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Posts posted by iconic

  1. This is quite strange for me, maybe it's common I don't know :)

    For example, I can play MFSB Mysteries of the World, The Whispers And The Beat Goes On and It's A Love Thing by working it out by ear, it may a take a little while but hey I'm thrilled I can do get this far, I should add that I can not sing, at all, not a note, and my old piano music teacher told me I was musically tonedeaf....I can't be that bad!?!

    .....and then I seem to struggle with something simple, like this song from Climax Blues Band. What I do know is that anything faster, funkier is far easier?

    ..............something that I thought of yesterday, is that my right ear has a 'hole' in the frequencies it can hear, the left ear less so. I know this from having proper soundbooth hearing tests every 3 months from 20 to 24 when I was a test engineer at Lucas CAV, I performed 'cold room tests' starting a 6 litre diesel engines @ -40c in a big freezer with ear protectors, as a result I had to have very strict medicals on a regular basis.

    The company doctor thought the ear problem may have been the result of years of Kart racing with a 100cc 2 stroke engine thrashing away @ 12K rpm a few inches from my right ear, and a little shotgun shooting when I was very young, both without ear protection....don't me wrong I can hear but some tones/notes seem flat of missing....I just wondered if this maybe the cause or this song has some wierd chords or something :rolleyes: I can play it but still 'find' wrong notes too easily.

  2. and a couple of village hall/wedding/engagment/fete disco flavored ones....yes, very commercial for some taste but great basslines and great to play.

    I have been playing this Tramps gem all week, easy to throw lots of pops in there, to [i]funkify[/i] up!

    I'm finding this bassline a bit tricky though...my fingers are too damn slow still on the D string run!

  3. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='756726' date='Feb 25 2010, 08:32 AM']Congrats on your new bass - I've had a couple of BB614's & as you say, they're great basses for the money. As usual for wooden necked basses, they seem to run really well on Marcus Miller sig. DR Fatbeams 40-100. That'll give you a little more speed again and they last ages.

    Strangely enough, one of my pupils ordered the raspberry red as well. :)[/quote]


  4. Well, I did it, the final installment in my bass collection :lol: .....I wanted a BB as no one seems to slag them off, I love the oldschool looks and they seem to be a very versatile bass.

    I viewed three BB4/6 series that were advertised as "as new"-"unmarked"-"never gigged"...all the usual suspects (one wasn't even the guitar advertised :) ) , [b]road-worn [/b]would have been a far better description :rolleyes: ....but it seems that only Fenders can be tatty and get away with it :lol:

    ....after spending, what over £90 sheets in fuel and so many hours outa my life I thought bugger this, and bought new again and at a sound price on the colour I wanted...(maybe no-one else likes Raspberry!), sometimes I really think it can be cheaper in the long term...I wouldn't like to think the real cost to my business whilst I have been trundling along looking at firewood with strings, with the "I don't know much about guitars" well yesterday you told me the "action was low with no fret buzz" and the "well it is secondhand so you should expects lumps outa the neck/body/head", yeah it might be secondhand, but yesterday it was "as new" and only played for 10 mins!

    ....wow, what a surprisingly fantastic bass for the money.... lovely slim & fast neck, looks a bit heavy but it's surprisingly light - far lighter than my VMJ - usual Yammy wonderful build, ideal string spacing for me and an excellent EQ, amazing when that bass EQ is wound up... and sooo many tones it may make the RBX and VMJ redundant.....

    ....but it's the action that is stunning for me as a newbie...it's lower than a snakes arse in a rut, I never realised just how much this affects the playablity, the RBX is good, but it makes the VMJ look so high I'm sure it could be used for limbo dancing....gota look into lowering it!

    Even with this low action she loves to be slapped too, time will tell if it's salad day affection, and I'm off to Wales in few weeks on the bikes, but I can only take one bass with me, I reckon it will be this one.

