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About franzbassist

  • Birthday March 26

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  1. Did anyone here win Bernie Marsden's Yamaha BB bass at auction today?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Cairobill


      I just sold mine (and will probably be looking for another one soon). 

      The Marsden one went for 1050. Plus fees for the auction house etc it probably cost the buyer over 1300. As BB2000s are struggling to get over 1K on bass chat I would say it was over the market value.

      There's one (pickup only) in Essex which hasn't shifted at 1300 and the seller is asking for offers. That would probably go for not a lot over 1000 if you could pick up?

    3. franzbassist


      Thanks Cairobill. TBH I'm not that bothered about owning one of those basses per se, it was more the fact it was Bernie's. He was one of my favourite guitarists and it would have been nice to have the bass.

    4. Cairobill


      Ah yes - a rare one in that sense. The upshot is that the BB2000 is probably the best bass in the world! IMHO of course ;) 


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