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Everything posted by Steff

  1. I'm not saying you guys are wrong, just saying I wouldn't write it off that fast. Might as well be a big phat fraud
  2. [quote name='HowieBass' timestamp='1387736499' post='2315068'] I'd say chances are nil; nobody buys a bass in September for roughly £2,600 then sells it a couple of months later for £1,000 and uses the same item description as the guy they just bought it from. [/quote] You've got a point mate but unfortunate things in life happen and sometimes people are forced to sell at a big loss. A friend of mine bought a genuine '71 precision for 1k. All original. I've seen it and played it. Now I'm sure whoever did it, had a reason to let it go for about half the money he could have sold it for.
  3. [quote name='Dazed' timestamp='1387736485' post='2315067'] Gumtree just bounced me the 'fraudulent ad' response. [/quote] Yes. That's what they do when an ad gets reported as fraudulent. That doesn't mean the ad is actually fraudulent. It means someone has pressed the button "report this ad".
  4. What are the chances of someone from the UK buying this bass from the US owner, then bringing it over and now selling it? I wouldn't report a listing on gumtree as fraudulent just because the same photos have been used in an eBay auction 3 months earlier... There's a lot of people selling cheap due to a changed financial situation. The price paid would have been around £2k right? I bought an used Alembic Epic fretless V on here 3 years ago for £600 and it's rrp is 6000 dollars... And I can assure you every bit of it was genuine.
  5. Also if it's a scam why would he suggest you'd check it on Ritters web site since once you do it you can clearly see it's been sold in the USA?...
  6. It's definitely the same one like on the website as I've compared the photos. I've emailed the seller, will post when I get a reply.
  7. Ideally I'd have two jazzes and two precisions, one of each with flats and the other with rounds... It's just a different animal. Unfortunately I only have one Jazz, always strung with rounds as I do play slap every now and again. My experience with fender strings is rather bad. I remember putting a fresh set once before a long rehearsal - about 6 hours, and the important gig was the next day. They died so much during the rehearsal that for the gig next day I had to put back the old elixirs... Never tried fender strings again. I don't know, maybe I bought some fake ones (quite possible as I was back in Bulgaria back then). Ernieball rounds work quite well for me and they last me the most of all uncoated strings too.
  8. Good point about the Duncan designed pups, I've just put a pair of 70s pickups in mine(thanks to Bass Doc), so the CS 60s will be up for sale soon. Already can hear a difference plugged in my computer, can't wait to test them on a gig tomorrow! There's a few treads on talkbass about the difference between CS 60s and original 60s pups, some guy did a A/B and found significant(in my opinion) differences. The CS sounded more refined, smoother, with more mellow highs. The original 60s were much punchier which is actually what I really value in a Fender basses because they already have those nice soft lows and for my playing I need a pickups that'll be nice and smooth when I play light and punchy and growly when I dig in. I can already hear the 70s I just got are much closer to that than the CS 60s. And I can confirm, I already feel better ...
  9. They are great cabs from what I know mate but I am really looking for more portable cab... about the size of a 4x10 as mentioned before. Thanks for the offer tho!
  10. Bump for price update - 375 each/700 the pair + speaker
  11. I was lucky to be opening for Wilco Johnson last year at the 100 club in London and man Norman Watt-Roy can play! I would have gladly joined you to see him again if I was around... Highly recommended, if anyone's around, go see this guy. It'll be 2 hours well spent.
  12. Don't know if you've ordered already I've used both Crown and QSC. Had the Crown XLS 602 (I think) and honestly not very impressed with the sound. All working fine and solid but was a little muddy and boomy in the lows, wasn't as focused and tight. I did an A/B with this one and an Ampeg SVP 1500 and the difference was very noticeable. The Ampeg (still solid state) was very tight and musical, with lovely lows. I am currently using a QSC CX702 and it sounds lovely, tight, clear, detailed... so that's +1 for QSC from me. Steff
  13. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1387023388' post='2307498'] I'm not sure they exist any more. The website was offline last time I checked... [/quote] Why am I not very surprised...
  14. [quote name='DolganoFF' timestamp='1387190290' post='2309063'] ... and if you can get along with how they all become hairy/furry where the coating wears off (especially if you play with a pick...) [/quote] Sorry don't want to hijack the tread but please do check this topic - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/222873-opinions-on-elixirs-nanoweb/"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/222873-opinions-on-elixirs-nanoweb/[/url] . I've shared my experience with Elixirs. I only had Elixir strings flaking after a year of playing and yes, if you play with a pick most of the time, they will start flaking at the playing point but if you do finger style, I can guarantee at least 6 months out of them with a relatively decent tone and some continuous brightness. But again the tone isn't my favourite. It's not bad though. Feel free to pm me if you are interested in learning more about them - I've been playing Elixirs for more than 10 years.
  15. Sorry can't fit in 10 words but here it is: I am a long time Elixir user (10+ years). For a pub-club-theatre gigging bass player I might say there isn't any other brand that comes even close in terms of durability (Never heard of the Cleartones posted above but I'm just about to order and try them). I do 3-6 gigs per week and if I play any other strings, including the coated DR's, they get very dark and muddy after only 3-4 gigs (my hands sweat a lot while I'm playing). Elixirs last and last and last... Never had the coating flaking to me, apart from when I played them for a year + on my main bass (in the old days). However I must agree that there's a trade off and it's big especially if you are a tone freak (I am in a way). They do sound dull and some kinda dead compare to regular strings. So if you are more of a recording/stadium/festival touring bass player I wouldn't recommend. I could never get the same tone with Elixir that I get from ErnieBalls on my StingRay5. In fact any other decent set of strings has more clarity, much more growl and definition. For about 3 gigs that is. So whenever I have an important studio session or higher profile gig, I put on a set of Ernies. Rest of the time - Elixirs. Hope that helps. Steff
  16. Get Elixirs if you can get along with the sound. They cost £30 but they will last you at least 6 times more than other strings so they work out to be much cheaper.
  17. I've got 60's custom shop in my '76 jazz (thats how I bought it). It's gonna be different to the Seymors but not necessarily better to your ears. I remember playing a warmoth body - vintage neck jazz with Seymors in and honestly I can't really tell which one I like better. The CS 60s are supposed to sound like the original vintage 60s pups but they aren't made the same way, also there's always the wood-pups-player combination that affect the sound greatly. I've heard my musicman stingray5 played by a few different people and they all sounded different ... I am buying a set of original 70's for my bass now, I know there won't be much of a difference (or would it?) but as Bass Doc said to me - you will feel better So good luck and I hope you'll like them, if you don't , there's always the 30 days return policy Steff
  18. Thanks guys, unfortunately while taking the time to make up my mind someone has bought it. Not surprised really, it was £30 for this one and a no-name precision type of bass...
  19. Hi guys, saw this bass on gumtree, it's going pretty cheap as spares and repairs but I can't really identify it and the seller says he doesn't know... Anyone?
  20. Bump I'm really more interested in a trade for a more powerful amp rather than a straight sale...
  21. Weekend bump... I really want your Schroeder! If you got one, (or 2 x 1212L), get in touch and I'll make you a great deal! The UL2 is now with 8 brand new plastic corners too!
  22. I had to wait 3 months in 2011 to get my Laney Nexus cover... And yeah, he doesn't seem to like emailing back. The cover was great though... the right size and good quality but is it worth the stress...?
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