    ....anyone here running theirs with different strings, always nice to know what works well?

  5. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='751301' date='Feb 19 2010, 07:43 PM']I think they are nickel, which I never usually use. They sound very punchy...lots of midrange, but nice and bright, too. They have lasted longer than other makes (for me, anyway), but I hate strings when they go even a bit dull.

    My bass is a Roscoe SKB 5.[/quote]

    are they the group III's?

  6. Call me shallow, but I simply love the look of this bass, if Porsche made a bass in the 1980's it would look like this :rolleyes:

    ...I think it's a Washburn (?), even though the title says Alembic, Status, Jaydee etc, I know jack all about Washburn's and no doubt it's gonna be worth a fortune :)

    what can you gods of bass tell me about it? The players pretty good too!

  7. I have Ernine Ball Group III flatties on RBX-374 and simply adore them...[i]they feel like silk on the fingers[/i] and boy do they make that bass growl...so much that if I just been playing my VMJ and plug the RBX, in I have to turn the bass down on the amp to stop the room singing along too...PC, printer, tables, other guitar strings etc :) and they all sing better than me :rolleyes:

    "Flat chrome plated steel wire wrapped around a hex shaped tin plated steel wire. Provides a smooth feel and mellow sound."....[b]mellow [/b]really would be the last word to describe them!

  8. Getting away from Fender and Squier's....

    By build quality as in 'build'quality' as I know it as an engineer, meaning quality of construction//finish/stability/consistancy I really don't think that you can get much better than Yamaha's.

    OK, you personally may not like Yamaha's for what ever reason, but they simply ooooooooze quality, when you next get a chance take a look at the cheapest RBX-170 and try and find fault for the money...[i]if you can [/i]then you must qualify to be a beige nylon shirt and Farah slack wearing diesel trainspotting anorak with few friends, lots of 12ft long scarves, a garage with a board on the wall with outlines of every tool you possess and you certainly wouldn't/shouldn't have a girlfriend :)

  9. If Chic and Bernie be the arbiter:

    [font="Arial Black"]Novice: Upside Down,
    Sportsman: I want your love, We Are family
    Clubman: Le Freak, He's the Greatest dancer
    Expert/Championship: Dance Dance Dance![/font]

    or Duran Duran JT then

    [font="Arial Black"]Novice: Planet Earth, Is there something I should Know
    Sportsman: Save a Prayer, The Reflex
    Clubman: New Religion Girls on film
    Expert: Rio[/font]
    remember....I should be the junior novice section so I have low stds that I fail to live up to!

  10. [quote name='foal30' post='747956' date='Feb 17 2010, 05:39 AM']also
    what sort of Bass does Mr Eller have in that video?
    I have that film, I remember I asked what is that bass.[/quote]

    from his website but this is fair few years later! [url="http://www.jameseller.com/home.html"]http://www.jameseller.com/home.html[/url]

    and a varied selection of bass guitars, including customized Lorimer Geilgud fretted and fretless basses, a '62 Fender Jazz bass re-issue, a '57 Fender Precision re-issue, a "Dearmond Starfire semi-acoustic bass, and an ESP 400 series Jazz Bass with midi control"

    ....I was at the first concert up in the gods, got tickets from touts outside for £2 less than face value, missed first 3 mins of concert and drove there in Ford Capri 2.8 [i]Infection [/i]Caspian Blue over Stardust Silver 5 speed, whilst mates drunk Tennants Super...a very early 90's experience :)

  11. [quote name='WHUFC BASS' post='745690' date='Feb 15 2010, 11:36 AM']Watched a film on Saturday that The The did the music for called "Tony". Blimey, what a bleak film that was. Good though in a dark sort of way.[/quote]

    they don't get darker than Lung Shadows... :)

    [size=4]this is [b]proper [/b]'80's The The....great bassline James Eller on bass (Marr on lead)....this still makes the hair on the back of my neck tingle[/size]

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