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Cosmo Valdemar

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Posts posted by Cosmo Valdemar

  1. Discontinued Orange Crush 35w bass amp. Fully functioning and very LOUD!
    Very old school, warm tone. Only selling due to a lack of space, my tiny Line 6 now fulfils any bedroom practice requirements!

    One slight thing - the plastic/rubber casing on the handle has come undone at one end (see pic) - the handle itself is still attached and works fine so this is nothing more than a cosmetic issue.

    Here are the gubbins I found online:

    [b]The main features of the Orange CRUSH 35B BASS COMBO include:[/b][list]
    [*]35 watts of Orange tone at an affordable price
    [*]Single - Clean thru Overdrive channel configuration
    [*]12 inch Orange Design speaker
    [*]Gain / Volume controls
    [*]Low / Mid / High EQ
    [*]Headphone Out / Speaker Out / Line Out
    [*]Classic Orange Styling
    It's not little or lightweight so collection only, from Dartford. [b]£50[/b] and it's yours. :)

  2. [quote name='Vibrating G String' timestamp='1327787172' post='1516909']
    Is rudeness only to be used when you can use it in secret behind someones back? I find that more disgusting and an example of the problems with tribalism.

    My point was that several people on here chose to be deliberately offensive and provocative knowing full well that the player in question would probably read their comments. That's just spiteful.

    We don't have to like everyone's music or playing, but we have a choice about how we express that distaste.

  3. Does everyone on here have as much hatred for 12 string basses? I really can't see the issue here, the original clip is of a man at what looks like an exhibition or trade show trying out a bass, getting an idea for the tone and what the bass can do. Similar to what we all do in guitar shops.

    The fact that it was disclosed that the chap in the video is a member on here and everyone still felt free to be so rude and offensive is pretty disgusting.

  4. [quote name='Norris' timestamp='1327670105' post='1515080']

    From his own mouth - with a pick, always neck pickup only, bridge PUP dialled down to zero. [url="http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:RyBfxSThF5YJ:www.flyguitars.com/interviews/martinturner.php+martin+turner+interview+thunderbird&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=uk"]This interview [/url](google cache, as website has exceeded bandwidth message up!) talks about his gear.

    And he splits the signal to two amps - one clean, one dirty. I'm not sure exactly what amps he used back in the day but whenever I've seen him recently he's used a Hartke amp for clean lows and an Ashdown ABM for grit. Both amps went through Ashdown Mag cabs. He also used a Blackstar pedal for occasional solo boost. This rig sounded just like 'classic' Wishbone Ash, the tone of dreams!!

  5. [quote name='gullach' timestamp='1327499177' post='1512340']
    I simply asked him as I was in doubt. And he appreciates my efford - but he is also picky. I am not the type to grow grumpy about him being particulair - this is just important to him and I would also appreciate him being understanding if I said no, if he bought a pair of expensive shoes in the wrong colour ;-D

    Fair enough, sorry if I misinterpreted. :)

  6. [quote name='gullach' timestamp='1327488624' post='1512016']
    Anyway, the old man says no - he's not impressed by the Artic white being produced in China - reputation is that quality do not match the Alpine white produced in Korea. :-(
    There goes my present...anyone have an Alpine one for sale - I really want it.

    Does he know you've already bought the bass, or is he still in the dark about the whole thing?
    If he's rejecting the gift and knows he's doing it I would tell him to find an Alpine one himself. You've already gone above and beyond and don't deserve to have your kindness thrown back at you.

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