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Posts posted by binky_bass

  1. I've owned 3 Sei basses over the years, for me ACG is my personal preference over Sei, but by a VERY small margin and purely just personal preference. 


    Sei build exceptionally good instruments, each one I've owned has been a joy to play. Excellent ergonomics, fantastic tonal pallette, love the look and the build quality is simply stunning. 


    Perhaps have a little look at ACG too as for me they're the closest UK based competitor in terms of quality, price etc. That should then give you a good perspective as to whether Sei is 'the one' for you. 


    I would say that if you do go Sei, you won't be disappointed, they are truly excellent basses and for me hands down beat the likes of Fodera and Wal that charge 3 to 4 times the amount. 

    • Like 3
  2. eBay do 'nothing' about far more serious issues (not wanting to diminish this example), so it doesn't surprise me they did nothing about this. eBay is great when all is well, but if you get a seller/buyer that is a literal maniac (had this a few months back) eBay just wash their hands of it all. 

    • Like 1
  3. 2 hours ago, Baloney Balderdash said:

    Then perhaps you would care to explain to me why it is that passively mixing two passive pickups using an MN tapered pot would give you just the same result as if they were mixed individually actively, cause I don't think anyone actually did explain how that can possibly happen?


    Other than claiming it is so because I am too stupid to know why, which I don't really think is a valid explanation.



    I'm not suggesting you're one or the other of the potential two examples in my prior comment. I know full well I don't have the expertise to weigh in on these technical matters, so I don't. 

    • Like 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, peteb said:


    I'm guessing your idea of a good night out is hanging out with some friends around a brazier with economy bottles of cheap cider, cans of Tennants Purple Tin and Thnderbird wine for the ladies? 


    Still, that's a better night out than going to Wetherspoons... 


    Absolutely not... how dare you. 


    I hang out alone down the back of train stations drinking white lightning out of the bottle then pass out in a ditch. Its a fine and honorable life. 


    Genuinely speaking, I'm more of 'a few rums at home with some pals' kinda person. Beats having to interact with certain folk that fit the bill of my prior comment! 

    • Haha 1
  5. 44 minutes ago, OliverBlackman said:

    Would still be better than a Carling in a plastic cup 🤪

    After 5 of either you don't care what the 6th is... might as well save the pennies and start on the cheap stuff given its all coming back up anyway after the 10th. 😆🤮🍻

    • Haha 1
  6. I have zero social media, so that's me out. 

    Also, and without wanting to be a constant Bass Direct Basher, these 'new format' emails are far less useful than the old ones. The older ones had a good solid list of what pre-owned stock was available, these new ones just have fairly generic thumbnails that often don't go to the right item and when they do they're linked to FB which some people don't have! Doesn't seem well thought out at all. I won't bother browsing the website or emails anymore, far too much of a faff/impossibility to get to a screen that shows what I have an interest in compared to the prior format. I've probably spend maybe 5-7k at BD over the years on bits I'd stumbled across through either the old emails or the old site, can't say I'll spend the time doing that going forward, just isn't as user friendly or enjoyable to navigate in my humble opinion. Might be fantastic for others, so let's hope I'm the minority! 

    • Like 1
  7. 15 minutes ago, cetera said:

    Owning 83 basses currently, I just pick up a different bass when the strings go dead on another....😂🤣


    But, seriously, I just pay as little as possible on a set of D'Addario EXL165's as and when required. Usually under £25 a set....

    At £25 a set it'd cost you £2075 to re-string your herd! 💸 💰 

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  8. I'm not particularly precious about brand - generally anything with an RRP of north of say £35 for a 6 string set are all decent and perfectly usable. I tend to try and find discounts if possible as I'm cheap! Got 26 sets 6 string strings (the ones that are now branded MarkBass) for £260 a while ago, that saw me through for a good few years. Recently picked up 5 sets for £25 of 'super budget' strings to see what they were like... not great, but that wasn't unexpected. Also bought 5 sets of Rotosound SM666 from Amazon recently for £14 a set... that was a great deal and well spotted by @TheGreek

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  9. Anyone else finding that literally every single link in the latest Bass Direct email takes you to something completely different? Tried clicking on 5 of the thumbnails and all of them bring up totally unrelated products. Bit poor really - also completely unsurprising.

  10. 48 minutes ago, Dad3353 said:


    Yes, but there's also a 'Vendor List' button, which brings up the long, long list of their clients, very many of which have a 'Legitimate Interest' box ticked by default. This 'Legitimate Interest' is a sort of 'Get Out of Jail Free' card for taking info for whatever purpose they deem legitimate; I unchecked them all, which took quite a long time. Several hundred, not '8 or 9'; they're just the visible ones to make one think it's all been covered. It has not; there' a lot of sneaky, hidden stuff that one has to be really motivated to not consent to. It's at the grey borderline of scammy as a method of operating, and I'll have none of it, just because it's so cleverly designed to make it very, very difficult to opt out. It's these methods I object more to than the use of any commercial info I might be giving away. As it happens, my statistics are so 'far out' that they are more 'noise' for any analysis, but it's for the principle of openness and transparency that wrankles. This company has as much contempt from me as I can spare, and severely taints any others using it.


    @Dad3353 is dead on - this feels very dishonest and scam-ish. Companies that specifically design complex and unobvious processes to effect the outcome they want are not companies I'd expect Basschat to affiliate themselves with. 


    @Kiwi - You have to agree that the massively overly complex way to actually truly 'opt out' of their cookie gathering process is not morally acceptable. Again, if the pop-up (like 80% of cookie pop-ups) simply gave the 'reject all' option, then no one would have any issue. This particular cookie pop-up isn't acceptable and I expect is legally grey as companies have a duty to not purposefully and obviously skirt data gathering permissions.

    • Like 4
    • Thanks 1
  11. @Kiwi - This new policy is clearly going to alienate a good number of very loyal members. The fact that the cookie notification pop-up is extremely unclear as to how to reject said cookies does bring into discussion the morality of the company you've partnered with. If the pop-up was a typical one where you can simply click 'reject' then I'd have no issues, as I assume few people would. The way this has been set up comes across as dishonest and makes people feel like they are having their privacy violated which is not the Basschat way. I appreciate you're in the unenviable position of balancing this website in all the ways it need balancing, but this isnt going to do the site any favours when some of the most long serving members are going to pack it in because there's no clear and honest way to reject cookies. 

    • Like 5
  12. As a general rule, I reject all requests for cookie acceptance. 99% of website have an option to decline cookies or to manage them at least. I've not come across a site that simply crudely says 'got it'. There should be an option to reject. If there isn't, personally for me this is a bit of a deal breaker. As a near 20 year member of the various iterations of Basschat, I'd hate to have to abandon ship, but unless I have the option to manage cookies to my preference, then I'll be left with not much option but to leave the site and with it my membership. I expect others will probably do similar, so in an attempt to draw an income to the site you might inadvertently loose a good few paying members... I get you need to balance the books, but not at the cost of selling our data please. I'd be happier paying more towards membership.

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