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Posts posted by leschirons

  1. We've moved back from France and all my gear is still there apart from one bass so, I need something to play through whilst in lockdown. I was thinking of getting one of the Vox plug things for bass but keep hearing reports that they're poorly made and break easily. Anyone got opinions on this and if they are actually worth buying for noodling?




  2. 8 hours ago, Kevsy71 said:

    Yeah just been watching it too! Cracking band :)

     Did you recognise the bassist's second bass? Very nice looking 5-string J with maple board but I couldn't work out the logo...

    Didn't get a close look I'm afraid.  

    As you say, cracking band. Loved the drummer especially but class playing all round.

    • Like 1
  3. For what it's worth, here's my two cents worth.

    Years ago, I wanted a cheapy fiver to play dodgy venues with so I picked up an OLP Stingray 5 from Basschat well under £100. They're a bit dearer now, maybe £150.

    Same narrow string spacing as a real MM as they're licenced MM copies.

    Ended up using it on over 200 gigs in preference to my Fenders, Music Man and Status basses. Really comfortable to wear and play. Not the largest tone pallet in the world but certainly sufficient for 90% of gigs. Only sold it 3 weeks ago as I was cutting down on stuff to bring back to the UK. Huge mistake. I'd get another tomorrow if I thought I'd start gigging again and if you can find the Tony Levin model, that's even better.

  4. Ah yes, spotted that one the other day too. Looked great for the money.  Was sorely tempted but we're trying to move so don't need more stuff to shift. Look forward to hearing your opinion when it's up and running.

  5. A friend send me a voice mail .amr file to try and identify a number he's got in his head. Not even sure if this attachment will play on here but if it does, any help would be appreciated. He thought it may be by Seawind, I think it sounds more Spyo Gyra or Dave Grusin.

    If it doesn't play, any advice on how to change it to an MP3 would be handy

    Seems you can download the clip and then play it.





  6. There's a possibility that within the next 3 months, we will have moved back to the UK, permanently, unless of course after about a year we think we have made a serious mistake in doing so. 

    Reading all the posts in this thread,  it sounds absolutely dire and depressing, which has not really been the case here in France. I've played the last three weekends and that has only come to an end because it's the end of the public gig season.

    My pro mates in Blighty are all suicidal due to no gigging and are dreading when the government stop the financial help. It's going to be weird coming back to all this. Fortunately, I think I was coming to the end of my gigging days anyway as I can't really hack the late nights and humping gear any more. Not on a regular basis anyway. 

    I've just officially left my band here in France which was probably the busiest band in the whole department but deep down, I suspect I'm  looking forward to gig retirement and getting into home recording. (Unless of course I  start chatting to another couple of old lags in the Dog and Partridge who just fancy dusting off the gear for a couple of village fete gigs) 😂

    • Like 1
  7. Weird that things here are not the same as in the UK. The French government are taking things seriously but maybe it's the attitude of the venue owners and punters. Last night was the third gig for me in 8 days albeit that they were all outside and dependent on weather.

    The attached picture gives a clue to the farce that was to unfold 40 mins before starting last night's first set. So, if you add together, a stage right 500 ltr rainwater tank, a protruding tap, an inattentive french lead guitarist, I'm sure you'll figure out what happened. Took approximately 40 mins with towels and a hairdryer  to dry the entire drum kit, the WIFI mixer and his pedal board😆


    • Sad 1
  8. Got a gig at 7.30 tonight at a 3 day mini music fest. Love a gig where there's a supplied P.A and engineer. Normal fee so lucky there but could be a few problems as I'm one of two deps in a 4 piece band and the singer and guitarist are bricking it😆.  At least the two deps are me and the drummer and I've played with him before a couple of times.

    • Like 1
  9. 4 minutes ago, Hellzero said:

    @leschirons if you want Christophe LEDUC to fix the Gibson headstock that's the best option for sure and it will be totally invisible, but he is on vacation until the 10th of August. I just called him today to have some news as we are friends. 😉

    He would be my first choice. I'm seeing our guitarist tomorrow so will ask what he plans to do. I agree, Christophe's work is second to none. Thanks for info about his holidays.

  10. Re the Les Paul, he has OCD anyway with constant retuning on stage, changing guitars 15 times in each set, constantly checking connections on stuff that's working perfectly and wearing white gloves for the set up as it apparently tells him how grubby our equipment is 😳??

    So, I'm hoping he wants nothing to do with the guitar now it's busted and he'll ask me if I want it for 400€😅

    • Like 3
  11. 10 hours ago, Dad3353 said:

    Reminds me of the woman, talking to the surgeon who'd operated on her husbands arthritic hands...

    "Tell me the truth, please, Doctor; will he be able to play the piano..?"
    "Yes, Madam, he'll have no problem with that."
    "That's wonderful, Doctor; he'll be so pleased. He never could before."

    Ah, the old ones are the best.

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