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Everything posted by FLoydElgar

  1. If you move your bridge do it flat on the ground or your soundpost will fall over!!
  2. I bet these are flying off the shelves
  3. Play seated! IKEA STOOL works very well...
  4. Just have a lesson with Duncan McTier, He'll clean up anything to do with the double bass and musicality! If you can catch him that is!!! Might cost you somewhere in £££ a lesson... But worth every penny... An Idea of how he teaches! = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2phOd3xp1kk Good luck with all the practice!!!
  5. Owned from new - [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Jeff-Berlin-Bass-Logic-Region/dp/B000LSBX6Q"]http://www.amazon.co...n/dp/B000LSBX6Q[/url] THIS IS A DVD...
  6. Mozart symphony no 40. 1st mvt Tchaikovsky symphony 4. 1st mvt Mahler symphony no 2 1st mvt Lots of fun!
  7. The best used price I could find was £22 on amazon and excluding P+P... Mint condition Uk only. Floyd
  8. Jake is right, by lifting your arm will allow your fingers to naturally become "un collapsed". Also pick up Duncan McTier's Daily exercises (spartan press)... These are rigorously demanding but highly desired from a technical point... with your tutors help - you'll see drastic changes in your playing! they are amazing... imo... I do love these books alot! and they all are inexpensive! = ) all under £30... Another vid - enjoy... http://youtu.be/5x-_EiW2BZs?t=3m59s
  9. the price is small but a life times worth of work.... - [url="http://www.neiltarlton.com/"]http://www.neiltarlton.com/[/url] Enjoy
  10. Collapsed fingers are not a massive issue! However, if it is bugging you... then practice what ever you're practticing slowly and think about every motion you are doing. build up strength. Don't vib until you've sorted one of the issues. Are you bowing? or pizz? Tarlton book will give you SOLID technique... I rant and rave about the book... because its the best imho... goodluck!
  11. This is some good stuff - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qEIKoOXvWM&feature=relmfu
  12. Hi bob, yes this piece is for "solo tuning" double basses... Which in this case is tuned a wholetone up - F sharp, B, E and A!
  13. A question - how do you practice your intonation? tuner? against open strings? piano? pitch fork? iphone tuner? How do you shape the hand?
  14. How important do you feel it is? {right hand technique if you are lefty... I accomodate for all ;-) } For all - opinions welcomed and even disagreements... Its a discussion... Possibly a question to ask one's self... My view For me it is highly important that my muscle memory is as accurate as it can be... Reason for this... i.e If I'm playing a piece of music I don't want to be worrying about any complex passages and intonation issues I just want to focus on the music and go into a familiar realm where I perform... As you know there's already enough pressure put on a performer just performing... But, some have and may disagree... That its an art and art should be expressed how you feel at that given time etc... Aa demonstration of someone who follows these guidelines to a much superiority than myself. My favorite soloist and educator... Duncan Mctier. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRqYluR5Aa0 Floyd
  15. Marcus Miller best of, Level 42 Vol 4 (Stuart Clayton) & budah Dickens Funk bass £12 each + Postage or all 3 for £35 inc Postage Floyd
  16. I am in no rush and the prices I offer are good enough average of £7.50 a book and the bigger ones £10.50 i.e victor wooten/steve bailey, Marcus Miller and Level 42. Bach book is £4
  17. http://sphotos-e.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/557009_10150936381865959_1353604632_n.jpg
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n2JanKszFoQ&feature=related
  19. Pictures soon I am mega busy today just thought I'd post a tease out there! Jaco Method book inc CD Jaco PLay along Inc CD Jaco transcription books "essential Jaco" and "Jazz Fusion bass" Probably want £7.50 each + P+P so best buy them all... £30 + free p&p Pictures of all books - http://sphotos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/396635_10150936392710959_1149194463_n.jpg http://sphotos-e.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/557009_10150936381865959_1353604632_n.jpg
  20. Take your time and only ever look at new pieces... As that's sight reading at its purest. 10 mins each day will make a lot of difference! Everyday!!!! you will make around 87 hours worth of pure sight reading... read music whilst listening, read music as if you are reading a book! sing in your head, sing out loud! sit next to a piano sing a few notes before you play the notes! Use the Niel tarlton books!! Immerse yourself... Most important thing is to play music. Learn a sonata i.e Vivaldi's Cello sonata no 3 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4WyHvZyczCc ABRSM do the complete cello sonata for db or you can probably find a pdf somewhere online alot cheaper!!
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