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Posts posted by mushers

  1. [quote name='sixdegrees' timestamp='1343421510' post='1750682']
    John Entwistle would famously put a brand new set on to sound check with, then replace the frets for the gig.

    is that fixed :P

  2. is it just me that finds these strings a bit harsh on the fingers and frets ?

    put some on about a month ago cleaned up the fretboard beforehand started to play and...... they were tearing my finger tips up :(

    also noticed after a very short time they sounded a bit muddy on the bottom end, took them off today to test run some EB coated started to clean the board and noticed grooves cut in the frets >.< these grooves arent just where the string sat but seems everytime i bent a note they were cutting in and deifinately were not there a month ago

    anyone else noticed anything similar ?

  3. [quote name='slobluesine' timestamp='1342637315' post='1738513']
    piss off

    its a 50 quid pickup that the seller has offered to pay half towards the repair !

    is it realy worth making such a fuss about not getting a years warranty on a 2nd hand item ?

    in the future test anything soon as you get it.

  4. all of mine are doing the same at the moment sometimes im lazy and dont get the tuner out for a week and just tune relatively, then when i do get the tuner out lateley im almost always a tad sharp

  5. dont think the manufacturers warranty will stand although i flogged a mobile on ebay a while back that was new, the mobile broke the buyer took it back to carphone warehouse and used my name and address and they replaced it
    how long have you had the pick ups for ? or did they arrive not working ?

  6. built a six string earlier in the year from the same seller neck like a baseball bat litteraly gets bigger towards the headstock
    still playable cheap as woodchips
    killed some boredom for a while, now just hangs on the wall

  7. been thinking for a while about this whole new boxed (played it a few times) so i want nearly full whack for it ! even though im not v.a.t registered i still think its worth it from sellers

    second hand is second hand and with that you pays your money and take your chances

  8. [quote name='slobluesine' timestamp='1342461453' post='1735581']
    havn't heard back from the seller yet so can't comment, i think that's irrelevent tho, if someone sells something here as 'new boxed' and it doesn't work out of the box it should be the same as buying from anywhere else? again i'm thinking community spirit, not litigation here
    if i was to sell something anywhere privately in the box i would make sure it worked before doing the deal to cover my own ass

    but new isnt new if its being sold to a third party

  9. about 3 minutes only picked up the bass to fill a spot in a mates band until they found a real bassist was fun i played the root on the bass drum only for every song because i was told to, they never replaced me my mate wanted the bass like that
    16 years later i dont think im good enough to be in a band :( but may grow some balls to actualy audition one day

  10. [quote name='Dave Tipping' timestamp='1341177992' post='1714878']
    [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/RIVER-ISLAND-SIZE-8-PRETTY-BANDEAU-PARTY-DRESS-METALIC-YELLOW-SWEET-/110893540084?pt=UK_Women_s_Dresses&hash=item19d1c522f4#ht_2997wt_808"]http://www.ebay.co.u...4#ht_2997wt_808[/url] yep .. pretty tiny (and a little flat). I'm with Chris Horton on this one though! I'd def. take a punt on this for a laugh ... might even be able to put a smile on her face. :lol:
    i clicked that link shortly followed by see other items for sale, i was then reminiscing about my teenage years with the Kays cataloge when !!!!!!

    http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Topshop-Moto-Khaki-canvas-look-jumpsuit-playsuit-short-size-12-/110882704742?pt=UK_Women_s_Jumpsuits_Playsuits&hash=item19d11fcd66 is that a shadow or did she have a little accident

    btw she did look very bored holding that bass

  11. [quote name='fxpedal.co.uk' timestamp='1341418037' post='1718713']
    Well we got ours today. :) First impressions? Unbelievably good. It's very rare for me to say that, particularly at the lower end of the market, but I genuinely think that these are, for the sake of SBMM's more expensive models, too good! The guitars are great, but I'll focus on the Ray. First things first, this sounds and feels like a Stingray. Despite OLP's being great basses, I never felt they had the true Stingray sound, where the Sub has it in abundance. Likewise, we sell the Vintage EST96 which is another Stingray copy at a similar price and, while it sounds good, it's not really a Stingray sound. I've compared the Sub directly against the (twice as expensive) SBMM Ray34 and there is very, very little in it. That's comparing a 2-band (Sub) against 3-band eq (Ray34) but the basic tonality is virtually identical. The neck is a delight to play. And, unexpectedly for a Stingray, the bass is exceptionally light, no doubt due to the new tone woods they've used.

    Feel free to fire any questions at me. Anyone interested in trying one out, feel free to come in to the shop, or you can order over the phone as well as online:


    any idea how light ? my daughter is wanting one

    and are you open on saturday i may come down pick it up :P hopefully with the bass chat discount

  12. funny story springs to mind

    i was in a workshop with a joiner (real old chap) making some kitchen worktops, i told him about my new sr505 with its laminated neck and how good it looked, he just looked at me and said so what happened they run of good wood so built yours from scraps ?

    i like a stripy neck myself but that guys comment still makes me chuckle

    how bout a wenge one ?

  13. [quote name='fumps' timestamp='1341322234' post='1716983']
    Cheers guys some interesting comments & views......Gust0o I don't ever disregard peoples views especially if they make me laugh.

    In a way I would love just to sit with a teacher & ask him questions, no playing just questions.......some of them would be mind numbingly dumb, some would probably be complex but I have scowered the books I have & just cant find the answers to my questions.

    Music (To me) is a awesome Yin-Yan puzzle playing music is fun, hilarious, creative & beautiful, the dark side is the bewildering black lake of confusing hieroglyphs that is the theory behind it all........I will never truly understand the laws that I think exist in music but a little understanding would be useful .....as I realise I know bugger all.

    I get what you all say here......i need to get out of my comfort zone. i need to bloody wake up to myself a bit & realise that music is not something to be feared.

    maybe [b]this[/b] is what i was hoping to hear lol
    i was self taught for about 12 years but started to feel a bit frustrated so started some lessons, best move i ever made i generaly have a few months of lessons and quit for a while.
    some of these lessons are just question and answer sessions i can read a book about the same stuff but for some reason it just doesnt sink in, im sure my teacher thinks im mad every time i go back to him i ask to learn a new style his eyes light up when i asked him about jazz
    still no pro but my understanding is now bigger and wider and i have no fear of different styles

  14. i have no idea being honest played a few last year in the shops all new what pick ups would they have had and is there a big difference?

    edit see they come with Alnico on most sites and my ray35 has Alnico so i will probably go the Alnico route

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