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Bass Novice

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Everything posted by Bass Novice

  1. So, I have a bass which I can play ok on, a keyboard I cant play unless im reading the music, I have just purchased (first time user), and of course a ukulele I can play a bit. I would really like to learn to play and then record a sound where I can play all instruments (apart from drums). Can anyone think of a simple song I can do this with. Coldplay type bands was the first thing I thought due to the Piano parts, but the dont look too easy otherwise. Any suggestions from fellow bassheads?
  2. I am learning to play bass guitar, and have been learning ,nearly 18mts. I can play basic tunes on my Ukelele, and would like to learn the electric guitar as a second instrument. I have around £200 to spend, although happy not to spend it if I don't new to!
  3. One of my main objectives in learning the bass is to join a band, it looks like it would be a ton of fun. I know I am not ready yet, but also I don't know, or how I will know, when I am ready. When did you know when you were ready to join your first band, what's your band story about how did it come about?
  4. Some companies are starting to release, or at least let customers know about, their black Friday deals. It might be a good idea to put any bargains in this thread, doesn't have to be a bass, it can be anything music related. Personally I would like a cheap and decent beginners electric guitar, just to mess about with and learn as a second instrument. Anyone else looking for a bargain?
  5. When I bought my bass it came with a starter pack including a guitar bag, which I use when taking my bass to the lesson. A friend of mine plays electric guitar and he has a hard case he uses when going somewhere with his guitar. The electric guitar is shorter than a bass so it makes sense to have a hard case. I am a bit paranoid that I could damage my bass when going somewhere, what do you guys use to transport your bass? Do companies make practical hard cases for bass guitars?
  6. Hi all, I have been lurking on this forum for a while and so thought I may as well join in and contribute to the fun! I have been playing bass for about 9/10 months and completed my grade 1 a few months ago. I am hoping to do my grade 3 early next year. I am using a Squier precision bass and Fender amp. I also have a desktop PC with a Focusrite interface and Ableton DAW. my long term goal is to play in a couple of covers bands, one would be a ska/reggae/soul type band and the other would be a rock focused band. Outside of bass I am also half-heartedly learning the Ukulele and Keyboard, I also have a few years experience learning the violin too, I just cant stop accumulating instruments that look fun to play!
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