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Everything posted by aznbass

  1. [quote name='tredders' post='681245' date='Dec 11 2009, 12:54 PM']Hi Steve Great sig, by the way I'm keeping the flight case, and the tolex case is an old one that came with the '76, so would prefer to keep that. If necessary though, I'll ship the P bass in the case. I've had a couple of PMs on this one, so it's close to being sold. Anyone holding back or thinking of grabbing this, now is the time to act Mark.[/quote] Hey mate, im loving that bass, and i dont usually like pickup covers, and i dont know much, but i would keep that old case, it keeps it all original and stuff
  2. I love the way Roadworn Basses look. Id love to get one. Also, i agree that it doent really matter which country the fender is maufactured to me, because ive had an MIM Jazz and it played nicceeee, And ive played alot of MIA's while finding the one i wanted and some of those were also brilliant.
  3. Lookin nicer! That headstock shape is really nice, Cant wait to see it finished! good luck with the rest mate :):)
  4. Hey!, that looks lovely, and a pretty rare thing to come across by the looks of it.. Good luck getting it! Also,ive never presonally used a company like the one mentioned, but ive never really heard anything bad about them, and when i have its normally the actual postal sevice bringing it over who is to blame, But im sure youll get it one piece!
  5. O.N.O eyy?? so in theory, if i offer £100, id get it, if nobody else wanted....? Only joking! Good luck with your sale, i love it!
  6. Looks like 3. Theyare both beautiful, so someone buy the mans bass.
  7. Fine indeed, mines bing dropped a few days before xmas. Good luck with your sale mate, Its a beautiful bass.
  8. dont take any tools to the bridge before you try a new string :)
  9. This bass is SOOOO nice. Shame my budget only stretched to an american standard J Well, i say "Stretched", the money hasnt left me and the bass hasnt left the owner and we havent really drawn up a proper deal.
  10. If its fine, and it suits YOU then just leave it!, I dont really take mine to be set up, except for one time when friend needed a fretless basses nut altered, the strings had to sit lower on it. and that wanst even mine!
  11. my godness, the shipping's a bit much, No?
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  14. Hey!, welcome! Im at sixth form and with to go to ACM after it. What kinds of stuff do you need. That sounds retarded lol. I mean, like grades on instruments? and theory?
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  16. Ive sold on pretty much any bass ive stopped playing, but none of them were worth more than £350 id say. Havent really ever regretted selling them, because if i didnt, id never have the money to buy another bass!, im at college see. But its okay, like you have to get rid of things you dont use, because if your not playing it, its just some cash tied up in an object, AND you made a profit!, NICE ONE!
  17. Ive had a similar situation, but not probably as important as yours.. In a band at high school, which in my opinion was making good music. I got annoyed with the drummer, we used to be really god friends, but when it came to playing, it was always about "i can do the best drum solo ever" ... in a quiet chilled out song and he was very skilled, just kinda excessive, and everyone else agreed, but it was just easier to come by a bassist at the time, so they gave me up and put up with him.. and then the band fell apart because everyone was traveling in different musical directions.....
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  19. O that new MM looks NIIICCCEEE! :)
  20. Yea alberts is kinda rubbish, have you tired MI Repairs
  21. If i can get some of my drum gear moved on soon, id love this..
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