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Posts posted by GremlinAndy

  1. Be patient dude. Times are hard at the moment. Not everyone has cash lying around, plus there's a possibility that if something isn't selling, it may be that the potential buyers are not considering it to be enough of a bargain. (ie over priced.)

    within the last 6 months I have bought from basschat the following, ...an Epifany 3x10, an Eden 2x10 and a really nice high-end Shuker 6 string. There's probably more going on, on basschat than you're aware.


  2. Love that bass! Would be SUPER proud to own/play it myself. I agree it might take a bit of balls but if you wear pajamas, or a smoking jacket it'd be perfectly camoflaged. "Niiiiice".

    PM me if you ever wanna sell :)

  3. [quote name='leloupa' post='1025079' date='Nov 15 2010, 07:47 PM']just curious.. why isnt there any intrest at all ? .. Is it too cheap ? ..too expensive ? i cant believe its still there personally, MTD's are among the best basses in the world.
    Maybe all you guys are looking for rip-off Fender junk or what ? 25 years ago i started with a Fender, sometimes i play a Fender in my search for a nostalgic 'coming home' kind of feeling but after playing a Fender for 1 minute i realise that they are just lousy basses with an oversized dead sounding body.
    I think i'll withdraw this, i dont need the money anyway. It will give myself a better feeling just to give it away for free to someone who would die to own a bass like this.[/quote]

    £1300 is a lot of money (regardless of the value of the bass) so there are only going to be a limited number of people with that kind of cash...
    ...and for those with the cash, there are a LOT of great basses with very modest price tags at the moment.

    ...and you're in Belgium which means anyone interested, has no-chance to try it which is not ideal for an expensive bass.
    And being in Belgium just adds shipping onto the price. Plus difficulty if the buyer is dissapointed.

    It may be one, or all of these reasons. ...or maybe it's overpriced. I dunno. I was interested enough to look myself, but will probably keep looking for something for a while longer. Ironically I may be in the market for a clunky old Fender if I can see the right one. But it's a buyers market at the moment so I'll sit tight for a while I reckon.

    Good luck with the sale. I would suggest patience. I'm sure the right person will come along, but you may have to wait.


  4. [quote name='Lysdexia' post='1021325' date='Nov 12 2010, 12:56 PM']

    I've got a well used plectrum (as illustrated) for trade.

    Open to offers.[/quote]

    Interested! I'll do a straight trade with that plectrum for a bassless fret.

  5. [quote name='Meenie' post='945070' date='Sep 3 2010, 11:35 PM']I'm putting my Trace Elliot 4x10 up for sale on Ebay this weekend but it has no plate on it telling me the Ohms or Output.

    People are gonna want to know these things obviously.

    I know there is/was a website somewhere with loads of old Trace stuff and the specs but i cant seem to find it.

    Any help would be much appreciated.

    Its a mid nineties one, cube shaped with the red stripes across the front in between the top and bottom pairs of speakers if that helps?
    Thats all i have to go on.[/quote]

    well, are you sure the speakers in it are original? The best way would be to take a look inside and work out the ohms from what it says on the labels, and how they're wired. There's plenty of material which explains that, and it's fairly straightforward really...

    If you don't know the history of the cab, it's the only way you can be sure.

    I hope that's helpful buddy.

  6. [quote name='Muzz' post='934154' date='Aug 23 2010, 08:45 PM']Oh my Lord - [i]2[/i] x 1515Ls? I thoughtI had enough headroom to kill small animals with one...are they 8 ohm or 4? What are you driving them with?

    +about a zillion on their rock credentials, size, and weight - I even had the guitarist offering to carry mine from the van at the last gig...[/quote]


    They are 4 ohm each. I use a powersoft Digam 3002 which gives 1500 watt at 2ohm each side. (I also have 2x 21012L's too, and they are awesome. But right now I'm preferring the older school (no tweeter) sound of the 15s.)

  7. I recently tried out a small but powerful PA/powered monitor by Dynacord. It was *VERY* impressive. It was a better sounding active cab than any of the other gear I got to try out, but here's the downside. ...It was 3 times the price of the others. I dunno about this particular amp, but if the price is right, I'd have no worries buying it myself, based on my limited experience of the brand.

