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Cosmo Valdemar

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Posts posted by Cosmo Valdemar

  1. The bass player from The Answer uses one of the Zemaitis bass models. This one if I remember correctly:


    Still hideously expensive.

  2. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1323550590' post='1464561']
    Must admit, have only really got the MSP stuff since Everything Must Go, but that track Sllepflower, well I can see the rock influence - James Dean Bradfield is a big fan of Slash apparently. Think I`ll have to get Gold Against The Soul, really liked that.

    You would probably like their first album, Generation Terrorists, as well then. :)

  3. The basslines from Everything Must Go onwarda have for the most part been pretty dull, but The Holy Bible is one of my top bass albums ever* - stark, angular lines that often dominate the song and tend to define the whole tone of the album.

    This in particular has always been a favourite.


    The previous album, Gold Against The Soul, is very shiny and influenced by US rock of the time. It's disliked by a lot of fans but contains some fantastic songs and some wonderful Rickenbacker clank throughout.


    *Actually it's one of my favourite albums ever, bass-related or otherwise.

  4. [quote name='12stringbassist' timestamp='1322859764' post='1456872']
    Jim Lea played bass on all of Slade's recordings, Dave or Nod would sometimes (rarely) do a bass part onstage,
    if Jim was playing violin. I think Jim Lea was the reason I took up bass - far more so than McCartney.

    My Slade site is at [url="http://www.slayed.co.uk"]www.slayed.co.uk[/url]

    That's a fantastic website! I'm just trawling throught the guitar and bass pages now. Heaven. :)

  5. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0u1PdFzIx4"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0u1PdFzIx4[/url]

    Quite restrained for Geddy, but punctuated with some stunning runs and, in my opinion, his finest studio-captured Rick tone.
    For those unfamiliar with the song, the bass is absent for a lot of the song when the keyboards are taking centre stage. You can hear the Rick at 1:40 - 2:17, 3:32 - 3:59, and 4:18 onwards.

  6. I too am boggled by the lack of recognition Jim Lea gets as a bass player, he's an absolute demon.
    The same goes for Slade as a band really, I think most folk tag them as a good time party band but they were [i]so[/i] much more than that.

    Slade Alive is mandatory listening.

  7. I saw them a couple of years back at Wembley, I was a little worried as Gillan's voice has been has been a bit hit and miss over the past few years. Any worries I had were gone straight away, he was on top form. They even did Into The Fire!
    Glover was fantastic as ever although I'm afraid his Vigier tone leaves me cold, there's just no charater to it. Bring back the Rickenbacker and Marshalls and have done with it :)

    I bloody love Purple.

  8. What I would do:

    1)Agree to try the song with the pick and proceed to play intentionally badly. Make it clear that playing with a pick is not your natural style. They will soon realise that, in your case, fingerstyle sounds better. And hey, you gave it a go!

    2)Begin the song with the pick, then halfway throught move around so they can't see how you are playing. Switch back to fingerstyle. After the song, see if anyone noticed a difference.

  9. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1320673844' post='1429716']
    My fave band & fave music changes quite often; but the mainstay band in my life is or was Slade. Their celebrated live album was Slade Alive which was recorded on the same night as the TOTP show they did with their first number one in '71; therefore in Nod's words "they were on fire that night".
    Slade do Loving Spoonful

    PS. To the OP - what the hell is that bass in your avatar???? :)

    This, plus:


  10. [quote name='Highfox' timestamp='1319891949' post='1419771']
    Ok so I was a bit bored today and maybe spent too much time looking at old videos on youtube.. but
    Whilst I always had a crush on Suzi Q in the 70's and loved her leather look :) .. seeing this maybe [i]impromptu[/i] bass solo from her back in 2009 makes me feel she never really gave a lot of love to her bass playing.


    That solo is truly epic. I'm noticing hints of Colin Grigson in the phrasing.
    Honestly, probably the funniest thing I have seen in a long time, utter joy. Even the tone is hilarious, it sounds like broken bedsprings every time she does the slide up the neck. [i]And she keeps on doing it! [/i]
    It's like watching your drunken aunt pick up your bass and attempt to play it.

    I'm going to watch it again.

  11. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1320338822' post='1425569']
    She had a long article in G&B magazine a couple of months ago. That bass was her dad's & he gave it to her when she left the "Osmonds" type family group they had going to go pro. She still has it.

    Meanwhile for comparison; the bass-playing skills of two of her contemporaries............

    & Steve priest of Sweet with an [i]insane[/i] Rick tone thru a stack of Hiwatts.

    That Sweet clip sounds like he's running the bass in stereo but the sound man's forgot to mix in the feed from the neck pickup.

    And as for Jim Lea, he's probably one of the finest bassists ever to be mentioned on this forum. Seriously.

  12. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' timestamp='1320273339' post='1424807']She don't look half bad these days - And she's playing a Status...


    I thought she was a Status player these days too, but she was interviewed in Guitarist a couple of issues back and never mentioned them once, despite the article picturing her with all her basses their wasn't one to be seen.

  13. [quote name='Chris2112' timestamp='1320253725' post='1424441']

    I think the reason we're seeing it now is that Big Country are only just tenatively getting back together to tour and maybe record again. If you cehck recent interviews with the band members, they all feel very positive about it and seem to want to make a go of things again if it feels right. Interestingly, Tony seems the most cautious about getting back together, and he has always maintained he wouldn't be interested if it wasn't for the right reasons, or it didn't feel right. So to see Tony excited about where they're going now is a really positive indicator for me.

    As it is, the band's profile is still too small for a big brand to be knock on Tony's door, and he was content playing his own basses for years. Fenders, Warwicks, Arias etc etc. I think Tony has referred to this bass as a reproduction of the one he uses on stage. It's just an opportunity for JHS to get a 'name' associated with them and to make a little bit of cash, but it's also nice to see Tony getting the recognition he deserves with a signature bass. Sadly, it's not something that would interest me greatly (I'd rather he played a Warwick Thumb again) but it's better that it exists than that it doesn't.

    You missed out the bit where you tell us all how ugly the bass is, how awful it sounds and how it is based on a terrible design that has been outdated for years. :)

  14. The prize in the crossword competition in this month's Mojo magazine (with The who on the cover) is a rather fine Spector NS2000-5 bass, complete with stand and strings.

    AFAIK this bass has been out of production for some time, but the picture looks just like the ones I remember - EMG HZ pickups, brass nut, slimmer upper horn. I used to own the 4 string variety and it was smashing.

    So has it been re-introduced? Or has this bass been hanging around the Mojo offices for the past ten years?

  15. [quote name='barnettiuk' timestamp='1319971061' post='1420575']
    ..........and on the studio take of Roundabout CS is doubling his bass line with a 6-string to give it more top.

    I'm almost ashamed to admit I know that........... :))

    Squire has said this many times in interviews, but if it is on the record, it's mixed so low as to be inaudible. The only time the bass riff is doubled by guitar is toward the end of the song, after the lengthy mid-section and solos, and then it is clearly noticable, being an octave above.

    The bass riff for the main part is clearly the Rickenbacker alone, it's the same bass sound as almost all of Fragile.

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