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Status Replies posted by bigthumb

  1. FINALLY got Thea back.  Collected her at 10 this morning. 

    Fast asleep on her bed.

  2. The UPS nightmare is over ... for now anyway.
    Returning an amp to Darkglass for repair and it's been doing the hokeycokey at Stanstead UPS/Customs warehouse for the last week. But after numerous phone calls it has made it back to Finland.
    Calls went along the lines of  
    UPS: You haven't included the Customs form
    Me: Yes I have it's with he address label, and I've emailed it to you.
    UPS: OK we've got it
    Tracking showed it cleared then back on hold with exceptions. FFS!!!

    1. bigthumb


      UPS were my goto courier but lately then have been disastrous. I won't use them again. I've had better and more reliable service from Evri (Hermes)! 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. A fellow dog walker pointed out earlier that Mid Summers day is three weeks away....

  4. Looking for an amp repair service in Liverpool if anyone has any recommendations! 

    1. bigthumb


      I think GEE electronics are in Warrington but not far from Liverpool at all. I really need to get my Trace heads to them. 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  5. Rapidly approaching the point in lockdown where I want to sell a bass just so I can buy a new toy 😂


    1. bigthumb


      This lockdown has cost be a bloomin' fortune. A government imposed GASfest! 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  6. If you die from the Coronavirus can I have your gear???

    1. bigthumb


      Yes, but I'm buggered if I'm disinfecting it for you! 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

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