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About Marvin

  • Birthday January 31

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  1. That's really it then, no more music or bands for me. The vast majority of my gear is sold. I'm left with a bag of cables and one keeper bass (still have another for sale, possibly sold...). 10 years of effort trying to find a 'functioning' band and nothing to show for it. Very much feels I've wasted a lot of time.

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    2. dmccombe7


      It was same for me in most cases excepting one band where it was just too demanding for me. I learned the set of 34 songs in 3 weeks and half way thru they told me majority in different keys. To be fair to the BL his dad had just passed away and we weren't able to rehearse at all before the gigs but the guys were all brilliant. The week after he told me it was a different set for the next gig in 10 days. I had to pull out as it was just too much for me but we still keep in touch and he has asked me to dep when his bass player can't make a gig altho its usually the day before the gig LOL. People are def one of the most important factors in a band. Hope it all comes together for you mate. Everyone deserves to be in that "perfect band" for them.


    3. dmccombe7


      To be honest if this band ever falls away it will be the end for me i think and time to move on to other hobbies again.


    4. jezzaboy


      I know how you feel. If we cant get a replacement singer for my main band, I reckon I will knock it on the head, sell most of my gear except for 1 bass and amp and take up painting! And to this end, I have today visited the shop called The Works and bought some acrylic paints, paper, brushes etc. I cant paint to save my life but I need to expand my horizons.

      There are just too many numpties about in this music lark.

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