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Nice Guy Rich

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Everything posted by Nice Guy Rich

  1. We’re also looking to get IEM’s, the recent posts on here have proved really helpful 😃👍🏻. KZ ZS10 Pro’s are looking to be the ones I’ll be getting.
  2. My church is considering using the ChurchSuite app to help organise everything, does anybody have experience of using it? What are your thoughts?
  3. Phoenix Life, I claimed part of my pension early and they have done nothing but come up with fake excuses to stall the process and I'm still waiting for my money, months after I should've had it....I feel like I've been scammed, it's bordering on fraud.
  4. You have to frame it 😁 I'm a worship leader at a Baptist Church and I love METAL !! 🤘🏼 Counter their scribble with Psalm 33:1-3.... Sing joyfully to the Lord, you righteous; it is fitting for the upright to praise him. Praise the Lord with the harp; make music to him on the ten-stringed lyre. Sing to him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy.
  5. @SimonK I am definitely guilty of letting off steam in this thread because as church musicians, we all know that playing in church can be equally rewarding and frustrating. Yesterday I led the sung worship, I was on bass and lead vocals, we played I SPEAK JESUS and whilst we have played it countless times before, for some reason it really resonated in the hearts of the congregation. There was a huge and very vocal outpouring of love for Christ and it made the hairs on my arms stand up, it was a honor to be a part of it and it made me love what I do even more. I'm still buzzing this morning. Yes, I moan about playing in church but, I love it too 😁
  6. @Woodinblack So true, I always wanted a Thunderbird so I bought one, the neck dive was a huge pain and I couldn’t get on with it so, I sold it on. Its not a failure if we learn something along the way.
  7. I've used the Levy's Leathers Poly Black Extra Long 3" straps in the past and, I found them to be great.
  8. I just read this and added the Basschat app to my home screen 😃
  9. I didn't enjoy reading that Aston "Family Man" Barrett passed away this week, a huge loss to the bass world.

    1. Reggaebass


      Massive loss, very sad indeed 

  10. I cannot get enough of this album at the moment, especially this song
  11. @LukeFRC I actually play more 6 string than bass nowadays, the "no need for a bass player" rule is just foolishness, dreamt up by non-musicians when they don't think to ask the musicians, what it is that they actually need or want. I just posted a request for a drummer in the `Musicians Wanted' section of this mighty site. If I can get a rock/metal covers band together, that'll keep me busy and then I can jack in the church band. I don't need stress in my life, I just want to play and have a laugh.
  12. Guitarist/singer and bassist/singer are looking for a drummer to get together just to casually play Rock and Metal covers for the fun of it and, to shake of the rust. No plans to gig, just rehearsing every now and then and having a laugh doing it. We’re both in our 50’s (young minded) and we’ve always played in Rock and Metal covers bands. Message me if you fancy dusting off your sticks and rocking out before we can’t any longer 🤘🏻. We’re based in South Woodford E18 and we know a great rehearsal studio in Loughton.
  13. @oldslapper Only because I know that the twisted logic that I’ll get as a reason will annoy me further and then, I’ll start think of quitting again
  14. @LukeFRC The most amount of musicians we would ever have on stage at one time is 4; guitar, bass, keys and drums. We normally only have 3. I do not know why this decision was made and to be honest, I'm scared to ask.
  15. I doubt that logic was involved in the decision making process.
  16. I’ve just found out that my church elders have decided that we don’t need a bass player every week, it makes no sense to me…..I’m dealing with non-musicians making musical decisions 🤦🏻‍♂️
  17. I used to rehearse at Soundlab in Loughton, Essex, I played through an Orange Terror bass head into an Ampeg 8x10, simply the best sound I have ever got.
  18. @Rich I bet she plays like a dream, I used to have a Status Energy 4 (wood body and wood neck), it was a lovely bass to play but the knobs were faulty so I got shot of it.....I wish I'd kept it.
  19. I've been revisiting an old favourite...Gigilo by BLACK OAK ARKANSAS. Who can resist Big Jim Dandy.
  20. @TrevorR Everything's good and back on track.
  21. @Risk101 How is your hand healing? Back in 2010, I managed to put my left hand through a window and I completely severed both tendons, I went right through the Median Nerve and I had to learn how to use my hand again. 14 years on I still only have 20% feeling in my thumb and the first two fingers on a good day and, I have limited mobility of my thumb but, I can still play and nobody can tell when watching me. Praying for healing for you. Some of you might remember that I threw my toys out the pram recently and stood back as a Worship Leader in my church, I'm now back as a Worship Leader as I missed doing it and I think both sides learnt from the situation. God is great !
  22. I need to get a better gig bag for my EUB, I swear that the one I got from Gear4Music is one step up from a plastic bag.
  23. I could never buy a red bass. I don't like active pickups. I don't like 5 string basses.
  24. When I decide to play my EUB in church, it’ll be going through the Peavey TKO 115 that we use for standard basses, are there any specific adjustments I need to make to the settings of the combo to accommodate/compliment the EUB? Any ideas and advice would be greatly appreciated.
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