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Cosmo Valdemar

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Posts posted by Cosmo Valdemar

  1. Just sold my Spector Euro to El Molusko - unfortunately a very drawn-out process due to a variety of obstacles my end but EM was very patient and gracious throughout. Excellent communications too.

    I wouldn't hesitate to deal with El Molusko again.

  2. [quote name='dmz' timestamp='1319382154' post='1413373']

    I think I'd rather go for the beast that Chris Squire put together in the very early 70's


    .....so two 50's pickups, with some interesting control cavity action going on (!) and an old style bridge.

    Would be kinda cool to put something together like that !

    That's a fantastic bass, he used it for a few songs on Time and a Word I believe, and Lucky Seven on Fish Out of Water. As far as I know it was wired stereo, with each pickup having it's own control plate, the extra one from a Telecaster.
    You can see him play the bass in the 'No Opportunity Necessary' video, although it sure sounds like he used a Rick on record.


  3. I adore VDGG, Still Life by far my favourite album of theirs - La Rossa is as exhausiting and devastating as any King Crimson of the era. I love the fact that at first listen they can appear quite impenetrable and rambling, they can often take quite a bit of work to understand. But once you get it, the songs are under your skin forever.

  4. [quote name='Von Death' timestamp='1319389994' post='1413514']
    I bought this off Robocorpse a little while ago as I was looking for a backup for my US Mockingbird....

    It seems to have done the rounds having previously belonged to thombassmonkey, stevied-fenderp2009 and rmshaw37

    A canny bit of work done,

    1 Refinished to get rid of missing chunks

    2 Grover Titan Machine heads

    3 2 x Dimarzio DP122

    4 Wiring done for bass and treble boost (like on my US Mockingbird)

    5 Headstock refinished with US style logo....

    6 Brass nut

    Will be putting a Gotoh bridge on sometime!

    I love it and will not be selling it!

    I had one of these for a while, kind of regret selling it. Definitely had a unique growl, you can see why Entwistle was so fond of the PP configuration.

  5. [quote name='bassmachine2112' timestamp='1319643397' post='1416826']
    Jetglo all day,like a L.B.D goes with everything and suitable for any occasion.
    White ones with black accesories are known as Tuxedo like James Bond I suppose,he,s had every gadget known to mankind but I,ve never seen him play a Rick maybe due to the Rick being cooler than himself.

    The Tuxedo was a very limited run - it also had a white (or very pale) fingerboard with dot markers. There was a standard white Rick as well though, wish they still did it as it's a fantastic look.
    I went for Mapleglo myself, simply because it was the one on sale at the time. However out of the standard colours it is probably my favourite. Fireglo is amazing but sometimes has the tendency to be a bit pink. Jetglo is the classic Rick look but very popular.

  6. For anybody wondering...


    Mr Amazing lives up to his name at 2:08. If I played a Jazz I would want it to sound like that.

  7. [quote name='daz' timestamp='1318601704' post='1404229']I was watching the Old Grey Whistle Test, dvd boxset last night. One of the bands was[url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argent_(band)"] Argent[/url], who performed the famous "God gave rock and roll" track in 1973 (this was the original, before Kiss carbon copied it. It was written by the singer from Argent's brother. I'll bet he's made a few bob from it over the years?) ][/quote]

    Kiss didn't 'carbon copy' it - they covered it, slightly rearranging the music and considerably changing the lyrics - dropping the bits about loving Cliff Richard.

  8. [quote name='BISCUITANDBASS' timestamp='1318719632' post='1405614']Hi Cosmo.... Thats a Beautiful Spector my friend, did you ever sell it or do you still have it ??? Let me know eh, Cheers ;o)
    Respects BISCUIT

    [email="[email protected]"][email protected][/email]


    I'm afraid it's as good as sold mate, just waiting to ship it out now. However if it all goes belly-up I'll let you know!

  9. [quote name='VTypeV4' timestamp='1318550438' post='1403757']One that musicians and none muso (but not engineers) types use: 'It sounds a bit tinny'

    That bugs the hell out of me.. Tinny? What!? Use your words to decrible what you're hearing. Last time i looked, a tin makes no sound at all unless struck and even then.. Stupid term and none descriptive![/quote]

    tinny - thin and metallic in sound; lacking resonance

  10. [quote name='Beedster' timestamp='1318100804' post='1398169']

    Have you still got that copy of The White Album signed by all five Beatles?

    I have a copy of the first G//Z/R CD, signed by Geezer Butler himself! But you would have to twist my arm if I were to trade for a Rick, and I'd probably need something extra on top, like your house.

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