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Everything posted by jazzburger

  1. ¡Bienvenido Oceansize! I know they speak Catalan in Barcelona, but I don't speak Catalan 🙂
  2. Welcome Jeezy! My eyes are out on stalks - you've got some serious kit there.
  3. Hi Ivan. Welcome back (says the guy who has only been a member 2 weeks) 🙂
  4. jazzburger


    Hi Al, welcome to Basschat. Put the kettle on...
  5. That's a great endorsement Phil. I already feel like that and my pedal is still in the tender care of Hermes.
  6. Welcome NT. Enjoy the banter. I'm a recent joiner and loving it.
  7. For all it does, the original price was unbelievably good. I found someone selling a very good used/boxed unit on a well-known auction site and it came in under half of what it would be brand new - though they don't seem to be manufactured any more. I'd probably buy it just for the fretless and octave divider effects but a tuner/drumbox will come in useful and a looper will be a giggle for practice. Not too many bells and whistles so I can concentrate on getting back to playing bass half-decently after a long layoff.
  8. Guys, I watched Scott Whitley's YouTube video unboxing the Zoom B1on and I bought it for a very fair price on eBay. My divorce will cost rather more I fear... Again, I thank you all for your advice. This unit is just too nuts to ignore at the price.
  9. I'd like to thank you all for your advice. After a STUPID amount of research, I've installed Dr. Machine Jr and Loopz! on my Xperia Z3 Compact smartphone. They will start me off. The Beat Buddy/Mini/Mini 2 are on my radar and I'm 'watching' a couple of SR-16s too. @BassApprentice I just saw your post. Thank you, I'll check out the Zoom.
  10. Welcome BL. I think you landed in a great spot - and for all the right reasons 🙂 I've just been enjoying your "Cissy Strut" bass cover. I think I need to have a go at that.
  11. Hi, not sure if this should be asked in the Effects forum. I am returning to bass playing after at 10-year layoff (at least). I'm trying make practising easier and bit more fun. I'm hoping to get your advice on a small, relatively uncomplicated drum machine that I can leave running while I practice and doesn't need constant programming. I've seen many guitarists so involved with the tech that they forgot to play music - I'm 62 and I don't have time for that. My eye is drawn to the Korg KR Mini but I'm wondering if that is *too* simple. I've never owned a drum machine - just borrowed a nice Yamaha, but that was over 30 years ago and I have no feel for what's good now. Alesis SR16 looks decent but that looks like it's too far to the complicated end of things. Help!
  12. Hi OkiAkuma. Love your style - love your bass. Welcome!
  13. I got a Play Station 1 for my 40th birthday. Bust-a-Groove is the only game I bought. I think I'm hearing a Fender Jazz on here - what do you think? Bass player is credited on Discogs I think, but I'm supposed to be working...
  14. Welcome Supernaut. All of life is here.
  15. I'll try to find out. I thought they had something out last year but could have been a compilation.
  16. BS, that describes me too. DTTB are fantastic and I love lncognito/Citrus Sun and Ronny Jordan too. This track is superb.
  17. The bass is lovely. I think Kimpel is more of a star in the gospel world than funk or jazz so it took this track to make me aware of him. Old soul boy that I am, I love the reference to Rufus & Chaka Khan's 'Stop on By' right near the end. Heaven.
  18. I love the music of Donald Byrd, and love what the Blackbyrds do - so I was always going to love this. The bass is crisper than a crisp thing.
  19. Some blues guitarists would sell their soul (it is said) to play certain licks. I think I'd trade mine to play like Larry Kimpel does on here.
  20. I love this track. And I love looking at anything with Cragar S/S rims on. Wheel porn.
  21. Welcome KN - Happy Birthday - you're three years younger than me and I'm just looking to re-start playing bass too after a long sloth-induced absence. Enjoy this - it's a great thing to be doing.
  22. I would be failing miserably if at this stage in my Basschat journey (oh yes, I said it) I failed to post this 44-year old slab of heaven. Low bass = Charles Meeks High bass = Patrice Rushen (I have tears in my eyes typing this - this tells you everything there is to know about me)
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