i think what you struggle with is reading and understanding what people have written. My original point on this had nothing to do with Jaco. Coilte said that there is a difference between technical music and music that speaks to people. I said that sometimes technical music speaks to some people. I also said that most of it doesn't connect with me. We both agreed on that. I then said in general i think if people don't like technical music just because it's technical i find that ignorant. Not you, or people that do listen. But people who automatically dismiss music that is technical and state only 3 chord songs are real and connect with people. I think i've said it enough times now!
  2. [quote name='SpondonBassed' timestamp='1470574101' post='3106789'] Heeheehee. [/quote]?
  3. [quote name='SpondonBassed' timestamp='1470572625' post='3106773'] ...and Marmite [/quote] Look mate don't start on f***in Marmite. I can handle people not liking Music but if they start on yeast extracts I go f***in mental!
  4. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1470567800' post='3106737'] Well I'm not sure I like this idea that it's "ignorant", we've been here many times before, surely to be ignorant requires me to ignor his music and them claim to dislike like without hearing it? I have tried but I still do not connect with it. [/quote] Where did i say [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]"if you dont like Jaco you are probably crap at playing and only like rock music in straight 8ths" [/font][/color] , [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]What i said is that it is ignorant just to not like something just because it is technical or musical, just on that basis. I was refering to music in general. If you don't like any music that is technical and you don't like it for that reason, that it is technical, then i think without listening to or understanding it within it's context then you are being ignorant. [/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I also said in my most that i don't like most technical music, usually when it's for the sake of it![/font][/color]
  5. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1470528407' post='3106583'] This always gets thrown back worded in a similar way (normally by blue ),the old "if you dont like Jaco you are probably crap at playing and only like rock music in straight 8ths" kind of response, for me it's not that I don't like technical playing, I don't like Jaco's technical playing!! [/quote] That's not what i was saying
  6. [quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1470517089' post='3106548'] I agree with what you say. Perhaps I was a bit vague in my earlier post. The point I was making was that just because a player is technical, complex, and flashy (talking generally here) does not necessarily mean that what he/she plays communicates with the listener. It may communicate with fellow bass players alright. Yes, it is possible, but for me, not in Jaco's case. The OP makes my point for me in post #11 when he talks about the bass playing [u]around[/u]...rather than being the music. I do like some of his work with Joni Mitchell. [/quote] I agree, more often than not it won't connect!
  7. [quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1470508924' post='3106493'] I agree. I was just giving my opinion that Jaco's amazing technical playing does not "talk" to [i]me.[/i] Going by some of the posts in this thread, I am not alone. [/quote] It's a fair point and most people don't like technical playing. I don't a lot of the time. But i also feel it's ignorant to not like something just because its's technical or musical. It always depends on the requirements of the music. Even The Stranglers have shredding on No more heroes for example. I also dislike the idea stuff has to be simple to be real and worthwhile, the Indie/punk mentality. I really like Indie/punk. I like most forms of music, even bloody Country now which i used to hate.
  8. [quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1470480213' post='3106274'] I'm sure that most won't argue with this. Amazing technical bass playing is one thing. Most people would not deny Jaco's skills here. Playing music that touches people, and "talks" to them, is an entirely different matter. [/quote] Sometimes amazing technical playing and musicianship touches people or talks to them!
  9. Whenever Jaco plays on something the piece just becomes a Jaco piece! Great playing, he's almost as good as me!
  10. What wood is it? Is it clear gloss or colour then clear gloss?
  11. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1469916842' post='3102042'] Van Morrison Isn't as important to Jazz as Peter Rabbit and Mrs Tiggie Winkle [/quote] I thought Mrs Tiggie Winkle's work on Bitches Brew was sublime!
  12. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1469894284' post='3101857'] Careful, Viscount Snorker. Your ignorance is showing. B-) [/quote] And if you are going to use one of my other titles I prefer Duke of Cumberland or Earl of Lincolnshire!
  13. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1469894284' post='3101857'] Careful, Viscount Snorker. Your ignorance is showing. B-) [/quote] Next you'll be telling me that van Morrison isn't as important to jazz as Thelonius Monk or Dizzy Gillespie!
  14. MoonDance is the absolute pinnacle of Jazz! Nothing better has been written in that genre. It captures all the musical elements of Jazz but has the quality of that it is listenable and catchy!
  15. I've always wanted to get some David Lee Roth type clothes but have no idea where to get some. My stage clothes in my profile pic are pretty good tho!
  16. [quote name='dadofsix' timestamp='1469629238' post='3099869'] Greetings from across the pond. My main band has just lost our keyboard player because of family matters. This is somewhat of a problem because of the lack of good keyboard players in my area. While I'm the bass player in this band, I've played keys in other bands. I'm not interested in going back to being the keyboard player for this band, though . . . no, I'm a bass player in my heart of hearts. The problem is that we are giving up about 25 good songs that I could be contributing key parts to while the song is being performed. So my question: Can any of you who also play the keys, or use a keyboard player in your shows, recommend a small quality keyboard for use live? I've been trying to find something like a Korg Microstation here but it looks like I won't be getting it without being "gored." I don't want to have to drag around a big keyboard rig, plus the bass rig, just for the sake of having keys in a few songs. I'd be using my hands to play it. I'm NOT Geddy Lee! lol So, any thoughts on a good compact keyboard for this bass player to use onstage for piano or organ fills while I have a bass hanging from around my neck? <><Peace (To the moderators: my apologies if this post is in the wrong section. Please feel free to move it to where it needs to be.) [/quote][quote name='tonyquipment' timestamp='1469630806' post='3099894'] Get the guitarist to do it? Lol [/quote] Our guitarist does just that. he bought a Roland GR55 (i think) and plays in little fills or melodys. Not great for piano type playing but fills a lot in for us without having to have a keyboard player!
  17. Bugger, I thought it was back on. I reckon Dark Heart must have realised he was wrong! Which is a shame as i wanted him to be right then i would have bought the pedal!
  18. I find the thought of you all standing up whilst practising really odd for some reason.
  19. Never found it a problem but at home i sit, at rehearsals I stand. At gigs I stand unless it's a musical theatre gig in which i sit!
  20. [quote name='SpondonBassed' timestamp='1469116065' post='3095907'] Recently we had a TNT140 in our local paper. By chance I bumped into the bloke who bought it who said he'd paid £80 for it. Are they any good? [/quote] Yes, and after carrying one around for a bit it makes you favourite to win The Worlds strongest man competition!
  21. Surely the only option for a 90's bass combo isn't on there! The Peavey TNT 150!
  22. I've got a great idea. It's a bit out there but..... Why not just learn to play guitar properly!
  23. Not gonna have much luck http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2047675.m570.l1313.TR0.TRC0.H0.Xboss+ls2.TRS0&_nkw=boss+ls2&_sacat=0
  24. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1468999766' post='3094901'] They're all on eBay looking for a cheap LS-2! [/quote] Ha ha, that's what I'm gonna have to do!
  25. One of them must of realised they are wrong, so are staying silent.
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