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Posts posted by GremlinAndy

  1. I only just found this thread and it's been the best hours worth of catching up I've ever done. the work you're doing there is fantastic buddy. I'm going to be glued to the thread for updates from now on! Good luck!


  2. It's a sixer from some far flung post-apocalyptic dystopean future *I think*.


    Does the Phrase "Brundle-guitar" resonate with anyone?

  3. [quote name='Silent Fly' timestamp='1328606974' post='1529724']
    A quick note to let you know that the batch is ready. Unfortunately, there are only a few left. If you are interested in buying one, I suggest you move quickly.

    I also ordered with international shipping like a numpty... I was pleasantly surprised by the refund.
    Looking forward to receiving my Micro Thumpinator!


  4. Best thing I ever bought was the tascam bass trainer. I can practice all day/night long without the asbo avalanche under the letterbox.

    Not a practice amp in the sense you meant, but it's a much better, neighbour friendly tool than a little combo.

  5. well I just went for an old, but powerful Barco machine. Bought it off e-bay for about £250 iirc Bought a short throw lens from ebay seperately... The res is only 1280x1024 but the lumens is high as these things were designed for theatre/club use. it's like this... [url="http://www.aboutprojectors.com/Barco-BarcoReality-6400-projector.html"]http://www.aboutprojectors.com/Barco-BarcoReality-6400-projector.html[/url]

    MRSP $24,995.00 lol... The old ones like this have been superceded by smaller lightweight models with better performance now, but they have the *silly* price tag like this one did back in 2000 when it was new. However for my needs this was gonna be *MORE* than adequate...

  6. I fully agree with Monckyman. I don't like the powered mixer approach, and would (given a limited budget) try the powered speaker route...

    However the powered mixer *does* offer onboard effects (or the ones I've used do) so you don't need to buy seperate reverb units etc...

    On the other hand a mixing desk can be a daunting bit of kit for the unsavvy pa user....

    For your needs it might be best to keep it as simple as poss.

    Ermmmm I hope that helps... :unsure: Sorry.

  7. I haven't used it live (because my band split up before I got chance), but I bought a massive, fully pro' Projector, and plugged it into my laptop, and displayed some "electric sheep" screensavers (in the house) It looked great...

    My plan was to make some of my own graphics. I'm an artist on computer games so I have plenty of 3d & 2d art skillz (was that the sound of my horn blowing itself?) :)

    *note: search for "electric sheep" if you're interested in abstract visuals. It downloads new ones over time so although the selection is limited at first, you get some great ones over time... and you can (or could at the time) download specific ones that other people have posted.

    PS for sale: 1 massive projector and 3 > £200 lenses. Bah...

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