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Posts posted by iconic

  1. [quote name='jaybass 70' post='746053' date='Feb 15 2010, 04:27 PM']This guys good ,,, check out his Stevie Wonder , Maceo parker and larry Graham stuff ,, V Funky

    I can't believe I forgot this guy, he was the 1st guy I found, great to watch I like guys who enjoy themselves....Swiss I think.....also he used to have some older vids when he was learning...he went from good newbie, to bass god in some 18 months....to me this guy such real raw talent

  2. [quote name='Cygnus x-1' post='746644' date='Feb 15 2010, 10:48 PM']What about 'Kadjagoogoo' Too Shy?
    ......some great music already mentioned, went to see New Order in the early/mid eighties at Preston Guild Hall, half way through the set a massive fight broke out and I mean MASSIVE, the band went off for about ten minutes until it stopped. Me and my girl had gone on the motorbike so we had our helmets, thought we would need them at the gig at one point. Ah..good memories, perhaps Hooky remembers it?

    The first three Simply Red albums are sheer class.[/quote]

    too shy, great bassline....way beyond my meagre talent

  3. [quote name='derrenleepoole' post='745946' date='Feb 15 2010, 03:19 PM']I have an OLP, and they're great basses if you understand that they are a copy of a Stingray in looks, but if you want 'that sound' you'll have to get the real thing. That doesn't mean that a good sound can't be achieved with an OLP with a little modification. You can get a very good tone from a cheap instrument with little extra expense - this is true of most cheaper instruments to some degree. I personally find the balance on my OLP very good, the weight is also good and the neck on mine is very playable. I also think it looks quite pretty. It's true what they say, you get what you pay for... but sometimes cheaper instruments come up trumps, and the OLP did for me. After twenty years of playing I've found a good bass that fits 'me' and I guess that's the key.

    Not the best playing example, but I put this video together of the OLP with a Basslines pickup added and an Audere pre installed. Please excuse the playing :)


    thanks for that

  4. [quote name='noelk27' post='745639' date='Feb 15 2010, 10:51 AM']The CAT Bass was the final iteration of the second version of the RSB (Rev Sound) series. Before being branded as The CAT, the series had also been known as Rock Solid. By way of dates, the first version of the RSB series appeared in 1979, the second version in 1983, and The CAT in 1986. There were a number of The CAT models, utilising either P/J or J/J configurations, and passive or active electronics (the active models featuring bypass switching as opposed to the phase reverse switching of the earlier RSB models), one volume and one tone control, with a three-position pickup toggle switch. Bodies were mostly alder or basewood, with maple necks and rosewood touchboards.

    I owned an active The CAT model, which was a solid if unremarkable performer, although a comfortable bass to use with a slim, fast neck. The sound was less characterful than previous RSB and other APII models - not having the mid range focus that you'd associate with earlier APII models.[/quote]

    wow, many thanks for that

  5. Both of these basses seem to have my attention at the moment for various reasons...

    All I know (or think I know!) is the Cat is an '80s bass...I think with triple pups...that's it all I know...not sure of 'sound'

    OLP MM2 is a no longer availible chinese built Stingray, with very patchy build quality...some very good, some very bad...I guess a good sounds [i]similar [/i]to a Stringray

    cheers guys

  6. As self teaching newbie to bass, I find youtube a real useful aid as a learning tool, be it good or bad, but lets leave those arguments behind....

    ....the guys whom bass playing I tend to view obviously play the stuff I like to listern to....

    in no particular order




    bean9seventy...that hand position looks sooo pianful though

    slikktim...certaily enjoys himself

    carolinabass...what an accent, good teacher for me though

    any other gems out there?

  7. [quote name='alanbass1' post='744519' date='Feb 14 2010, 07:02 AM']Was in the same class at school as Nick Heyward - Forest Hill School. I remeber the band he got into at the time and no-one thought it was....well Punk[/quote]

    my keyboard playing 'Nick Heyward' loving mate met Nick in a pub toilet in WestGate Essex a few years back...[i]hang no not like that[/i], only by chance they weren't hanging around mens toilets...

    Nick was a PA for A&M record company..or Arista..... but anyway, my mate said what proper nice guy Nick was and didn't mind chatting about music and stuff, and making allowances for a my mates dribbling hero worshipping...

    .....he also said he is taller than he looks on the TV..... what ever that means?

    anyway I found this bass vid' on facetube if it helps anyone

  8. yeah I know asking for tabs is boring, I sounded out love plus one, anyone had a stab @ Favorite Shirts and/or Fantastic Day?

    ...is Les Nemes playing Aria's at this time....and no one told me they did a gig just before christmas :)

    acoustic bass on TOTP but only for show?

  9. Trace my posts and you will see how new this Squier is, it's as new, totally standard....great guitar and no doubt I will regret selling it years on when Fender pull the plug on these babies as they are are tad [i]too good [/i] me thinks but........ but I think I'm a Yamaha guy at heart and want a BB-414 or 614 instead....even my stereo is a Yamaha...I'm only playing my RBX with flattie's onboard, the VMJ sits unplayed...maybe she just needs a set of flatties!

    ....Orange (hmm!) 414's are new for £249 so they are about the same price 'ish....anyone with an as new BB gagging for a VMJ?

  10. ....not too familiar with attitudes...is this an early Attitude?


  11. what do these better built bridges do for me, it seems fitting a Bad Ass bridge is a common fitment?

    ...I look at my Yammy RBX bridge and it's got a solid beefy quality looking casting, my VMJ has a bit of bent chromed sheet metal...one thing I do notice is that the yamaha has a good 'sound' unplugged, the VMJ isn't as good with a thinner & rattly 'sound'.

    ....not that I play unplugged of course, just an observation really from fiddling while talking to customers who ring when I'm practicing :)

  12. [quote name='Malc62' post='739589' date='Feb 8 2010, 11:56 PM']Agreed 100% on "Chicism", especially the opener "Chic Mystique". Also worth a listen are "Tongue In Chic" and "Take It Off" - no hit singles but some great grooves there.[/quote]

    I'll hunt them down thanks for the tips...

    ....what amazes me about Mr Edwards playing is that [i]most [/i]of the basslines aren't that 'technical' and by that I mean 'difficult' for a newbie like me to play, but they just sound so great when he played them.... not many ghost notes, slaps or hammer's, mainly simple stuff played incredibly and effortlessly well.

  13. [quote name='lanark' post='739029' date='Feb 8 2010, 03:51 PM']I've seen a guy do perfectly excellent stab at Jamerson's What's Going On bassline and half the comments are morons telling him that "it's nothing like Jamerson" or "you need to get better rhythm" and "what the hell you thinking not recreating every fill EXACTLY how the great man did it (even if Jamerson did it differently every time he played)".

    What do people get out of this act of belittlement?


    what a crap thread, never seen such poor gramma' :rolleyes:

    but there are real funny comments..."great playing! But i was really distracted by your "roast" peeking out from underneath your shirt, so i will give you a 4.5" :)

    Yup exactly know what you mean X100.....example: saw a really good vid of a guy doing Everybody Dance clean, no effects, now that is one tough cookie and he gets slated by some guy who has zero vids of himself, what a t*t!

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