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About Grassie

  • Birthday 08/05/1975

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    Isle of Wight

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  1. 3-point bridges - why in God's name.....just why???

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Grassie


      Took me two hours to set my new (to me) EB-3 this morning after picking it up yesterday evening. My first experience with a 3 pointer, first thing I did was take the strings off to give it a good clean. Second thing I did was pick the saddles and bridge up off the floor after it fell apart. 

    3. bartelby


      Sounds exactly like my experience. 
      I shall be getting a Babicz bridge at some point…

    4. W1_Pro


      I know I'm probably a bit of an outlier here, and I completely understand that folks have issues with these, but I've had the same three pointer on my 1987 TBird since...well, 1987. I've never had to do much to it.  The action was low in 1987, it's still low now. On the other hand, I tried a hipshot on my NR bird a few years ago, and that was awful. Bloody great clunky thing that would have needed countersinking to get the action to the height it was with the original three pointer. I now have a Babicz on there which is a very nice piece of metalwork, but still quite idiosyncratic in its own way. Anyway, just my experience, completely accept that people might think I'm talking out of my hat. 


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