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Posts posted by artisan

  1. if you can find a second hand one check out the Roland D-bass range,or use the take it away & buy a new one.
    i sold my Ampeg SVT rig,because i got sick of humping it around,& bought a D-bass 210 & mighty pleased i am with it too.
    very versatile soundwise,louder than the SVT & it's compact & pretty light too.
    i used it in my old blues band with my Gibson SG bass producing a lovely old school thump & i now use it with my Stingray in a funk band & it sounds awesome in that too.
    i really can't rate it high enough,it is the best amp i've ever had in my 30 years of playing.

  2. job well done mate congrats.
    i know what hard work that is as i've just joined a new band doing a lot of Chic & Sister Sledge / funk stuff,which is a big culture shock for me after 30 years of playing blues/classic rock.

    obviously what you now need is a nice short scale Gibson bass (ala Andy Fraser) & there just so happens to be one in the for sale section :) .

  3. [quote name='SS73' post='703945' date='Jan 7 2010, 12:20 PM']Bump for a great 'Andy tastic Fraser' Bass, can't believe its still not sold, Bargain.[/quote]

    cheers for that :)

    i must admit at this price i thought it would go pretty quick,but i have a couple of poeple interested so i'm shure it'll go soon.

  4. i had a MIA 62 reissue jazz & i too was not all that impressed especially when the neck decided to develop a clockwise twist & unadjustable forward bow,i believe Marcus has had the same trouble with a couple of these in the past also.
    personally i'd steer clear & stick with a MIA std or get a '75 reissue as these don't seem to have this problem.

  5. [quote name='Muzz' post='696384' date='Dec 30 2009, 04:08 PM']I played the Eden Nemesis 15" combo recently (the RS115), and was mighty impressed - they're around the £600 mark. I'm using a Roland D-Bass 115 at the mo, and it's a great combo if you can find one - light and loud. List price on them has gone silly, but they can be a secondhand bargain, as they're not fashionable.[/quote]

    big +1 on the Roland D-bass,i use a D-bass 210 & it's the best amp i've ever used.
    in fact it's so good i sold my Ampeg SVT rig & just use this now,it's a mega loud & very versatile light weight amp.
    as Muzz points out though they aren't cheap,about £850.00,but i got mine from Rocking Rooster for £599.00 ex shop demo & it's totally unmarked plus they chucked a 5 year warranty on it too--sorted.

  6. [quote name='chilisfan16' post='696729' date='Dec 30 2009, 10:56 PM']I own a really decent '97 sterling, and im a really proud owner. Yesterday, i wasin my local guitar shop, and spotted a stingray in the back, and as i havnt played one for a couple of months, decided to have a little muck about.

    Upon playing it, i found it had a TERRIBLE sound, even my friends thought that. im not sure if it was through the crappy roland amp, or if it was the actual bass itself, and i just couldn't wait to get back home to my sterling.

    so what are everyone else's opinions on each bass, and their preferance?[/quote]

    crappy Roland amp :) how dare you
    just kidding :rolleyes:

    actually the very best bass sound i've ever had is my 2 band Stingray & my totally amazing Roland D-bass 210 amp which i replaced my hulking Ampeg rig with.
    it is the best sounding amp i've ever used & it's nice & light weight too.

  7. cheers for the response guys :)

    i must admit the thing that draws me to it is it's so perty looking :rolleyes:

    to be honest i don't really need another bass as i use my 'ray for the funk thingy any way,it's just a GAS attack.
    plus you are correct,i really must try one before i rush in so thanks for the wise words,much appreciated.
    it's a good excuse to trawl around a few music shops & last time i did that i bought my Stingray--not that i'm impulsive or anything :lol:

    thanks guys.

  8. i'm thinking of ordering one of these from Guitar Guitar but it will be a blind purchase,i.e. i've not even seen it in the flesh let alone played one,or any other BTB bass.
    are they as good as they look ?
    it has the MK2 Bartolini soapbars & MK2 e.q. + a piezo bridge,so i'm thinking it will have a pretty impressive tonal range,but wil it be a good funk bass?
    i'm thinking it will but would much appreciate your thoughts,especially of you own a BTB of some kind.

  9. [quote name='The GroovyPlucker' post='695228' date='Dec 28 2009, 11:28 PM']Nice, these are, had the super supreme version, not sure it made much difference.
    Just on the Chic/Funk thing. I'm nuts into that kinda stuff, can't play it for sh*t, but well I try. You should maybe consider a vintage Aria Pro II SB or RSB series with flatwounds, mighty funk, not slappy, but funky as f%*k. I had an RSB800 with flatwounds, mmmmmmmmmmmm,

    The GroovyPlucker[/quote]

    i love those old Aria's, when i was a wee kidy,well about 15,i had what i think was an SB900-i think--twin pickup neck through lovelyness--then like a stupid spotty twat i sold it :)
    kids ?

  10. don't be afraid to haggle over the price quoted,i walked into PMT Leeds 4 weeks ago to check out some 'Rays hanging on the wall.
    i tried a white/maple 3eq ray,a honey burst/rosewood 2 eq & a Sandberg jazz bass thingy.
    the Sandberg to me felt very unispiring,i only played it for 5 minutes & handed it back,as for the 'Rays i spent nearly 2 hours trying them back to back & went for the 2eq one in the end.
    said 2 eq 'Ray had a wall price of £1250.00 but after a good haggle & me pointing out the tiniest mark you've ever seen on a new bass :) i ended up taking it home for £1000.00 job done.
    btw don't let anyone put you off a 2 eq model as mine sounded far better than the 3eq model,plenty of punch & treble with far less clack than the 3eq one had but i'm very fussy about my sound & truth be told if they'd only had the white one i'd have taken that home (after a good haggle of course).

  11. [quote name='Nostromo' post='691691' date='Dec 22 2009, 07:53 PM']Hi,

    What is the nut width ? . . and could you have a go at describing what the neck profile like on this lovely Gibson ?


    hi Mate,cheers.
    i've just measured the nut at 41mm bang on.
    here's Gibson's spec's on it,
    the neck profile is just lovely,from memory it's kind off like a jazz bass profile only very very slightly smaller in all respects-not by much though.
    i've just been having a twang & find the neck a very comfortable shape,infact some of my old band's practice sessions were over 3 hours long & i never had any problem with the neck on this.(well appart from hitting the correct notes that is)

    btw- thats a very nice collection of basses you have there.


  12. [quote name='Heartbreaker' post='691339' date='Dec 22 2009, 11:43 AM']So how much?[/quote]

    damn good question,i'd not really thought of a price more of a trade mmmm,let me think.

    i suppose i'd be wanting £700.00 for a straight sale,it's got to be worth that i reckon.

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