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Posts posted by mushers

  1. [quote name='drTStingray' timestamp='1341172879' post='1714743']
    Do you mean like this, Mushers? I think it's very probable you need one but only you can tell - well at least that's what happens to me when I want a Musicman bass :)

    that bass is very nice indeed would love a white one, i have no idea why white never did it for me before
    frustrating thing is wifey demanded a dog just after xmas i flat out refuesed until she offered to buy me a stingray :) but when i went to buy one i walked out with a ray 35 which i ended up paying for anyway, her argument being thats not a stingray !

  2. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1341172136' post='1714730']

    What do you reckon the action is like on that bad boy?


  3. for some reason i realy want to get me a stingray 5 string with maple board, i have no idea why i just want it like a spoilt kid in a toy shop.
    thing is can i justify such a purchase ? i already have a ray35 which is great but its not got a maple board >.< i could play my ATK but i dont :(
    someone talk some sense into me before i part with hard earned cash on something i almost already have.
    i very nearly bought a sr5 classic from bass direct this weekend it was a bit of relief when i looked this morning it had already sold
    do i need a stingray ? or not

  4. seeing this after a few beers scared the pants off me ! i just checked mine and its about 4mm .. then i realised i was checking the B
    i would say 5mm is high ive played higher it just takes a bit more effort but i wouldnt want it on my bass

  5. no money will be changing hands they enjoy playing a lot (and the attention that goes with it ) makes the practice worthwhile and keeps them away from usual teenage things like smoking drinking and anything else that could seem fun at the time

  6. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1340382954' post='1703882']
    Before everyone gets excited suggesting 100w PA is not big enough shouldn't we find out what size audience the OP is expecting? Whether people are expecting to dance. Whether this is just a few songs to demonstrate that the kids can play as a band.

    i dont think there will be that many people listening all at once the girls are playing at the opening of the fete (when hardly anyone is there) and at the close (when hardly anyone is there )
    would just be nice if they were heard about 20 feet away or maybe beyond
    given up on the idea of seperate amps going with a pa and bass amp the pa will be borrowed im hoping, not sure on its power but if its not enough we will know for next time

  7. bit shocked by most on that list although some have been on similar lists in the past

    but why were the pixies at number 1 ? i had to listen to the song as i had never heard it and had only seen them on the tv at glastonbury were the bass player just looked awkward and sounded pretty much the same

    theres so many awesome basslines around i would have liked to see the jam or the clash perhaps even some motown, but my fave bassline to play at the moment is 9 to 5 by Dolly !

    let the public hanging begin :)

  8. im in harlow

    just spoken to a friend of mine who said a while back he had some pa speakers and has just said he also has a power amp :) not sure what sort of gear but i think i may give it a go

    another question though will electric drums through a pa do it any harm ?

  9. could hire one i guess guitar shop does them for £40 a night but could probably buy one after hiring it 4 times

    would 100w be enough on a school field for vox keyboard and guitar ?

    could just buy one outright or sell or swap a bass i guess was thinking something like this http://www.giggear.co.uk/p/Peavey-Audio-Performer-PA-Package/

  10. [quote name='Spike Vincent' timestamp='1340198458' post='1700858']
    A PA would be a good idea,although I would have thought the event should supply it.Lend her the Ashdown.You know you want to.
    i lent her the ashdown for the battle of the bands earlier this year will do it again even if we get a pa also lent her the stingray :P she was buckling under the weight by the third song !

  11. the school has no pa its a primary school i dont think they normaly have bands ect just a bouncy castle and stale cupcakes >.< i think some of the other parents would chip in, but that could cause problems if/when they split dividing the gear ect
    oh and when my band finaly get our set together we may need a pa :) but that could be years away or until the rehersal rooms stop selling beer and we get 5 minutes in there soba

  12. bit of a dilema my young daughter has started playing in a band.. but the other 4 girls have almost no gear :(
    they have played at their school using the school amps and stuff and last week played their first public gig in a pub at my dads 60th using only a small Korg keyboard amp (21W) a couple of pink vox guitar amps (15w tops) one of these for vocals and my old laney practice amp for the electric drums and bass didnt sound too bad after a few guiness but not very loud.
    They have now been booked for a school fete which has no gear whatsever, do you think these small amps will cope outdoors? i can let her use my 300w ashdown but there doesnt seem much point if the rest of the band will not be heard
    should i buy them a pa ? cheapy of course about 100w and would that cope ?

  13. i think most accountants would say (quietly so noone could hear) not to bother for what would be maybe a couple of hundred a year profit
    cash is hard to trace and a squigle on a scrap of paper serves no real purpose, we used to be able to employ casual labour years ago as long as the cash was signed for.
    personaly since running my one man business for years and paying my own tax and all that, i like to keep everything above board so if your employed already you will just need to fill in second income bits of self assesment.
    by the time you have counted up what you have spent you may be at a loss and pay no tax or perhaps a rebate.
    could always ask the taxman himself, although he is lots of people and when i have spoken to hmrc i have had very different answers to the same question from different people
    it can be a minefield

  14. [quote name='Warwick_Official' timestamp='1337795256' post='1665613']
    Yes, I figured so. And seriously...I don't want this to come across wrong, just thought it would be cool to offer up. I will gladly remove it if folks object. I'm enjoying being a member here, and don't want to tarnish that. Thanks again

    dont mind me i just dont like the apps on facebook

    if it had been a simple like us on FB and have a chance wild horses would not be able to hold me back

    good luck to any who enters

  15. i recently used beeswax on a bass that i had built and yup the neck was sticky ever since, well mostly after a bit of playing or on a warm day
    get ya self some mutton cloth and buff that baby up (removing the excess wax )

  16. [quote name='Clarky' timestamp='1337625392' post='1663063']
    Here's a young Spanish bassist who is clearly hugely influenced by Carles. Nice playing I think:



    that second clip was great not my bag but i hear and see the passion in that peice

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