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Posts posted by mep

  1. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='973895' date='Oct 1 2010, 01:11 PM']You really believe that's the only alternative?

    I know some great covers bands who play pretty unusual stuff to rapturous audiences.

    In fact, what they're doing is widening the audiences' musical horizons.[/quote]

    I have done both and really enjoyed the original music I worked on in my younger days. I have them all on CD for nostalgia. When I got passed 30 I realised I was not going to make it big from being a professional musician doing the original thang.

    Like most other cover band bassists I have to hold down a job and have a family. I enjoy going out at the weekend playing live and seeing the reaction from enthusiastic audiances. We like to stamp our mark on songs ans do some unusual covers of covers that really please the audiance, sometimes you don't know them till the vocals come in. We are not fully prostituting ourselves but work hard to give the audiance something a little different that separates us from most of the run of the mill local cover bands. I also come home with a bit of a profit and have had a enjoyable night out to boot.

  2. 1. Years ago I had my first decent P Bass copy nicked when I was down the pub. Never saw it again.

    2. Loaded up the smallish PA in the boot of my maestro and shut the hatch door down on the corner of one of the cabs. Broke the window and had to use a blanket to try & cover the gap for the gig. Ended up buying a second hand hatch, respraying it and fititng it all by myself.

    3. Left a small powered monitor (1 of a pair) on the pavement outside our flat. When we realised it was gone.

    4. Left our duo gear setup in dodgy Southampton pub early. Went home, came back to find no guitars. Luckily the landlord hid them from the locals. Started playing and realised some clown had unplugged the monitors.

    5. Left my Stingray in it's case in the driveway of our friends house where we once rehersed. Saw it as we drove out, stopped, got out and loaded into the car. Heart attack narrowly averted!

  3. Some great comments here that cover a lot of ground. I've been doing bv's for some years now. For me it's best when I'm duplicating the lead part to beef it up. I'll have a go at other independant parts, and here it's confidence that's the key - just go for it. Some notes are easier to pitch for me. I'm lucky as our drummer does bv's as well and will do the part I can't do & viceversa.

    Your comment about learning the vocal line is me all over. If it isn't simple it takes forever to learn. After quite a few months I've only just remembered the backing to the chorus in Fire by Kasabian. I used to stick a bit of paper with them printed on to my mic stand. It's also a bit of a weird one to play bass with at the same time. The b line is simple, it's the timing.

    One other trick I learnt from an old band is to watch the lead singer as much as you can when doing bv's. We do Footloose and our singer gets the choruses mixed up quite often. I find it helps if I'm looking at him, even if it's the back or side of his head. If he get's it wrong he turns around and smirks in aknowledgement that I followed him ok.

  4. [quote name='Kraken' post='970602' date='Sep 28 2010, 01:04 PM']All Sorted mep is a top man!

    BTW mep I think I may be playing down your way next june, keep an eye out for Thinking For Tuesday and I will buy you a beer (or two)[/quote]

    Glad you got the score ok. Always a pleasure tp help a fellow BC'er on their way. I'll look out for the gig, give us a reminder nearer the time, and the venue. If i'm not gigging I'll try and make it.

  5. I have the score & tab for the whole album. Could scan it and send it if you want. Will have to wait for the weekend cos I'm gigging tonight. Last song in the set is Sweet Child. The score is great and you will almost sound like Duff!

  6. The volume pot in my EBMM Ray has been playing up for some time now. First it would crackle when turning the knob if a signal was going through it. Last Saturday at a gig it stopped working on full. I gave it tap and a push and it came back to life and got me through the gig. That was it for me, especially as I didn't bring a 2nd bass.

    I went to the web site for Strings & Things, but no volume pot was advertised. I contacted them on Sunday evening through their web site and asked if they had a volume pot for sale. I got an email reply from Alex the next morning saying yes they do stock them, but do not sell them through the web site. He asked for my delivery address and phone number and said he will call me to take payment. I replied that evening, and the next day he phoned and took payment for £8 + £2.95 for recorded p&p. The next day it arrived and I quickly replaced it for my old one. I even put the date sticker on the back of the new pot, which is 05.09.91 for the record.

    I'm very pleased with their service and even more pleased to get my Ray sorted. :)

  7. [quote name='Linus27' post='962515' date='Sep 20 2010, 06:35 PM']I think w*&%*r is the best choice for a british insult.[/quote]

    As used by Parminder Nagra (Dr Neela Rasgotra) in ER on more than one ocassion I seem to remember. :)

  8. [quote name='TimR' post='960847' date='Sep 18 2010, 11:59 PM']BUT the drummer had really good feel, control and dynamics. I spoke to him after the gig. He also plays guitar.

    Maybe it should be law that drummers learn a musical instrument.

    Maybe it should be law that musicians spend some time behind a drum kit.

    Bit like the car drivers v motorcyclists argument.[/quote]

    Good point. Our drummer has started to learn guitar, and is also getting into orchestral parts.

    Unfortunately even though I like drums I'm quite bad on them, but again good point.

    As a biker I think it would be great if every car driver had to take the motorbike CBT.

  9. [quote name='Lorne' post='954218' date='Sep 12 2010, 11:35 PM']Thanks,I will have to update this picture at some point soon,3 of those basses have left,several others have arrived and the settee has left as well.

    It would be nice to have all of them here at the same time to get pictures of 'em though :)[/quote]

    That's all very well, but you have not updated us on the small fluffy cute teddys. Do you still own any of them as well? :rolleyes:

  10. Despite my earlier attempt at humour about playing on dark stages I just used my fretless to play along with some of the songs from our set for a chnage. Ok its an Aria and not my usual Ray so its feels quite different an sounds different. It's lined so makes playing easier. I'm no newb on the fretless but quite often feel I don't get enough out of it. Anyway I will have to gig it a bit more. This thread has given me the inspiration to go for it. I'll still take my Ray along for the odd song or two. :)

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