    I hope that helps...

  8. [quote name='thumperbob 2002' post='591530' date='Sep 6 2009, 05:41 PM']Heres my 1212L and 1515L schroeder rig- Marshall Amp is hardly lightweight but my Markbass does great with either cab- just not both of them as they go to 2 ohms- 4 ohms each



    Best sound ever- and I can carry each cab at once!!


    The other day I used my 2 1515L's stacked on their side, to create as close to a vertical stack as Schro's allow do, with their 2nd angled speaker, and they were truly astounding for the rock music I was playing (Thumb bass through a Sans Amp for the grind.) The sound was awesome and I had more room for volume than you can even imagine. For dirty rock they were better than my 2x 21012L's which have more clear top end (The 1515L's have no tweeter in them but for the rock stuff, they sounded great)

    I personally reccommend Schroeder (I also own an Epi 310, and 212, which are FANTASTIC cabs, but for volume, size and weight, the Schro's win easily (It's hard to imagine they contain *2* 15's because they aren't any bigger than most 1x15's and are smaller than some compact 15's)) But you should try them out before you buy. As has been stated on here often, your preferred tone is very personal thing.

  9. Great bass buddy. I tried one out back when, ...and it was great! I'm a bit old and fat for the spikey headstocks these days, but that's a whole lot of bass for a very reasonable price. Very underrated basses.
    I'm sure whoever buys this will be well and truly satisfied!

    Good luck with the sale bud!

  10. [quote name='jensenmann' post='893006' date='Jul 12 2010, 05:51 PM']Yuk, stay away from this one. I´d better use no compression than an Alesis. Get a dbx160 A (or X or XT) and you´re done. You can´t dial in any bad sounding settings (in opposite to a Distressor or 1176) because it´s an automatic comp. Best bang for the buck on pro level. If you want to sink serious money into a compressor get any LA2A, LA3A, LA4, 1176 or Distressor. But mind that more knobs mean more control mean more can be dialed in wrong.[/quote]

    I think I'd agree with that post wholeheartedly. As I mentioned earlier, I have a Distressor and it did take me a while to find out how it worked to best effect.
    It took enough rehearsals before I got it right that I nearly decided to get shut...
    I'm glad I didn't, and in fairness, now I know how it all works, it's fairly easy to use. However an automatic compression would be a more immediate solution.

    But steer away from the cheapest of cheaps. I reckon they probably rob you of more than they give you. *that was my experience anyway*

  11. I too have the Distressor.
    It's the only compressor I've ever got on with.
    I was trying over and again to find why people swear by compressors... as all they apperaed to do was as stated above, take away dynamics.
    But now I find that the settings I'm using on the Distressor give me no loss of dynamics, and it's barely even there, but it does just tidy up my playing a little. (it's no substitute for perfect fingering tho, ...but then I'm far from perfect.) The key for me is to have so little noticable compression that I can forget it's there.

    Mind you £1000 plus, is a lot of money to have something in the chain which I can't detect 99.999% of the time, I guess.

    All other compressors I tried were basically, pants tho.

  12. [quote name='cetera' post='834719' date='May 11 2010, 09:25 PM']Well the Manchester Ritz show was a BLAST!! 1500 people and loads of new friends as a result :)

    Time for a summer break now then back in August with a trip to Russia(!!) before resuming UK gigging (see above ^ post) :rolleyes:[/quote]


    Holy cow!

    Great googly moogly! Good luck with that buddy. I think you'll f'ing storm 'em!!!!

  13. [quote name='walbassist' post='829015' date='May 5 2010, 09:40 PM']I'm thinking of getting one of these, but I have seen some concerns on the PV forums about reliability. Are yours running okay Andy?[/quote]

    I can't really help on the question of reliability, and won't be able to for a long time. I only just got mine, and they are only being used for monitor amplification. We only gig about 1 a month at the moment, so it would be another year before I could safely say that they're looking reliable.
    All I [i]can[/i] say is that mine are still ok after 1 gig... Not much help at all, I'm afraid.

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