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Nail Soup

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Posts posted by Nail Soup

  1. On ‎09‎/‎08‎/‎2020 at 09:58, Reggaebass said:

    That looks cool, Do you think that’s something like Dub FX uses

    Seems like Dub FXis/are using their gear to make some new music rather than dub u pan existing track..... but I could (as ever) be wrong......

    • Like 1
  2. On ‎02‎/‎08‎/‎2020 at 11:07, Mykesbass said:

    Talking of Lover's Rock, just did a quick search of the thread and this hasn't appeared yet!! Another huge South London track.


    Excuse me Sir, I think you'll find that this was already posted on page 4 (ahem, by you!) - The Reggae Thread Police


    Only joking xD- I was looking back to see if my next post was a duplicate and noticed this one!

    You can get your own back if my next one is actually a dupe!! 

    Great song though, love it..... a bit outside my vocal range mind you!

    • Haha 2
  3. 20 hours ago, Angel said:

    I know that bass 'showboating' is most definitely not everyone's thing

    I fall into that category I'm afraid :sad:........ and found the "thumb and face" combo (see highlighted pic below) a bit of a warning sign ;)!

    However, with an open mind, I will listen to it tonight and let you know how I found it:)!

    (Can't listen now - post lockdown we have a "no streaming during working hours" rule in effect)

    Thumb and face.PNG

    • Haha 1
  4. 19 hours ago, lemonstar said:

    Easy to overlook Bruce Foxton's contribution in terms of vocals as well as bass to the Jam... this Smash The Clock album from 2016 is pretty easy to like.

    Yeah, his bass contribution is (rightly) well recognized, but his backing vox were great too.

    This song is pretty good, prefer it to the vast majority of Weller solo material

    • Like 1
  5. 2 hours ago, fryer said:

    Why don't we issue tabs on here ?

    If you want some opinions about the pros and cons of Tab versus Sheet music, then I've seen a couple of, ahem, enthusiastic threads about this in General Discussion.

    • Haha 1
  6. 3 hours ago, fryer said:

    so just to clarify, I choose either of the two music scores which are both different, guess what key it is in 'cos it may or may not be the first note, pick a note to work out, follow the five bar gate thingy to the left to see if it's got a flat or a sharp on it, check the actual note hasn't got another flat or sharp or neutral next to it to change the first one, then play the note one semitone lower.

    It's so obvious I don't know why I had to ask.

    I guess if it seems obvious now then it means you've learned how to do it!

    1 hour ago, fryer said:

    my comment was supposed to be funny.

    Unless I missed a joke.... in which case ignore my comment above xD!

  7. I'm not really a gear enthusiast :o, only own budget gear, and don't have an upgrade path in mind.

    So off the top of my head and within the rules:

    Bass: I'd get a top of the range Fender Precision

    Amp: I'd get an easy to carry Markbass combo or somesuch.


    In real life, as some others have said, I would prioritise aquiring a sound-proof music making space of my own. Then fill it with my existing gear plus some budget stuff to fill the gaps ........... drum kit (acoustic if the soundproofing is good enough, other wise mesh electronic), Lap top,a few mics, small budget valve guitar combo - all aimed at home recording, or having people round for a jam.

    But probably would not care much about getting any top of the range stuff (at least that what's I think now.... but once the money is burning a hole in my pocket, who knows?!)


  8. 2 hours ago, T-Bay said:

    It wasn’t cheap, about £70-80 I think, but that’s peanuts in the grand scheme of things music wise. Check out some of the YouTube videos and you will get a sense of what they are like. The top end is like a normal harp but the bottom end has a unique resonant sound that is just gorgeous.

    I guess it racks up a bit if you wanted a set of say seven for different keys.

    Then again, as you say, it's similar in total to what is often paid for a bass etc


    15 hours ago, ahpook said:

    I don't know what you'd call it actually.

    The marketing tagline could include

    "putting the A$$ into BASS"

    "something for your bottom end"

    "putting your roots through your glutes"

    15 hours ago, ahpook said:

    Rumble Seat ?

    Groovestool ?

    Vibr-o-Perch ?

    Bass Cleft?


    • Like 1
    • Haha 3
  10. I don't play harmonica as such.... but I went to a workshop once with good results  and I play it on my cover band's two Dr Feelgood songs. 

    And I carried one around for a few weeks playing in hidden areas and got reasonably good... until I lost it. The two harps I use in the band stay in my band kit bag and I don't use them..... I need to buy a replacement for carrying around.

    The tips I'd give are mainly covered already....

    Learn to bend notes via tongue shaping

    Cross harp for certain styles e.g blues(a D harp for playing in A)

    Force the air from the diaphragm not the mouth/cheeks. 


  11. On 04/08/2020 at 09:56, NancyJohnson said:

    More recently he's been posting up loads of old stuff on Facebook, some of it hilarious.  This one caught my eye...in these times of either not being paid for gigs (or even getting a free ice-lolly after playing some sh*thole in Worthing after driving 100 miles there and playing 45 minutes because 'it was good for our musical CV'), it was enlightening to see how much Depeche Mode got paid for a 45 minute support slot at The Rainbow in February 1981.

    So it's been a few days........... do you have another snippet from Rusty to share?

  12. 34 minutes ago, Dad3353 said:

    For rehearsals, indoors, with no audience, there's no question of 'pro' or not, as long as conditions are satisfactory. The 'Pro' part concerns those playing in public, earning their living.
    Hope this helps. B|

    Yes, that helps... thanks!

     I do have doubts about wether we can meet the guidance in that rehearsal room. Meeting is on 17th, let’s see what happens....,,,,

  13. The guys in my band are talking about having a rehearsal in a local studio. I’m really not sure about it , so we have decided to have a open air distanced band meeting instead. 
    in the meeting rehearsal will be the biggest topic..... so what do you guys think? We are not remotely professional, we make a net loss from the band.

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