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Status Updates posted by Josh

  1. Has anybody else reached that point that you just hate the sound of everything you do when you pick up your bass?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. lowregisterhead


      I deal with my self-loathing by buying basses. Works for me! :dash1:

    3. Rumple


      In this situation I usually try another instrument  like piano or guitar, after a few days I'm happy to get back to the comfort and joy of bass playing.

    4. pfretrock


      This works. I've just got a Squier Telecaster, it makes my bass sound so much better!

  2. Ampeg or Aguilar...I hate decisions.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Josh


      Very true. I've had the opportunity to try a Tonehammer 500 at Mansons, and I have a friend who has one who offered to let me try it through my Ampeg 4X10. The unfortunate irony is that no where locally stocks a SVT 4 Pro, so unless a nearby member would be willing, it's unlikely I'll get to try one of them. 

    3. SpondonBassed


      I'd be more interested in word of mouth reputation in the real world than Internet presence.  ...and that's only as a guide as to what to try on demo.

      No-one else can judge for you.

    4. Oldman


      Grist for the Mill: I recently purchased the Aguilar AG700, tossing up between the AG, the Mesa Subway D-800 and the Darkglass Microtubes 900. I wanted to run 3 + cabs (C4's). I didn't want the front end fussiness of the Darkglass, I had two poor reports on the Mesa and went for the AG..... Big Mistake, I returned it after a week it wasn't for me. Little or no control over the gain input, plenty of power but, it just didn't do it, even through 3 x C4's... I now have the Genzler Magellan, controllable front end, bags of power... And I love the sound.. Also I had previously used an Ampeg PF-50 for a Blues gig  that was sublime, but under powered for this current project.

  3.  So, getting a EHX Battalion was probably one of the best decisions this year. 

    1. discreet


      Looks interesting. Review? Pics? Audio? :)

    2. Josh


      I'd be happy to do a review for it :D Let's just say for now, I should've bought one first instead of going through a bunch of Sansamp pedals. Also, just the amount of features the pedal has is great as well.

    3. discreet


      Sounds great, and it's not mad expensive, either. :)

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