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Posts posted by mep

  1. Hi & welcome to the forum.

    Always good the hear about bass players doing the vocals as well. I got the hang of backing ok but take my hat off to anyone who does the lead vocals as well. I've always fancied a go and I have a song in mind.

    Enjoy the forum, it gets a bit addictive!

  2. [quote name='parker_muse' post='955445' date='Sep 13 2010, 09:47 PM']Here is a picture. It has alpha eminence speakers rated at 8 ohms each - they're non-original i believe. I'm not sure the input jack is in the original place either.[/quote]

    If it is what I thought it was then there isn't much left. The originial bi-amp top box was enclosed & had a 150w amp in it to drive the speakers. Could be a custom job on the original to make it an extension cab instead of the original powered cab.

  3. [quote name='parker_muse' post='955371' date='Sep 13 2010, 08:56 PM']It's the first time i've heard anything that it could be. I've tried to find it on the net with no result.[/quote]

    Post a shot of it's rear end and I'll tell you.

    From memory there should be a jack input and a volume control. The range probably didn't last long and I bough mine new around 1993.

    It's was used with the old TNT50 that had a crossover control and 2 outputs for high & low. The low went back into into the combo cab via the power amp in and the high went into the top cab.

    I've had a quick look and can't find any images. Unfortunately I don't have a photos of me with my rig from those days, only fond memories.

  4. [quote name='joerattray' post='949033' date='Sep 8 2010, 12:58 AM']Not trying to be a dick but I don't think its a triplet on the 4th beat of a lot of the bars there. It sounds very clearly like four semiquavers.
    Big fan of Bruce Thomas' work with the Attractions, particularly the stuff on This Year's Model and Armed Forces.[/quote]

    You are no dick. I have had a listen and you are right. Sounds like the G# is doubled up. Feels a bit busy, but I'm probably used to playing the triplets!

  5. [quote name='lonestar' post='948947' date='Sep 7 2010, 10:44 PM']Great tab I've really enjoyed playing this in a previous band too.[/quote]

    Thanks. I like to get my students playing this one. It moves around the fretboard and between different positions. Also they have to work out the key change.

    BTW before anyones comments I just had another look and the first chord for the Mid 8 should be G#m, not Abm. At least the tabs ok!

  6. [quote name='goblin' post='948840' date='Sep 7 2010, 09:23 PM']little finger :)[/quote]

    [quote name='dood' post='948855' date='Sep 7 2010, 09:36 PM']It depends on what I have played before it and and where I need to go after![/quote]
    Sometimes, so both

  7. [attachment=58345:Olivers_Army_Bass.jpg]

    Here it is.

    I've played this many times over the years and it's a great bass line. I've used a hybrid of tab & notation so you get the rhythm correct. It's quite easy to learn. Once you've got the pattern you can work out the key change easily enough.


    BTW I have also looked for a tab out of curiosity and there isn't one.

  8. Had to pass on a couple of seated tickets a few weeks ago. Our son is going on Saturday and his mates parents couldn't make it. We were tempted but the overall cost of travelling etc and the hassle of getting someone to look after the younger kids was too much. We saw them in Teignmouth last year, which was fantastic.

    I'm not a fan of the acoustics in the new Wembley stadium compared to the original. Saw the Foo Fighters there and it was acoustically awfull, and the support bands were inaudible. I gather it sounds better on the ground, so good luck who ever get's them.

  9. I'm sure you'll get a good few comments about right hand technique and a strong wrist action for your pull-off exercises! :)

    Seriously though I'm sure someone has some good exercises to help you on your way. Pull-offs are a usefull technique even if they aren't used as much as hammer-ons.

  10. Our drummer has a basement for all his kit so we practice down there. It's not too loud and his family are ok with it. There isn't much headroom, so both he & I sit down. The singer and guitarists are short arses so they can stand up.

    In the past I have done just about all the other options, but it's now that counts.

  11. Great start to a thread. Sum's it up well.

    I an a convert too after purchasing a 2EQ Ray from a friend some years ago. He said he had one for sale. At the time I wasn't thinking of buying another bass. I had it on load for some gigs and just fell in love with it. Have never looked back.

    Glad to hear you are a convert, now you need to fully prove it by changing your avatar showing you with your Ray and not the Fender!

  12. Some years ago I joined a local soul band. We had a few practices and it was ok. Strange bunch of people, especially the keyboard player. The practices easied off after a while. One day I saw an add in the paper for a bass player and recognised the number of the singer. I phoned up and got her answer phone. I left a message for her and got one by return. She deliberatly left her message when I was at work so she didn't have to talk to me. She grovelled a bit and said they didn't think my feel was right for them!

    I was miffed to say the least, but soon moved on, hope you do too.

  13. [quote name='Mykesbass' post='926717' date='Aug 16 2010, 06:04 PM']How's the signature model coming on - I heard there were copyright issues when they wanted to name it the Fender Precision Muller Lyte![/quote]

    :) LOL. I think you have him in a Muller Corner now!

    This is one of the the most amusing threads I have read for a while. I will be keeping a eye on this while it runs, and enjoyed getting Mullered!

  14. What sudden and sad news.

    He was one of a few who had PM'd me. He had seen our video and was interested in our set as he was planning a similar project. We exchaned a few messages and had a bit of a laugh within them. He seemed a top bloke. My condolences.

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